Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #221
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 14 Oct 97       Volume 15 : Issue 221

Today's Topics:

      [A] News readers
      [A] News readers
      [Re] Sys8 Et c
      Apple (La Cie)_external 2.1 hard disk
      BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series...
      Bluish tint on Sony 100SX monitor
      Converting text files to settext
      custom folder icon maker (Re: Sys8 Et c)
      Directory Assistance II Replacement
      Directory Assistance II Replacement
      Grayscale Portrait monitor
      HP500C with centronics with Mac?
      Iomega Zip Tools Warning for Mac Users
      Looking For Manuscript Tracking Software
      Lost events - help needed
      LW Select 360 RAM [Q]
      mac client for Microsoft Mail 3.5
      macbinary to PC?
      MacTools & OS/8
      Megaphone and Power Mac 6500
      News readers
      Pegasus and system 8
      Powerbook 3400 external modems
      quicken users group or FAQ?
      Reading PC text CD-ROMs?
      REQ: MountImage or equivalent?
      REQ: MountImage or equivalent? (R)
      sfil conversion
      Submitting Files? Read this!
      Sys8 Et c
      Sys8 Et c
      USR Sportster Modem and Open Transport
      What are the good old days???

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Date: 10 Oct 1997 22:02:13 GMT
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: [A] News readers

In article <61lvsc$t8f$>, wrote:

> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 97 11:01:59 +0200
> From: Remmy Tourment <>
> Subject: News readers
> Hello,
> Is there some news reader program (preferably shareware or freeware) that 
> allows the connection to multiple news servers, and that is configurable 
> in order to specify that the user wants to connect to server A to read 
> newsgroup W, server B for newsgroup Y, etc... ? I am ashamed that a 
> friend has such a program on his PC, and that I never found one for the 
> mac....
> Thanks in advance
> Remy Tourment

Newswatcher does this.

Take the Newswatcher Preferences folder out of the Preferences folder from
the System folder.

Put it somewhere conveient. Take the preferences file (Newswatcher
Preferences) and rename it to something usefule like:

Duplicate it and name the new one something like at&t.prefs

Rename your Newsgroup file something like: gte.groups

Duplicate it and name the new one at&t.groups
Make aliases of these files and put the aliases in one convenient folder.

To connect to the gte server just double click the alias and
after it gets to the idle point, double click on the gte.groups alias.

To change servers just double click on the at&t.prefs alias. (The first
time make sure you change the settings to look at the new server.) Then to
read those groups doubleclick on the at&t.groups alias.

I use System 8 so I set up the folder with the aliases to be button, like

Works great.

visit me at: <URL:>
To email me remove the ".no.spam." in my address.
correct email:


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 15:02:13 -0700
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: [A] News readers

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

In article <61lvsc$t8f$>, wrote:

> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 97 11:01:59 +0200
> From: Remmy Tourment <>
> Subject: News readers
> Hello,
> Is there some news reader program (preferably shareware or freeware) that 
> allows the connection to multiple news servers, and that is configurable 
> in order to specify that the user wants to connect to server A to read 
> newsgroup W, server B for newsgroup Y, etc... ? I am ashamed that a 
> friend has such a program on his PC, and that I never found one for the 
> mac....
> Thanks in advance
> Remy Tourment

Newswatcher does this.

Take the Newswatcher Preferences folder out of the Preferences folder from
the System folder.

Put it somewhere conveient. Take the preferences file (Newswatcher
Preferences) and rename it to something usefule like:

Duplicate it and name the new one something like at&t.prefs

Rename your Newsgroup file something like: gte.groups

Duplicate it and name the new one at&t.groups
Make aliases of these files and put the aliases in one convenient folder.

To connect to the gte server just double click the alias and
after it gets to the idle point, double click on the gte.groups alias.

To change servers just double click on the at&t.prefs alias. (The first
time make sure you change the settings to look at the new server.) Then to
read those groups doubleclick on the at&t.groups alias.

I use System 8 so I set up the folder with the aliases to be button, like

Works great.

visit me at: <URL:>
To email me remove the ".no.spam." in my address.
correct email:


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 09:14:55 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Mark E. Ingram" <>
Subject: [Re] Sys8 Et c

Al Bloom <> wrote:

> I despise [OS 8] Views. I can't imagine the workings of a mind
> that thinks any given user likes to see anything other than what
> he or she likes to see.  All the time. I want to see the Fred
> folder this way and the Gladys folder that way? I sort of
> hoped the lobotomy had worked. And where in ruddy red
> naughtyword is the "staggered grid" option? Forget snap to
> grid if you have more than three items in a folder. Line them
> up yourself or get a window rather larger than your monitor.

I had held off writing my own diatribe on this subject, hoping that 
*somebody* on this list would make clear that I had overlooked some 
obvious (or non-obvious) way to get my beloved "staggered grid" Views 
option under OS 8.  Sadly, this seems not to be the case.

Does anybody at Apple remember that icons are a big part of what makes
the Mac OS a *graphical* user interface?  If someone likes to squint at 
jammed-up List views, that has always been their option - as well it 
should be.  For certain types of folders and documents, that is my 
preference too.

However, for dealing with diverse OS-related files - such as Control
Panels, Extensions and Preferences - I much prefer to select View by Name,
hold down the Option key and select Clean up by Name, and then click once
on the window re-size button to eliminate one or both scroll bars.  Using
this method, our lean Control Panels folders (on a few hundred machines) 
are compact enough so that all items are displayed in windows that occupy
just over one-quarter of most screens.

The main benefit of such a tight, alphabetical "picture" view is that if 
somebody has quietly installed some strange program, which then causes all
sorts of mysterious problems to appear, then the "ringers" fairly jump out
from all the old familiar faces.  Preferences can be just as instructive 
when viewed this way.

With OS 8, all of those "pretty" new icons not only take up considerably 
more space on the desktop than their predecessors did (even in windows 
whose staggered views persist from System 7.6.x), but also their 3-D 
loveliness is gained totally at the expense of clarity:  Where before I 
could recognize the (closed) Control Panels folder by its distinctive 
Icon, now the identifying graphic element is so small that I am forced 
into reading the title text anyway.  One might just as well go back to 
List view - which for me makes about as much sense as going back to DOS 
and typing "dir" from the command line interface.  What a huge step 
backward this is!

If someone could please provide an Apple e-mail address to which Mac OS 
suggestions and gripes can be addressed - one that somebody might actually
read - I will forward this along.


Mark E. Ingram

MarkT@Mo-Net.Com (also


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 23:46:13 -0400
From: Louis Bergeron <>
Subject: Apple (La Cie)_external 2.1 hard disk


Last summer I bought an Apple (made by La Cie) external 2.1 hard disk for
600$ Canadian dollars. I taught it was a genuine Apple product. Otherwise,
I would not have bought another La Cie product.

This same year, I had a problem with a Tsunami 170 Mb with a defective fan.
It was only three years old. The moron who answered my FAXes told my that
my drive was out of service and he could not SELL me a fan. I was not
asking for a free fan, just to be able to buy the exact same fan and have
it replaced by my friendly Apple dealer for a mere 55$ Canadian. Finally, I
simply asked this great guy to disconnect the fan. It is like I buy a car
and after the warranty have expired the manufactured do not want to sell
parts! Quite a genius who answered my call.

So, this summer, not knowing it, I bought another La Cie product, sold
under Apple's name from MacWarehouse. The fan was making more noise then a
diesel, rattling very loudly, like the drive is 10 years old and was used
in the Sahara desert. I returned the drive to MacWarehouse. The second one
was quiet in the beginning and became rapidly very noisy exactly like the
first one. MacWarehouse is refusing to replace it again, but I will insist.
In fact, I am asking for another brand of drive and no more La Cie
products. The guy at MacWarehouse told me the first time that it was a PITA
to deal with La Cie and this is why he asked me to return the drive to him
and not to La Cie. But this time, I will have to deal with La Cie, paying
shipping and so on.

So, La Cie is scraping what is otherwise a great product by cutting costs
on fans. In a quiet environment, a defective fan is clearly a nuisance,
since you are always hearing it in the background. This problem should be
solved by the manufacturer. I simply cannot recommend La Cie products from
my experiences.

Louis Bergeron

Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8 (819) 764-3862

Yves Plouffe & associ=E9s 209 9i=E8me rue Rouyn-Noranda J9X 2C1 (819) 764-64=
=46ax (819) 764-6888


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 08:50:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series...

Now, I'm NOT talking about the Performa 550-looking '030 Mac TV of 1993
(I've GOT one of THOSE already)  Somewhere, while exploring the farthest
reaches of the web, I stumbled across a pic of the actual machine (which
was based on the new 5000-series all-in-ones) as well as a set of
resources (icons, desktop patterns, etc.) all for a computer that I never
knew existed.  And, yes, it was BLACK...

Does ANYONE know anything about this machine?  I am VERY interested...



Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:03:53 -0400
From: Jeff Frankel <>
Subject: Bluish tint on Sony 100SX monitor

On October 5, Patricio Mason wrote:

>I'm trying to connect a brand-new Sony Multiscan 100sx monitor to a
>brand-new PowerMac 6400. As a third-party display, the Sony Multiscan
>requires a video adaptor. This adaptor was set by the dealer and came
>no instructions.
>After two weeks of use I'm getting a bluish tint which severely
>normal use of the monitor. My guess is that adaptor dip switches may
>in the right position, but without instructions I'm working blind.
>I wonder if someone could suggest the proper dip switch positions for
>monitor and computer. As this is only a guess, suggestions as to other
>causes of the bluish tint problem also welcome.

I had the same problem on a Sony 17SE monitor.  It turned out to be a
bad capacitor inside the monitor�s circuitry.  Since the monitor was out
of warranty, I had to foot the repair bill myself.
Jeff Frankel
Windsor, Maine  USA


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 15:46:25 -0500
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Converting text files to settext

>Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 10:13:07 -0400
>Subject: Converting text files to settext
>I have a number of digest files from a mailing list I run that I would like
>to post for others to download. I'd like to format them as SetText (like
>tidBits) but am having a real tough time trying to find info on how to to
>such a thing.
>I have NISUS and I remember hearing about a Macro that would allow you to
>convert text to set text.
>Any help out there?

First off, it's "setext".

Secondly, after you save them as text, most digests work fine in Easy View
using its Digest template.  But astonishingly, that's NOT the same as the
plain setext template which TidBITS uses (go figure!).

Anyway, I suggest you try saving your digests as text and putting them into
Easy View's Digest folder, then open the Digest template.  That should do

Hope this helps.  Cheers,


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 14:03:14 +0200
From: Sven Luetkemeier <>
Subject: custom folder icon maker (Re: Sys8 Et c)

At 2:37 +0200 30.09.1997, Al Bloom wrote:

> OK, I took the plunge and installed Sys8 on two of my machines (to date).

> Do we have a "custom folder icon maker" left? I like putting custom icons
> on my folders. My last best hope was Picon. It dies horribly under Sys8.
> Don't bother looking. It's author no longer exists at Dartmouth. Nor does
> the web site he pointed us to. Despite our best efforts, the sumbitches
> do graduate. And move on to more rewarding pursuits.

Folder Icon Maker works perfectly under OS 8. At least on my PowerMac 7500.
It should be available at info-mac.


Sven Luetkemeier


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 97 20:21:33 -0000
From: Nicholas Miller <>

This is a problem with System 8 and I am stumpped.  The other day I was 
doing some surfing and sending mail to some people from the sites I was 
visiting.  Each time I hit a mailto, the system asked me "Where is 
Eudora", and each time I told it.  Unfortunately I have two copies of 
Eudora on the hard disk and on subsequent posts I used the wrong one.  
Running 2 copies at once immediately caused flaky things to happen.  No 
problem, just reboot and start over.  Wrong the system will not shut 
down.  Oh well stuff happens, so I hit the handy reboot button and the 
system comes back up....almost.  It hangs right after loading extensions 
but before the stuff in the startup folder executes. The the stopwatch 
icon is displayed and you can move the mouse, but it does not "click".  
Command-Option-Esc allows you to quit the Finder and it makes the 
complete circuit back to the stopwatch.  To make a longggggg story short, 
I can no longer get system 8 to come up.  It will not completely start 
even from the CD or from another hard drive.  I reverted to system 7.5 on 
one of my hard drives and I am operational again, but this has got me 
stumped.  It will, however boot from the System 8 floppy or from system 
7.X disks.  I know that one solution would be to back up and reformat the 
drive and restore but I can't believe there is't an easier way that 
doesn't involve buying a dozen zip disks!!

I have already,
    1. Zapped the PRam (3 times) over the last 2 days
    2. Removed all control panels and extentions (except appearance 
manager which is mandatory)
    3. Done a clean install of system 8
    4. Run "Disk First Aid", Norton Utilities (while booted in 7.5 mode) 
and MacTools (ditto)
     These all reported corruption (which was to be expected after 
rebooting repeatedly) but all claim to have fixed all problems leaving 
everything fine and dandy.
     I use Silver Lining and I even tried updateing the drivers but I am 
using the most current version already and didn't see a way of updating 
without reformating.  

My system:
    PMac 7100/66 AV
    56 Mg Memory
    1 GB Hard Drive internal, (Currently experiencing the Problem) and a 
LaCie 380 MB external which is now acting as my boot drive.  
    USR Sportser Voice Modem

Any Idea's or solutions would be most appreciated.

Nick Miller



Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 13:55:07 +0200
From: Sven Luetkemeier <>
Subject: Directory Assistance II Replacement

At 2:23 +0200 28.09.1997, Al Bloom wrote:

> I would not call DF perfect. I thought DA II was about as perfect as one
> could expect in this imperfect world. My values. But with DA II dead, and
> Now's SuperBoomerang apparently not breathing on its own either, I see
> nothing better than "Default Folder." And it is pretty good.

I'd recommend a look at OtherMenu. Many of its options work in file dialogs.
For example, choosing a file or folder from the OtherMenu navigates the open
dialog to the appropriate folder.

It also keeps tracks of recent documents etc. However, it doesn't do this on
a per-folder basis like Default folder or DA II.

I also used to use DA II, but gave up long ago in favor of OtherMenu.


Sven Luetkemeier


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:52:24 +1000
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Directory Assistance II Replacement

In Info-Mac Digest V15 #217; Al Bloom (bless him) succinctly reviews
Default Folder, and concludes

>I would not call DF perfect. I thought DA II was about as perfect as one
>could expect in this imperfect world. My values. But with DA II dead, and
>Now's SuperBoomerang apparently not breathing on its own either, I see
>nothing better than "Default Folder." And it is pretty good.

DF's not too bad is it!  (I wish Hiro Yamamoto, genius and author of
Boomerang, would reissue the shareware version.  But then, Now have sort of
promised they'll fix Now Utilities... so we'll see... )

But Al, talking of Hiro, a _very_ good thing about DF is its author, Jon
Gotow.  Have you tried Sleeper?  For me the absolutely indispensable
program for desktop Macs...

all the best

(usual disclaimers apply:-)

bill  <> <>


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 97 12:08:21 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: Grayscale Portrait monitor

Hugi: you asked 

>Does anyone know if I can use the Apple Greyscale Portrait Monitor with the
>LC630 computer?

I think you'll find that the video on all Apple models is capable of 
driving all monitors made prior to the system's manufacture. I have an 
Apple portrait monitor, and when I bought a 7300 I was told by Apple UK 
that it did NOT support my AGPM. When I read the technical spec, though, 
I found that it DID indeed run the monitor.

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 09:02:53 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: HP500C with centronics with Mac?

I've come upon an old HP500C deskjet printer that was used with PCs.  The
printer has a Centronics connector and I have been unable to find a cable
to convert to the Mac.  DataComm Warehouse said there is no such creature
and the printer can only be used with PCs.  This seems a bit extreme.  Are
they correct or is there something specific out there I should be looking

Ken Laskey


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 09:49:06 -0700
Subject: Iomega Zip Tools Warning for Mac Users

  This concerns a serious problem I have encountered in one of the Iomega
Zip Tools utilities for the macintosh called "Copy Machine".  This utility
is intended to copy the entire contents of one 100 MB Zip disk onto
another, using a hard disk as temporary storage.  Unfortunately, it falls
short of that goal.

  Copy Machine will skip over any unallocated (free) area of the source
disk so as to shorten copy time, which is all well and good.  Sadly, at the
beginning of each unallocated area it starts this skipping two sectors too
soon so that it skips part of an area allocated to a file.  On a Zip disk,
allocation blocks are three sectors long, which means that about two-thirds
of the time some portion of the actual file is not copied, and that nearly
always spells disaster for that file.  On a source Zip disk in which there
are many unallocated sections interspersed among the allocated files, as
from numerous prior deletions, a single copying by Copy Machine can result
in truly spectacular damage to the destination disk's contents.

  This is comparatively easy to check directly with a utility like Norton
Disk Editor.  Norton Disk Doctor can easily detect files whose resource
forks have been truncated by Copy Machine.  With some effort it can be
determined that the loss in file content occurs in the first stage of
copying to temporary files on a hard disk.  The data are long gone by the
time the destination disk is inserted.

  For me this error has occurred with Copy Machine's versions 1.1 and 1.2;
on an ancient Mac IIci and on a brand-new PowerTower Pro 250; running under
Mac OS 7.5.5 and under 7.6.1; with and without unnecessary extensions and
control panels enabled; and for Iomega Zip drivers 4.3, 4.3.2, 5.0.1, and
5.0.3.  It appears to me that it is probably a universal problem for all
Mac users of Copy Machine up to and including version 1.2, which is the
latest I am aware of.

  I did inform Iomega of these findings as early as eight months ago, but
they seemed to have erected strong barriers against feedback from their
customers concerning their software.  It is to be hoped that this bug will
soon be fixed in an update.  In the meantime there must be many, many
macintosh users who have entrusted important data to copies made by Copy
Machine versions 1.1 and 1.2, and who are in for a rude awakening one day.

Roger Stafford - 10/10/97


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 97 20:40:50 -0500
From: "Matthew W. Schmeer" <>
Subject: Looking For Manuscript Tracking Software

Fellow Info-Mac'ers:

I'm a writer and poet who is quickly losing track of all my queries,
submissions, and credits using the standard index card method. I'm
looking for a better way to track queries and submissions using my Mac,
and I'll be damned if I can find a solution to meet my needs. There are
several query tracking programs on the Windows platform, but I've found
nothing on the Mac side that comes close to even matching the
functionality of those programs. I've searched the archives and
several of the other software search engines and come up empty, so maybe
a fellow Evangelist could help me out or at least point me in the right
direction. I've tried both MacAgent Demo (ugly interface) and 
QueryTracker (not enough flexibility).

Ideally, I'm looking for a a FileMaker Pro solution (or maybe even
HyperCard, although FileMaker Pro seems a better way to go) under $50
that will allow me to track:

title of piece
type of piece (article/essay/poem/etc.)
word count
line count
market info (journal name, contact info, etc.)
query date
query response date
submission date
submission response date
status (in transit/acceptance/rejection)
rights purchased (First North American, etc.)
amount paid>amount per word
copies received
publication date
bibliographic data (journal name, editor, etc.) for accepted pieces

Furthermore, the software needs to offer summaries of the above, alert me
to outstanding queries and submissions, allow tracking of simultaneous
submissions (the same piece going out to two or more markets) and (and
this is the kicker) generate a list of publication credits in ALA and/or
MLA formats. And the main interface has to fit on a 9" Classic screen
(okay, that's the other kicker).

I guess what it comes down to is three separate modules: one for tracking
individual article history, one for tracking publishing credits, and one
for tracking market contact and acceptance/rejection history. And they
all need to be combined via a common interface.

How do other writers on the Info-Mac digest keep tabs on such information?
Does anybody know of an existing software solution that meets these
needs? If such software doesn't exist, is anybody willing to undertake
designing the program in FileMaker Pro? Will I ever stop writing
sentences that end in question marks?

I'm probably not the only one looking for such a solution, so I am
willing to share my findings with the list.

Thanks in advance,

Matthew W. Schmeer


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:28:45 +1000
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Lost events - help needed

Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #217, (John Bull) :

>I have been plagued with a continuing problem where the event system
>appears to get into a confused state. This is most noticable with Microsoft
>Word 5.1a where the "I" bar cursur does not change to an arrow when moving
>off the Window. Other symptoms generally appear as being an event behind,
>so that extra mouse clicks are needed to perform other simple actions, such
>as to bring up a dialogue box or print a document. Eudora also gets into
>trouble, with the Window not "filling up" with information. When I try to
>shut the machine down I get a system message "Cannot close down because
>application unknown refuses to quit".

John, in all likelihood your hard disk is in a slightly confused state;
with damaged desktop files; and possibly a damaged catalogue.  Your Finder
preferences may also be at fault.  And your Appleshare data file - like
your desktop data files, this is invisible - may also be munged.

It's best to fix these things manually.  (Apple's method of rebuilding the
desktop with Command-Option at Finder boot time doesn't delete, it merely
rebuilds, the desktop files.  And while Tech Tool does do this, that
doesn't delete the AppleSharePDF file or the Finder Preferences file.)

You're best off rolling up your sleeves, and getting a Finder bits editor
like FileTyper or FileBuddy (both shareware) up on InfoMac in Disk...File.
Run the editor, and in turn open your HD partition/s, and one by one open
DesktopDB, DesktopDF & AppleSharePDF, dechecking the 'is invisible' box of
each and going Change.  Quit the editor.

Now open each HD partition window (your HD if you're not partitioned), and
manually put these newly 'visibilized' files into the trash.  Open the
Preference folder in the System Folder and put Finder Preferences into the
trash also.

Reboot, the desktop will rebuild, and now you can empty the trash.  You'll
have to reset the Views CP.

If the problems persist, as they may, your HD directory is clobbered, five
will get ten.  Boot off Disk Tools and check things with Disk First Aid.
If it fixes anything run it again.  And repeat this until it stops fixing.
Now run your Norton 3.1 emergency floppy, and let the Doctor check the
disk.  If you're unlucky and you've still damage which Disk First Aid
couldn't see, fix it, but don't trust your HD until at the least its been
re-initialized.  Yes, I know this is a drag... and this is also
conservative advice I'm passing on, it's just that a 'fixed' drive isn't
the same again...

>Any help appreciated, before I resort to a yucky box with Windoze!

It sounds like you've a secret longing <grin>.  Indulge it, you'll be back...

bill  <> <>


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 97 12:08:23 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: LW Select 360 RAM [Q]

Hi Jonathan

>It has 7Mbytes RAM but will take a 16 MByte SIMM upgrade.
>How to install the new SIMM (where on the motherboard & how to open)

This isn't in the manual: it just says ask your dealer to do it
>will it help (speed up) printing postscript pages with lots of formatting

Manual says that extra simms will "improve performance on documents that 
contain many fonts, and allows you to print more complex documents."

I have one of these beasts, and I've never been bothered by delays. My 
suspicion is that extra RAM won't speed printing of COMPLEX documents. 
They'll either print or you'll get a "Not enough memory" PS error. 
However, documents with many fonts WILL print more quickly, because the 
printer won't keep flushing the fonts from its cache, then reloading them.

Before paying for memory, you may want to try downloading all the fonts 
used in your "complex" documents (using eg Laserwriter Utility) then 
timing the printing process. This will reduce the memory available for PS 
processing, but it will prevent the printer from constantly flushing and 
reloading the fonts. On a document with simple PS coade and many fonts, 
it will simulate what you'll get with extra memory.

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 00:07:41 -0400
From: Phil McIntosh <>
Subject: mac client for Microsoft Mail 3.5

Help!  I need a Mac client to enable users with 68040 Macs to dial into an
e-mail server running Microsoft Mail 3.5 in DOS.  I have tried to search
the Microsoft web site for an answer, but was unable to locate one (or a
way to send this question to an actual human).  Please reply to

Phil McIntosh


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 20:00:22 GMT
From: (eschker)
Subject: macbinary to PC?

I posted files (word and excel) on a unix server using Fetch as
"Macbinary" (not Raw Data).

Now I want to download the files on a PC and use them.

Is there any freeware or shareware programs to convert macbinary so a
PC can read them?

thanks in advance.


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 21:31:36 -0700
From: Jim Carr <>
Subject: MacTools & OS/8

At 10:07 PM -0700 10/02/97, Al Bloom wrote:

>I made DiskFix and Optimizer boot floppies that way this evening. It seems
>DiskFix reports spurious "resource fork" errors -- invariably for Finder
>Preferences and for *some* other files. Norton 351 reports no such errors.
>Optimizer seems to work OK. Or I wouldn't be writing this note. I'd instead
>be spending these wee hours of Friday recreating my HD from backup tape.

I like MacTools Pro too because it often found different things than
Norton. With both, I felt I had a better chance at finding everything
flaky. I'm sorry its gone.

I wish you luck in your experiments. Personally, if the vendor says its not
supported under OS8, I would rather not try when its doing something
serious like disk optimizing or file repair. (My Macs crash enough as it
is. SIGH)

Of course, with a good backup first you don't have much to lose. Apple
seems to have thrown a few curves into OS8 and 8.1 promises a new file
system (optional) which will really confuse it.

*If I want to run MacTools, I can boot from an old 7.5.x or 7.6 boot CD and
it will be happy. Not sure I would let it fix my OS8 system folder, though.

*If you find MacTools fixes real problems that Norton missed, let Steve
Stockman <> know about it. He is the man who
can add stuff to Norton 3.6 or whatever next version will be.

*We can root for Total Recall-- which is publicly beta testing a challenger
to Norton Utils. Only with some competition will Norton (or any other
company) stay on its toes.

*MacTools and Norton have always disagreed on a few resources and would fix
each other's work if you alternated. It was a minor matter on which both
were partly right and I forwarded the explanation that was tracked down to

*Most of the cases where they differed involved fonts and stuff from Apple
or M$--usually bundle bits or modified dates. I now have Adobe ATM Deluxe
which examines fonts pretty good and I hope its enough. Conflict Catcher
examines resources in start up files it manages and I hope its enough.

*If under OS8 Norton 3.5.1 reports date problem with desktop file and you
let it fix, you will notice desktop rebuild on next start up. This happens
if you ever started up with Mac Easy Open and then disabled it--as I have
done. Use ResEdit or anything else which will find the invisible file
called just "desktop" (not desktop db or df or printers) on each partition
and make it visible and get rid of it. If you don't use Easy Open, its not
used and won't come back.


Jim Carr -             (I only speak for myself)


Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 07:32:14 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Megaphone and Power Mac 6500

Megaphone for Performa is installed in my new Power Mac 6500/225, and I am
configuring it to work alongside the fax software also pre-installed. I
wish to set the Megaphone preferences to answer after 4 rings, and the fax
after 5 rings, but I cannot find the "Telephone Setup" preferences panel.
When I select "Setup" in the Telephone Hardware section of the General
preferences, I get the Express Modem control panel, which is used to set
the fax auto answer rings. Where do I find the panel to set the phone
rings? Documentation refers to a Telephone Setup control panel, but I have
no such cp installed.


Laurence Hawkins


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 07:29:30 -0600
From: "Zimmerman, Robert (MSMAIL)" <>
Subject: MountImage

Hello fellow Mac-ers,

>For quite some time now I have been looking for a program which will 
>me to mount a disk image instead of having to find a blank disc and 
>the contents of the image file to the floppy.  I had a program years 
>that was called MountImage, by Steve Christensen [sp?] and it has
>dissapeared from my files, however now I have a need for that 
>again.  At the time, MountImage was beta, I believe 1.xB2?  Is 
>still around, or is there an equivalent OS8-happy program or utility?

>Thanks in advance.

Try ShrinkWrap.  There is still a version 2.1 out, which is 
free/shareware (free to individuals), and the latest is available as 
purely shareware (version 3.0) from Aladdin, the same people who do 
StuffIt.  The advantage of 3.0 is the ability to mount the new 
DiskCopy 6.x images from Apple, as well as use StuffIt to make smaller 
image files (and it can encrypt the images).



Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 21:44:38 -0700
From: Jim Carr <>
Subject: News readers

At 2:01 AM -0700 10/06/97, Remmy Tourment wrote:
>Is there some news reader program (preferably shareware or freeware) that
>allows the connection to multiple news servers, and that is configurable
>in order to specify that the user wants to connect to server A to read
>newsgroup W, server B for newsgroup Y, etc... ? I am ashamed that a
>friend has such a program on his PC, and that I never found one for the


I am using MacSoup. The way it works is to read your Internet Config file
to get name of news server. But it will first check folder where your
settings are for a set of IC preferences before it looks in system folder.

Thus, for groups on a different server, I create a new folder with a copy
of IC prefs in which I have the proper server specified and a settings file
for MacSoup that just has the list of groups on that server. Any extra
folders Mac Soup needs it will create and it will keep the available groups
list for that server in that folder.

Note: MacSoup is an offline reader, designed to get new headers and then
let you pick which messages to download. It does support kill files.

Any online reader that lets you specify the news server to use in the
settings file should let you have multiple settings files (best to have
them in a different folder) and it should be easy to just open the right
settings file. You can usually call the settings file or the folder
anything you like which will make it easy to keep things straight.


Jim Carr -             (I only speak for myself)


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 11:46:30 -0500
From: Diane Roy-Friolet <>
Subject: Pegasus and system 8


Since I have system 8 on my computer, Pegasus just won't work.  When I
open it, I get the message that I'm not connected to a server but I can
see my network server on my desktop.  Our technician verified the
configurations of Pegasus on my computer and everything is OK.  Can
anybody help me with this? =

Diane Roy-Friolet
Universit=E9 de Moncton


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 23:07:11 -0700
From: (Doug Hardie)
Subject: Powerbook 3400 external modems

I have a powerbook 3400 and am trying to use it with an external modem.  I
frequently have to configure and test such devices.  However, kermit
generally is unable to connect to the serial port as it is in use.  How do
I find out what has the port locked?

I can free the port by turning off local-talk, rebooting the powerbook,
turning local-talk on and then off.  Then kermit will talk to the external
modem properly.

If I don't turn local-talk on and off again, kermit will send to the modem,
but cannot receive data.

The approach I am using does work, but is less than elegant.  Surely there
must be a better way.  I also use MIDI devices and basically have to use
the same approach form them also.

Please respond to my email address as I am temporarily unable to access the
digests.  The machine that provided such service just went away and I have
not yet got a new source working properly.  Thanks,

-- Doug


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 17:19:14 -0700
From: "David L. Hirschberg" <>
Subject: quicken users group or FAQ?


I use quicken and am frustrated with their pay to wait customer service and
thinfo website.  Currently there is no way to reach a tech  support person
by email, and afterwaiting for 30 minutes on my phone bill I talked to a
tech support person that knew less about the product than I did.

Is there an independant users group out there that discusses things related
to the mac version of Quicken? Is there something out there better than
quicken for tracking and displaying portfolio's?

Sincerely, David


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 97 20:00:24 -0800
From: Andy Carroll <>
Subject: Reading PC text CD-ROMs?

Is there any way on a Mac to read CD-ROMs designed for PCs? The one I 
have in mind doesn't have anything fancy on it, just lots of text files. 
It seems to me this shouldn't be much more complicated than reading PC 
disks, but perhaps it is. And it may be complicated by the fact that I'm 
using an old 2x NEC CD-ROM drive. Any suggestions would be welcome.


 Andy Carroll, freelance editor              
 Vancouver, Canada


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 23:01:53 +1000
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: REQ: MountImage or equivalent?

Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #217; "S. Brewster" <> :

>For quite some time now I have been looking for a program which will allow
>me to mount a disk image instead of having to find a blank disc and copying
>the contents of the image file to the floppy.  I had a program years ago
>that was called MountImage, by Steve Christensen [sp?] and it has
>dissapeared from my files, however now I have a need for that capability
>again.  At the time, MountImage was beta, I believe 1.xB2?  Is MountImage
>still around, or is there an equivalent OS8-happy program or utility?

ShrinkWrap does this fairly reliably, but from Apple there's DiskCopy
6.1.3, an update of Steve Christensen's great DiskCopy 4.2.

DiskCopy 6.1.3 is disk image oriented, in the sense that if you double
click a disk image, it gets mounted on the desktop, rather than loaded for
disk copying.  You can still use DiskCopy 6.1.3 for its titled use, but
this aspect of it is rather counter intuitive.

DiskCopy 6.1.3 does mount images very reliably though, and very easily...
it's available for ftp on the ftp sites.

bill  <> <>


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 17:35:37 +0200
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: REQ: MountImage or equivalent? (R)

"S. Brewster" <> wrote:

> For quite some time now I have been looking for a program which will allow
> me to mount a disk image instead of having to find a blank disc and copying
> the contents of the image file to the floppy.  

DiskCopy 6.1.3 from Apple will do this, as well as the registered
version of DiskDup+ from Roger D. Bates (can be found in the info-mac

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: 10 Oct 1997 10:05:43 -0400
From: Art Werschulz <>
Subject: sfil conversion


Somebody recently gave me a Mac sound file (the file type was
"sfil").  I would like to convert it to an au or aiff file, which
would then be put on a web page (as I understand it, these are the two
most commonly-used formats).  Sound Machine (which I usually use for
this purpose) told me that the file had "no, or very little, sound
data", and refused to open the file.  However, the file *does* contain
sound; when I double-click it, it plays.


Art Werschulz (8-{)}   "Metaphors be with you."  -- bumper sticker
Internet:<a href="">WWW</a>


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:45:24 -0400
Subject: Submitting Files? Read this!

PLEASE, oh wonderful shareware authors, don't forget that much of this here
planet will not be familiar with your previous programs or versions
thereof!  Please provide a full description of your program posting (an
example of it's use is always helpful too!). A listing with only the

"BlurTMasteR 1.2 fixes that nasty bug which made your   computer ooze green

means nothing to me, since I've never come across "BlurTMasteR" and have no
idea that it is the very program I've been praying for someone to write
these many years!

Keep in mind that your file is only one of many files that pops by my
e-mail box and I spend too much time wondering "Why would I want that? Will
that do 'alta-vista' multi-word search thing? What the heck is that for?"
I'm on a 14.4 connection (as are most folks) and downloading a 1500k file
then finding out that it is only of use to PhD students studying green
spider monkeys named "Kevin", is pretty annoying.

So don't just post you programs (most of which blow the commercial
contenders out of the water, BTW) give us a taste of why your product is
any better than the 40 others in the info-mac digest! You just might wind
up being the next "whiz-kid"!

And yes, I do pay my shareware fees!


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 00:43:55 +0900
From: Tito Poza and Shari Custer-Poza <>
Subject: Sys8 Et c

The sagely Al Bloom wrote:

>OK, I took the plunge and installed Sys8 on two of my machines (to date).

I've installed it on 6 machines myself (between home and work) in Japanese
and English versions. I found Al's comments to be an interesting statement
on how we each use our Macs differently.

>I despise Views. I can't imagine the workings of a mind that thinks any
>given user likes to see anything other than what he or she likes to see.
>All the time. I want to see the Fred folder this way and the Gladys folder
>that way?

Actually, I do use different views depending on the folder or partition,
whether the folder contains many or fewer items, contains applications or
files and depending on whether I primarily use it or my husband does. With
many items, I sometimes prefer to view by icon rather than scroll through a
huge list. Inside of a folder (particularly a folder with documents as
opposed to applications), I'd prefer a list. It would be nice for those who
like a universal look to have the option of applying it to everything
though. I haven't read my manual though so there could be a way (but I
doubt it).

>And where in ruddy red
>naughtyword is the "staggered grid" option? Forget snap to grid if you have
>more than three items in a folder. Line them up yourself or get a window
>rather larger than your monitor.

If you hate "Views", I can see why you couldn't find it since it's now
under "Views" as "View Options" instead of in the "General Controls" panel.
I can see why this was a problem. I had to go looking for this myself.

>And the installer is a tad goofy. I specifically unchecked MacLink in
>each of the two installs. I own MacLink 9.7, so please don't bother me
>with your freebie. After the system install, my 7300 reported that I had
>an expired demo copy of MacLink. I had to reinstall. The "demo" did not
>at all like my real ID number and install code. No problem on the PB.

No argument here! I told it not to install personal web sharing on a
coworkers computer and it installed it anyway. It does appear to ignore
some things.

>Do we have a "custom folder icon maker" left? I like putting custom icons
>on my folders. My last best hope was Picon. It dies horribly under Sys8.
>Don't bother looking. It's author no longer exists at Dartmouth. Nor does
>the web site he pointed us to. Despite our best efforts, the sumbitches
>do graduate. And move on to more rewarding pursuits.

Hmm. I use the commercial program "Icon Mania" (by Dubl-Click) to do these
things. It works without a hitch under System 8.

I know a lot of people have had problems with System 8 but I've been one
happy camper with it on all the machines I use so far. The only "problem"
is it is RAM hungry and oddly hungrier on our PowerBook 5300c. However,
I've found it more cooperative with Adobe software than System 7.x, faster
overall, and more flexible in terms of configuration. I was a big Now
Utilities fan and was chagrined that it wasn't updated for System 8.0
originally but don't miss it a bit now.



Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:51:45 +1000
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Sys8 Et c

Re: Info-Mac Digest V15 #217; Al wrote:

>And it is official. MacTools Pro is dead meat under Sys8. Too ruddy bad.
>I liked Trashback. The only MacTools that still work are three apps that
>never made it to Pro: FileEdit, DiskEdit, and FastCopy.

Al, I've got Mac Tools Clinic 4.0.0 running nicely under 8.  As Ted Landau
has found and reported on MacFixIt, versions of Clinic < 4.0.4 work w/o
problems.  I was just glad that I'd cached the orginal floppies...

Clinic's still working is a relief, as I'll be hogtied if I can make the
Norton 3.5.0->3.5.1 updaters work properly.  And my conscience objects to
buying yet another Norton CD from Symantec just yet....  it's too much like
giving $$ to gangsters....

bill  <> <>


Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 19:32:46 -0400
From: David Harsch <>
Subject: USR Sportster Modem and Open Transport

I have a USR Sportser 28.8 external modem.

I have used this modem for the last 2 years with MacTCP and FreePPP.

Now I want to use the modem on a PowerMac running Open Transport.

When the modem dials in the ISP modem answers but just as they start to
talk to each other my modem hangs up.

I also have a Motorola Lifestyle 28.8 modem which works just fine.

I have check the modem settings and find both with what appear to me to be
identical settings.  The baud rate is the same, no parity, 1 stop bit and
all the settings for flow control, DCD, DTR etc.

When my problem started I issued ATz4 command to the modem to reset the
modem to factory profile 1 (&F1)

My friend took my modem and it worked just fine on a Win95 box.

Can someone please take the time to check their USR Sportster modem and
email me the dip switch settings for the modem?
Also if you can go into a communications program and issue the ATi4 command
to the modem and email me the results.

I would like to compare the settings of your modem with mine and maybe I
will find the problem.

Or maybe I am barking up the wrong tree.  Is there something in Open
Transport that I have to setup different than the Motorola modem?  I
selected the Modem script called "US Robitics Universal" .

Your help would be appreciated!!!!

David Harsch, P.Eng.
K. Smart Associates Limited


Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 15:54:06 -0500
From: Michael Gerber <>
Subject: What are the good old days???

I would like to start just by thanking Louis Bergeron's recap of the
early days of Info-Mac in Info-Mac Digest V15 #217. I certainly never 
experienced them. But I do think I understand what he's talking about. I 
am not sure if he will get what he wants, but if he wants what he had, I 
believe he will have to help to rebuild it from what is here and now.

I will try to help him now by filling you all in with a few thoughts and
problems I am having mostly related to OS8 and my Jaz drive. I am also
having serious problems with Illustrator 7 but I am not sure I want to
got there right now. I sure hope my observations that follow are
helpful, and that I am not as Louis described "one of those
poor guys who asked a question which was so simple it was a joke."

Well here's the skinny, the scoop and the problem. The major deal is
that I am getting alot of Read Errors from my Jaz carts. The problem has
only just begun since I upgraded to OS8. I have already backed up one
cartridge thinking it just corrupted or was bad media. But now that it
is happening with 3 other cartridges I am beginning to suspect that it
is a virus or OS8s fault (which I am starting to wonder if OS8 is the
virus). If I had to make a hypothesis I would guess that the Iomega
driver is corrupt, or that the 7500/100 doesn't like OS8. I
unfortunately did a dirty install from 7.6 to 8 and I am regretting it
horribly. The install went off flawlessly but I have felt it was very
unstable from the start. Most everyone thinks I am insane cause I really
don't like OS8. The interface is a step in the right direction but is
often incomplete or flawed. I have problems (cause I want them
implemented with more style andd integrity) with burrowing, the new
windows and views, the pop-up folders, the cmm, and worst of all the
dramatic slow down. I don't care if it feels more responsive, I only
care if it gets the job done faster. And I for one don't think that
copying files in the background is advantageous, when it slows down the
copying and the other tasks that my machine performs. What was the
purpose of writing the OS in native PowerPC code if its going to be
slower. I could go on or go into detail, but why bother, I know I am in
the minority on this one, and I am getting way off course.

I still don't know what to do with my corrupted Jaz carts. I have used
my Jaz for about a year with NO problems, and now in one week KABOOM? I
am using the newest Iomega driver 5.03 (but I have yet to trash it and
reinstall it new). I highly doubt that all the cartridges corrupted in
one week. And believe it or not I have done a virus search recently, but
I will get the newest virus description files on monday and run the
checker again. Also I should note that I am using the newest version of
Norton Utilities and it can't fix the problem.

I have also gone online to both Iomega and Apple (and most importantly
Macintouch) for any clues to see if I am the only one out there with
this new mysterious problem. Well it would appear that I am. I won't
tell you every extension that I have installed but I can tell you
definitively that I don't have bizarre/obscure extensions or control
panels, and certainly none of them are old. Infact I run my system very
clean to keep that bloated OS down below 13 megs (which might I add
expands up to 17 megs regularly - something that never happened with any
old systems). Oh yeah, and this memory bloat doesn't even count the way
the system wastes 20-30 megs when a program doesnt free up its
allocation when I quit it. I can't even believe this problem wasnt
addressed yet. Can anyone spell RESTART?

I could go on for hours but I will spare you. If anyone has any
suggestions, I would very much appreciate it. Cause honestly this is one
problem that I am not sure I can handle. I am almost ready to trash the
system and lose out 2 years of my work and just end my relationship with
computers altogether. Heck, I can always buy an NC, right?

I did want to throw in one more bit of criticism about the state of
things. For all of you Internet Explorer fans, please spare us with your
religous rants and raves. Sure you think its better than Netscape, and
heck you might be right, but I refuse to aid Billy to destroy the
Internet. SO enjoy your Push Technology as it gets pushed down your
thoats in those Active Channels. And don't even try to tell us that it
takes up less Ram, because it is the ONLY Macintosh program that I ever
saw that EXCEEDS its memory allocation and sucks up extra RAM whenever
it wants until it crashes your machine. That is not the way the Mac is
meant to work, and in about 10 minutes of surfing IE is using up as much
RAM if not more than  Netscape. And please don't ask why writing
Javascripts are so difficult or why they don't work in both IE and
Netscape, cause the reason is YOU, when you support Microsoft's
domination of the Internet and ALL platforms by your use of their
mediocre software. They don't support any standards (like JAVA) cause
they want to dominate EVERY market and EVERY platform. Is it asking too
much to ask you to be responsible? I hate religous zealots, which is why
I don't insist that you worship Jah, nor do I insist to people that they
should buy a Macintosh. So please try to drop the "IE is the best thing
since the holy <bleating> host" crud that I know will inevitably be
tossed about with the new version 4 release.

Thanks for your patience and once again,
I hope I helped out Louis,
-Michael Gerber



End of Info-Mac Digest