Date: Tue, 21 Jan 97 09:29:20 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #18
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest"


Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 21 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:

      [*] AppleMail to Cyberdog
      [*] BumbleScope 1.0.0, Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme
      [*] Disturbing Desktop Patterns
      [*] HAND! - Issue #16 (January '97)
      [*] HyperBook 1.11a - book catalog
      [*] Italian Verbs 1.2.4 - foreign language teaching
      [*] Japanese Font Pack 1.3 REPOST
      [*] Mailto Tamer Updater: v1.1 to v1.2
      [*] NiceStopShutDown 1.0.2
      [*] PageInspector 1.0b2
      [*] Pyramad v1.2 Pyramid Game
      [*] Quote of the Day new version (1.1)
      [*] Software Database 4.1
      [*] SystemNOTE v2.0.1
      [*] TidBITS#362/20-Jan-97
      [*] Type / Creator Database v2.9
      [*] Updater for Eudora's Speller
      [*] Updater for Spellswell Plus
      *blush* I can't find the reset-button...
      8500 power button
      [A?] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac
      [A]Desktop Printing 2.0 solved
      [A] Init String for Megahertz Cruisecard Modem
      [A] Need some advice on scanners
      [M] serial ports
      [Q] Web utilities for the Mac
      ADB fuse
      Capacity in Kbytes
      Claris translator for Word 6? (R)
      DiskExpress II Patches
      Eudora Lite J (2 msgs)
      how to merge/sort multiple bookmark lists?
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #17
      MacOS Functions (?)
      MacTCP DNR (2 msgs)
      Microsoft Mac Application Futures
      Neurology IPA
      Norton/MacTools Disk Fixing
      PowerBook 180c screen troubles
      Print 4 pages per paper (2 msgs)
      Printing from Mac Plus
      printing from microsoft office apps
      programming intro for kids
      SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5
      talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet?
      Web Resource for VRAM Options? (2 msgs)
      What's a Plus good for?

The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
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Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:29 -0600
From: (Gordon Eastman)
Subject: [*] AppleMail to Cyberdog

As of MacOS 7.6, Powertalk is dead. Cyberdog becomes Apple's supported
email client.

Before switching to MacOS 7.6, you can use AppleMail to Cyberdog to save
your AppleMail letters into one or more Eudora mailbox files. Each Eudora
mailbox file can be converted to a Cyberdog mail tray using Cyberdog's
Import Eudora Mail command.

Eudora mailbox files can also be opened directly by some applications,
including Netscape Navigator.

AppleMail to Cyberdog requires MacOS 7.5.5 with PowerTalk and AppleScript

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/applemail-to-cyberdog-as.hqx; 25K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 18:06:35 -0500
From: (Eric & Heather Reid)
Subject: [*] BumbleScope 1.0.0, Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme

BumbleScope 1.0.0 is a new Kaleidoscope Colour Scheme.  It started out as
a yellow and black, MetroWerks-inspired doohickey but evolved into a
full-fledged, bee-based makeover.  It includes a Colour Scheme, a desktop
pattern, a folder template for Folder Icon Maker and a plugin for Chris
Schaffhauser's A/K Patch.  Enjoy.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kalscp-bumblescope-100.hqx; 162K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:21 -0600
From: (Jeffrey Zeldman)
Subject: [*] Disturbing Desktop Patterns

Doll up your desktop with these whacked patterns from the Disturbing
Patterns collection at Just the thing to send your
office mates off, muttering sadly. To preview, double-click any pattern. To
install, just drag over your Desktop Patterns control panel. (Mac OS System
7.5 or higher required). Fun, funky, free.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/disturbing-desktop-patterns.hqx; 349K]


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 23:17:33 -0500
From: (BlueEagle)
Subject: [*] HAND! - Issue #16 (January '97)

The HAND! (Have A Nice Day!) newsletter is a monthly publication of clean
jokes & quotes.

This is a PDF version of HAND! & requires Adobe Acrobat to be read.

Back issues & TEXT versions of HAND! are available via. email request or
>From our web page at:

Mike Romaniuk,
Editor, HAND!

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/hand-016-pdf.hqx; 121K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 17:13:05 -0600
From: (David S. Mueller)
Subject: [*] HyperBook 1.11a - book catalog

HyperBook 1.11a is a book catalog program. You use to keep track of books.
It makes a great program for libraries to use as an electronic card file.
Included is a library mode, which hides most of the features except the
search features. Version 1.1 replaced the various buttons with a menu and
adds an optional password to exit the library mode, and version 1.11 adds
further refinements. Requires HyperCard 2. Shareware, US$10.00.

David S. Mueller

[Archived as /info-mac/data/hyper-book-111a.hqx; 14K]


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 23:17:39 -0500
From: (Jacek Iwansk)
Subject: [*] Italian Verbs 1.2.4 - foreign language teaching

"Italian Verbs 1.2.4" - Update.

The inflection of verbs is one of the difficult parts of learning
Italian since there are many irregular verbs. "Italian Verbs 1.2.4"
is a database that helps you to learn and refresh your knowledge
about the rules for the inflection of verbs.
The database contains 1020 verbs.
There are 5 predefined custom groups of verbs:
* irregular verbs with suffix -ire,
* irregular verbs with suffix -are,
* irregular verbs with suffix -ere,
* intransitive regular verbs with suffix -are that form compound
  tenses with "avere",
* common verbs.

To open this database you should use the application "Verbs & Nouns"
version 1.2.8 or higher (/info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-129.hqx).

The program "Verbs & Nouns" allows to:
* modify the database,
* practise inflection or translation of verbs,
* generate tests (with full statistic of results),
* record sound and make notes about the verbs,
* merge many databases into a single one.

Jacek Iwanski

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/italian-verbs-124.hqx; 707K]


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 11:17:14 -0500
From: (Mike McGee)
Subject: [*] Japanese Font Pack 1.3 REPOST

[Archivist's note: this file replaces a file of the same version that was


Version 1.3 Includes:
- Minor spacing adjustments on some charaters!
- COMPLETE characters for both the Hiragana and Katakana Font Sets!
- Expanded manual!

Have you ever wanted to "jazz" up a document with the addition of some
Japanese characters? Have you ever wanted clear crisp Japanese characters
at any font size? Have you ever wanted to use Japanese characters in
applications that don't work with the language kit? Well, with the addition
of the Japanese Font Package, you can do just that!

What is the Japanese Font Package?

The Japanese Font Package is a collection of Hiragana, Katakana and some
special characters that are unique to Japanese. The use of these characters
is made possible through a keyboard layout similar to those used in Japan.
Rather than using Romanji, each character can be written with the push of a
Each key is given a special Japanese character as it's output.  The
character to the right of the standard letter, is the hiragana or katakana
key that will be printed when entered.

The Japanese Font Package includes pictures of the entire Japanese keyboard
which have been provided in various graphics formats. (PICT, GIF and JPEG)
It is recommended that you print out the keyboard layout and use it to
determine which Japanese characters you wish to type.

What files are included with this font package?

The Japanese Font Package includes essentially four things:

1.  Hiragana Brush font.  This font comes complete with a bitmapped
version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version  (for use with

2.  Katakana Brush font.  This font also comes complete with a bitmapped
version, a TrueType version, and a PostScript Type 1 version  (for use with

3.  Keyboard Layout Folder.  Inside this folder there are 3 images of the
hiragana and katakana layout you will use.  These files are all identical,
however they have been converted into different graphics formats for easy
viewing/printing.  These formats are PICT, GIF and JPEG.  Use your favorite
graphics program to print out the layout for use with typing in Japanese.

4.  Complete manual!  This manual should answer all of your questions,
however if you still have questions or comments, you can send email to:

[Archived as /info-mac/font/japanese-font-pack-13.hqx; 841K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:26 -0600
From: (James Kass)
Subject: [*] Mailto Tamer Updater: v1.1 to v1.2

This file will allow a user to update a previously downloaded copy of
Mailto Tamer v1.1 to version 1.2.

Please report all questions or bugs to:

...and check out my web page!

James Kass (

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/mailto-tamer-12-updater.hqx; 17K]


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 11:21:26 -0500
From: (Eugene Cohen)
Subject: [*] NiceStopShutDown 1.0.2

NiceStopShutDown v1.0.2
(c)1993-1997 Eugene Cohen <>


     NiceStopShutDown will restart the computer when 'Shutdown' is chosen
>From the 'Special' menu.  HOWEVER, if the option key is down, the computer
will shut down gracefully (and the hard disk's head will be parked--this is
important).  This extension is intended to be used on computers in lab
situations where you don't want the computers being turned off and on

Changes since last version: 1.0.2  Updated contact information and readme

[please include this on the CD-ROM(s)]

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/nice-stop-shut-down-102.hqx; 12K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:18 -0600
From: (Douglas Clarke)
Subject: [*] PageInspector 1.0b2

PageInspector 1.0b2

PageInspector is an HTML syntax checker for Macintosh. Picks up hard to
find errors in HTML documents.

Includes many new features and bug fixes.

Works on all Macs running System 7 or later. Accelerated for Power
Macintosh. Shareware $15.

Written by Douglas Clarke, LakeSoft, Inc. email:

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/page-inspector-10b2.hqx; 276K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 11:38:53 -0500
From: (MagiCastle)
Subject: [*] Pyramad v1.2 Pyramid Game

PYRAMAD - The Egyptian Pyramid Game

The secret pastime of the ancient Egyptians has finally been revealed.
Pyramad will fascinate you as well with its intriguing combination of luck
and skill. As you will discover, the real curse of the Pharaohs was that
they could not stop playing this game!

Pyramad is simple to play, yet endlessly challenging. The object of the
game is to build a complete pyramid from randomly drawn blocks. You must
match the hieroglyphics along each side of the blocks in order to place
them together. Continue playing by stacking them up on the next level of
the pyramid. If you can reach the top, you win!

There are actually two different games contained within Pyramad. The "Game
of the Nile" and the more advanced "Game of Pharaoh" are sure to entertain
players of all abilities. Also included is an interactive guide book which
illustrates a sample game and some basic strategies to assist your play.

Beautifully rendered authentic Egyptian graphics make this game a true work
of art. Pyramad is a magical new experience for every kind of game player
that will captivate novice and expert alike. It is a must-have for
solitaire or mahjong tile fans and anyone else who appreciates a really
great game. Like the pyramids of Egypt, Pyramad is a timeless classic.

Both Macintosh and Windows versions are available on all major online
services and the Internet. For more information visit MagiCastle at: Inside the castle you will find displays and
downloadable versions of all our products as well as other high quality Mac
and Windows games.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/pyramad-12.hqx; 4740K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 17:13:11 -0600
From: (Alastair Matthews)
Subject: [*] Quote of the Day new version (1.1)

Quote of the Day 1.1 offers a number of improvements to this app which
displays an original quote for a short time when you startup your Mac.
+ Quotes are now displayed in a clearer font and it's possible to copy and
paste quotes into and out of the program.
+ The auto-quit time can now be set, for those who found it too short/long.
+ Some aesthetic cleanups and some extra quotes suggested by users
+ Slightly more efficient code.

thankyou again,

Alastair Matthews

[Archived as /info-mac/app/quote-of-the-day-11.hqx; 235K]


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 23:39:04 -0800
From: (Tom Schmidt)
Subject: [*] Software Database 4.1

Keep track of all of your software in one easy to use ClarisWorks 4.0
database. Can't remember how much unpaid shareware you have? Let the Software
Database help you sort it out! Need that tech support or upgrade phone number?
Version number or serial number? Email, regular mail, or web address? Here
they are, all in one central location! Macintosh or Windows. Postcardware.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/software-database-41-cw4.hqx; 22K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:24 -0600
From: (John Maysmith)
Subject: [*] SystemNOTE v2.0.1

This has been uploaded to replace version 2.0 of SystemNOTE which I
uploaded around the last week of Decemeber. There was a bug in version 2.0
that has been fixed. Here is the short description of SystemNOTE:

SystemNOTE v2.0 is a control panel allowing you to put up a message (and
picture) during the startup and shutdown of your computer.

Thanks for your help,
Michael Maysmith.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/system-note-201.hqx; 87K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 21:19:04 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#362/20-Jan-97


In this issue we take a look at some of the eye-catching new products from
Macworld, including a spate of feature-rich HTML editors and Rev, a version
control utility for real people. We also have news about Apple's new online
tech support, a PowerBook 1400 update, and (last but not least) a hearty
welcome for new Managing Editor Jeff Carlson, who takes you on a
first-timer's tour of the Macworld Expo.

    HTMLbits: HTML Editors Trend Toward Free Placement
    More Details on Energy Saving Control Panels
    Rev: Saving Us From Saver's Remorse
    Impressions of a Macworld Newbie


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-362.etx; 30K]


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 19:28:20 -0600
From: (Ilan Szekely)
Subject: [*] Type / Creator Database v2.9

Update notice

Type / Creator Database v2.9, January 3, 1997

14812 entries now ! 2581 new entries.

Data Base interface program by Daniel Azuma Data Base maintained by Ilan
$10 shareware.

Files included are:
Type/Creator 2.9 ReadMe (this file)
Type/Creator Database 2.9
Type/Creator DB FM template (template for FileMaker) Type/Creator DB FM3
template (template for FileMaker 3)

For the latest version look at:

Directory structre may change. Look for TYPE_CREATOR_DB.HQX or the like.
Please use Fetch or Netscape for downloading. This is a VAX/VMS site and
Anarchie does not recognize its DIR list format.

Mirror sites:

Address for snail-mail and shareware fee: Ilan Szekely
P.O.B 3942
Jerusalem 91039

E-mail -
Ilan Szekely
Visit <>

[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/type-creator-database-29.hqx; 396K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 17:12:49 -0600
From: (Dave Johnson, Working Software)
Subject: [*] Updater for Eudora's Speller

The enclosed updater application will update your older Spellswell 7 2.0.x
to version 2.1. It will not update Spellswell 7 versions older than 2.0 or
Spellswell 7s that have been somehow modified. (Please contact us at if the updater has trouble - we'll send you a Spellswell
7 2.1.)

If you received an older Spellswell 7 with Eudora Pro 2.x you must contact
Qualcomm, Inc. at to upgrade your Eudora Pro to 3.0,
or purchase Spellswell Plus from Working Software for $14.95 at

This updater will not work to update Spellswell Plus. (A free Spellswell
Plus 2.1 updater is located on our "How To Upgrade" web page at

Dave Johnson
Working Software, Inc. Web page: PO Box 1844, Santa
Cruz, CA 95061-1844 (408) 423-5696 FAX (408) 423-5699

[Archived as /info-mac/text/spellswell-7-to-21.hqx; 379K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 17:12:52 -0600
From: (Dave Johnson, Working Software)
Subject: [*] Updater for Spellswell Plus

The enclosed updater application will convert your older Spellswell Plus to
version 2.1. It will not update Spellswell 7.

Working Software

Dave Johnson
Working Software, Inc. Web page: PO Box 1844, Santa
Cruz, CA 95061-1844 (408) 423-5696 FAX (408) 423-5699

[Archived as /info-mac/text/spellswell-plus-to-21.hqx; 362K]


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 00:10:58 -0500
From: "Paul J. Schinder" <>
Subject: *blush* I can't find the reset-button...

At 11:06 AM -0800 on 1/18/97, Info-Mac wrote:

}Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:04:11 -0500
}From: Chaz Larson <>
}At 9:46 PM +0100 1/15/97, Michael Brostr=F6m wrote:
}>This is just as silly as it sounds... I've got a Performa 6400 and I can't
}>seem to find the reset-button... When it hangs I've no other way to fix it
}>than to pull the power cord and that seems a little dangerous...
}I don't know where the reset buttons on a 6400 are [or even if that machine
}even has them], but one alternative to pulling the plug would be pressing
}command-control-powerkey, which is functionally the same thing as hitting

It has one, although it's hard to find.  I actually pulled the plug on mine
twice when command-control-powerkey didn't work before finally tracking
down where the reset was in the manual.  The reset button is on the
immediate left of the monitor port looking from the back of the machine (so
it's near the upper lwft corner of the machine).  I haven't actually
*tried* it yet, but there is a button there, and it is in the manual if you
look hard enough.


Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693
Greenbelt, MD 20770


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 21:45:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 8500 power button

Apple's manual says you should not hit the front power button a second time
unless at least 10 seconds have passed.  What happens if you do?  Could it
have anything to do with freezes on start-up?


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 18:33:12 +0000
From: (Peter Grundy)
Subject: [A?] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac

In article <5b93ic$40p@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, (The Info-Mac Moderator wrote:

:The printer works fine connected to her PC (via a splitter box - the Mac
:replaces the 2nd PC).  I downloaded what seems to be the right driver from
:HP's web site, I bought a Mac serial cable which (outwardly) connects fine
:between the 25-pin splitter box connector and the printer port of the Mac.

I *think* you may have to purchase PowerPrint to do what you require. I too
had a PC printer (DataProduct) and a StyleWriter connected via an AB switch
box and it worked fine, no problems. You could try contacting PowerPrint at or

Hope this helps.



Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 03:07:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [A]Desktop Printing 2.0 solved

After reinstalling Deskktop printing 1.0 and using it for several days. I
reinstaled D.P. 2.0 again.  This time it works(so far). The only difference
is that I've now added Ram Doubler 2.0 in the "file Mapping" only mode. Maybe
D.P. 2.0 needs Virtual Memory to be active???

thanks to all who wrote
John McGibney


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 01:26:11 -0600 (CST)
From: Rick Russell <>
Subject: [A] Init String for Megahertz Cruisecard Modem

> From: Paul Rodman <>
> Subject: Init String for Megahertz CruiseCard Modem

The Oracle consults the runes and says
	 the init string for a
    Megahertz XJ2288 PCMCIA card modem


Seek the wisdom of the Oracle again?

Rick R.


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 13:23:47 -0500
From: (Edward Ver Hoef)
Subject: [A] Need some advice on scanners

In Infomac #16, William Akey said (in part):

>I am about to purchase a scanner and would like to have some sage advice as
>to what brand of scanner to shell out for.  I have tried an HP Scanjet 4C
>and found that it worked very well and seemed to have good color rendition.
>I don't like the price, though.  I am looking in the $800 range or less if
>possible.  I have also used (not done by me) scans from a UMAX (don't know
>the model) and found the results not as good as the HP.


I can't really offer a comparison in that I have only ever used one
scanner. A little less than a year ago I bought a Microtek Scanmaker E3 to
use with my Quadra 605. My use is merely to capture some photographs for
inclusion in A family history I am writing and in a web site I am building
for my church. I also use it for OCR work to avoid manual re-entry of text.
Thus far I have been very satisfied with its quality. I am slightly annoyed
with the need to reload the Scanmaker plugin to Photoshop between each
graphic scan but it is a minor concern. Of a little more significance is
the fact that, although it si a SCSI device, it does not have an output
port and therefore there is no way to employ a SCSI terminator unless you
get a pass-through terminator. The good ones are somewhat expensive, being
in the range of $50. Until I breakdown and get such a terminator, I have
limited myself to shutting down my system, unplugging the rest of the SCSI
chain and plugging in the scanner as the only SCSI device, and then
restarting. I don't have to do this too often so I haven't been
sufficiently annoyed yet to put out the $50 but I'm about on the verge.

I hope this is of some value to you.

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:29:22 +1300
Subject: [M] serial ports

Where are the serial driver (.aIn, .aOut, etc.) kept on the Mac? Are
they discrete, presumably hidden, files or system resources or what?

Can one generate high baud rates (115200, 230400) with the standard
drivers? If not, are high speed drivers available somewhere?

In labview, the baud rate is passed to the driver as a 16 bit number.
Hence, you can't specify baud rates of 115200 or 230400 because of
overflow. Is there any way to tickle the labview serial drivers to
use the high baud rates?


Simon Radford
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Tucson
(Currently stationed at South Pole)

PS: Please reply to both and Thanks.


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 00:14:08 -0500 (EST)
From: Florin Neumann <>
Subject: [Q] Web utilities for the Mac

A query from a friend:

  Hi there...

  I was just wondering if there are any programs like these for
  the Mac...

  *  L View (PC program) - it is a photo compression program to
  make photos small in file size for the web...

  *  Map Edit (PC program) - it allows you to put hot spots over
  pictures, graphics, etc. for the web...

  If anyone knows of any programs that are similar for the Mac
  it would be very appreciated...Thanx...

  Sandra Wardell


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 16:20:30 -0400
From: whitacre.10@whitacre.10@osu.eduu (Michael Whitacrer)
Subject: ADB fuse

trackball on a PB160 does not work, mouse (?) buttons don't work either.
an external mouse works when i plug it in the rear adb slot. motherboard
fuse was blown; fixed it. replaced the trackball assembly with a new one
>From apple but it still does not work. i remember hearing about an adb
fuse somewhere. could this be the problem? where is it? what else could
it be?

appreciate greatly any help.


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 20:22:53 -0700
From: Robert Fransen <>
Subject: Capacity in Kbytes

Is there any one who can tell me how to change the Mac OS System so I can
read the capacity of the disk and the available space in the header in K
Bytes instead of in M Bytes as it is now. Apple used to have that and they
took it out, it really should be selectable. I know how to use ResEdit but
do not know where to look.
Robert Fransen


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 11:10:53 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Claris translator for Word 6? (R)

frankie bausch <> wrote:

> Is there a Claris translator for Word 6 documents?

There is one included in DataViz's "MacLink Plus", version 8.06i,
which is bundled with the new Macs here - probably also available
separately from DataViz.

Best wishes, Christian. --


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 16:13:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: DiskExpress II Patches

From: (Herb Kroemer)

>>>I have been using DiskExpress ever since the program came out some 10
years ago (upgrading along the way) and never had any problems with it
-- until recently, when I started getting the message "Memory used by
DiskExpress II has been corrupted. This computer should be restarted
immediately." (Nothing serious ever happened even then). It turns out
that DE II has a conflict with System 7.5.3.

Alsoft is evidently aware of this, and they are offering (but not
publicizing) a patch in the form of a "DiskExpress Helper #2"
Extension, which can be downloaded from "Pica Software - Updaters and
Maintenance Releases" ( -- I don't
think I am allowed to post it here myself). It fixes the problem. There
is also a "DiskExpress Helper #1", which fixes some problem with
AppleShare. I haven't tried it.

Inasmuch as Alsoft is not publicizing the patches, I thought that
others using DE II might benefit from spreading the news here.<<<

Hi Herb,

I called Alsoft last week, & the rep told me an upgrade for DE II will be out
in a couple of months. All registered users will be notified. The upgrade
should resolve the problems, as well as add a few bells & whistles to DE
II--I hope.



Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 21:22:25 -0500
From: (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCR2s4NkJnQkBPOhsoQg==?=)
Subject: Eudora Lite J

>Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:02:56 -0800
>From: Chuck Garrett <>
>Subject: Eudora Lite J
> * Buy the Japanese Language Kit (v1.2), and then use Eudora Lite -J from
> * qualcomm. This should handle the encoding correctly, methinks.
>Does anyone have a URL for this?  How 'bout that.  'Am using it: Eudora-J
Few bugs, but can live with.  No mime support tho'.  Requires less than

Daitaro Hagihara


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 16:24:17 -0700
From: (Walter H . Drew)
Subject: Eudora Lite J

>Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:02:56 -0800
>From: Chuck Garrett <>
>Subject: Eudora Lite J
>At 9:31 AM -0800 1/15/97, Info-Mac wrote:
> * Buy the Japanese Language Kit (v1.2), and then use Eudora Lite -J from
> * qualcomm. This should handle the encoding correctly, methinks.
>Does anyone have a URL for this?

Try this URL for Eudora-J1385, the freeware version of Eudora-J. It may be
what you want. The URL works. I just tried it.




Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 20:48:26 +0000
From: Jack Countryman <>
Subject: how to merge/sort multiple bookmark lists?

I need to find a way to merge, sort, and edit a number of bookmark lists
to a single one which I can then distribute to others for use in
Netscape.  Is there a program somewhere that will let me have multiple
lists open at once and then copy/paste/delete from them easily?  If so,
what program and where do I find it.  Thanks in advance!  Please reply
to me...I can summarize back to the list as needed.


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 00:17:46 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #17

>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:34:37 -0400
>From: Andrew Murray <>
>Subject: [A] I can't find the reset-button...
>>From: (Michael)
>>Subject: *blush* I can't find the reset-button...
>>This is just as silly as it sounds... I've got a Performa 6400 and I can't
>>seem to find the reset-button... When it hangs I've no other way to fix it
>>than to pull the power cord and that seems a little dangerous...
>Don't worry! there isn't supposed to be a reset button. To do the same
>thing as a reset button would, you use the keyboard. hold command and
>control while pressing the power key. this will 90% of the time work. if it
>doesn't, just cut the power. I wondered the same thing when i bought my
>5200. I thought what do i do if it hangs? Luckily, a man who was in the
>store came over and told me the reset trick. :)

Um, it's in the manual, of course...  Or rather, in some cases it is, and
in others, it isn't!

The history of "restart" on the Mac is a bit occluded isn't it.  Before the
IIcx there was that little plastic restart/interrupt switch which came
separately, and lay at the bottom of the carton for a week before one
realized, or was told, that it wasn't a piece of a model airplane kit
dropped in by mistake: those two prongs hit switches behind the side vent.

Then there were the two nice miniature built-in switches on the front of
the cx and ci.

Then if I remember right on the IIsi there was nothing, and no loose
plastic in the carton either.  And hidden away in the manual the advice
that Control-Command-Startupkey did a reset.  And this set the pattern for
the LC's, Performa's and PowerMacs.

So 12 months back, working with a friend on his late '68K Performa, a 580 I
think, we needed to reset; and hit the key combination.  And nothing
happened...  so we hit it again, and still nothing happened...

We checked his manual.  And found words to the effect that if the machine
should crash, one pulled the plug on it.

And I've seen this again subsequently, on later models of Performa.
Michael, I hope yours isn't one of these.

And thus the general advice has got to be: now that MacsBug, the Apple
debugger, is widely and freely available at places like,
we should all be using it.  And hitting <rs> or <rb> in crashes and
freezes.  And despite those manuals, _never_ if humanly possible pulling
the plug!

I think I'm a bit angry about this...

bill  <> <>


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 21:21:21 -0500
From: (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCR2s4NkJnQkBPOhsoQg==?=)
Subject: MacOS Functions (?)

The Info-Mac Moderators $B$5$s$,(B 11:06 AM 1/18/97 -0800$B$4$m$K(B
$B!V(BInfo-Mac Digest V15 #17 2/3$B!W$N7o$G!'(B
>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:19:21 -0500
>From: Chaz Larson <>
>Subject: MacOS Functions (?)
>At 7:36 AM -0600 1/16/97, Anthony F. Erwin wrote:
>>"Hi", from a new poster, :)
>I'm not sure what you mean by "specific Macintosh functions specifcally for
>use with CodeWarrior", but I believe what you're looking for is "Inside
>Macintosh", a set of books that describe the Mac API in exhaustive detail.

Don't forget mpw 411, sort of.

Daitaro Hagihara


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 21:33:13 +0100
From: Bo Bjulen <>
Subject: MacTCP DNR

Mark Evans wrote in Info-Mac Digest #16:

> I was gleaning my hard drive recently, and I found my MacTCP DNR control
> panel file had bloated to over 5.6 meg of space!  What the heck?  Clicked
> info and it could not be set to any specific size. Why is it so big?  Waht
> does it do?  Can I make it smaller? What gives?

Just delete it, a new file will be created automatically when
MacTCP is initialized next time.

MacTCP DNR becomes corrupted sometimes and that can cause problems
but since the important information is stored elsewhere it can be
deleted without any consequences.
Bo Bjulen               <>
Malmo, Sweden


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:16:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: MacTCP DNR

>From mark evans:

>I was gleaning my hard drive recently, and I found my MacTCP DNR control
>panel file had bloated to over 5.6 meg of space!  What the heck?  Clicked
>info and it could not be set to any specific size. Why is it so big?  What
>does it do?  Can I make it smaller? What gives?

this is from the informinit 1.3:

* MacTCP DNR: This file, which is loose in your system folder, is not really
a control panel, even though that's what it says it is... DNR stands for
"domain name resolver" and contains part of the information needed by TCP/IP
applications. Under System 6.x, control panels were loose in the system
folder. Thus any application that needed TCP and/or DNR information would
look for the MacTCP control panel in the system folder. Under system 7.x, all
control panels were moved to the "control panels" folder. However, some
applications still looked for TCP/DNR info in a control panel in the system
folder. To ensure backwards compatibility, MacTCP creates this file to
provide information for those applications. Some applications still look for
the info in a control panel, so the "type" code of this file (and the file
type listed in the "Get Info" box) is set to "control panel." For whatever
purpose, even some newer applications still use the MacTCP DNR file directly,
instead of using Mac TCP.

Another reason this file exists, and the reason it still exists under Open
Transport, is that it provides compatibility for applications that are not
yet Open Transport-aware. These applications still use the above method for
obtaining DNR information, rather than using the MacTCP compatibility model
of TO. In order to support these appli'll notice that even if you throw it
away, it is recreated the next time a TCP call occurs. Supposedly Apple will
finally do away with MacTCP DNR under Open Transport 1.1.1.

hope this helps.

m. fletcher


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 11:44:23 +0100 (MET)
From: (Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?Brostr=F6m?= )
Subject: Microsoft Mac Application Futures

>From: Andrew Vernon <>
>Subject: Microsoft Mac Application Futures
>Florin Neumann wrote:
>> I don't know what Microsloth is doing these days with Word (v. 7 has
>> been available on Wintel for quite some time), but, yes, there were
>> serious rumours from MS that they were seriously at work on a _real_ Mac
>> version of Word, although how seriously one should take MS rumours ...
>Microsoft seems to be telling the truth this time.  With Mac applications
>10 percent of the company's sales, they finally realized that the Mac
>market is too valuable to abandon even as they continue to promote their
>own platforms.
<very interesting read snipped>

So does anyone know of a preliminary date for Office 97? I am using
Microsofts products on my Win95-machine and must confess to liking them for
their usability in that environment. Unfortunately I've tried using Word
6.0.1 on the Mac (in order to maintain a common working environment) and
it's just too darn slow! (That's on a Performa 6400/180 w 32 MB RAM).

Hey you guys at MS, get working!!!  8)


PS. If anyone knows of a way to get Word up from a slither to at least a
crawl, please share your wisdom.


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 97 18:51:37 -0000
From: "Elliott G. Gross" <>
Subject: Neurology IPA

We are a group of Neurologists in New York who are forming an integrated
specialty IPA. We would like some assistance in collating our medical
data from our individual practices. We need software/server hardware to
form a database to use the information for such purposes as medical
outcome results. This could then be used for determiing clinical pathways
and for negotiating contracts with Managed Care entities and employers.
We also intend to market our group, tentatively called Neuro-Care, Inc.
to other multi-specialty groups and group practices. Most, if not all the
companies offering such products are not for the MAC.

If there is anyone interested in advising us how to proceed, we would be
delighted  to hear from you. You may contact me at <> or



Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 16:51:55 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)
Subject: Norton/MacTools Disk Fixing

On Thu, 16 Jan, Lewis Hosier wrote (re Norton dying on a repair)

>I had a similar problem on a 7200 and found Mac Tools found the problem
>and fixed it. The two seem to work together and each finds different

I agree, Lewis. I've fixed things with MacTools that Norton couldn't touch.
And vice versa. Unfortunately, MacTools has been orphaned. It is no longer
on Symantec's price list.

I'll keep my MacTools Pro 4.0.3 (on universal 7.5.3 boot floppies) as long
as it still works. After that, I guess we're at the mercy of whatever Norton
offers us.

Al Bloom


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 09:37:16 -0500 (EST)
From: (Lonnie Kurowicki)
Subject: PowerBook 180c screen troubles

We have a PowerBook 180c that has a screen problem where the
top 1 inch or 2 of data is folded over to data below it, "fold over".
Flexing and holding the screen in the corner returns data to normal.
This screen is made by Sharp (model LQ9D01A) .

This is the second screen. It was replaced by Apple in 12/95 at a
cost of $949.00 and had a 90 day war. (good time to have pur. AppleCare
right?). This screen is really easy to get to and remove, like minutes !

I talked with Apple about this and they said it will need to be replaced again
at another 1000 bucks or so. The 180c's were discontinued by Apple in
3/94. The PowerBook works fine otherwise and I know that an external
monitor can be connected to it.

Does anyone know of a lower cost solution to replacing this screen? Can't
afford to deal with Apple
again and local shops just quote the Apple list price.


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 21:21:53 -0500
From: (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCR2s4NkJnQkBPOhsoQg==?=)
Subject: Print 4 pages per paper

The Info-Mac Moderators $B$5$s$,(B 11:06 AM 1/18/97 -0800$B$4$m$K(B
$B!V(BInfo-Mac Digest V15 #17 2/3$B!W$N7o$G!'(B
>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 12:21:55 -0500
>From: (Michael S. Silverstein)
>Subject: Print 4 pages per paper
>Is there a way to print 4 pages on one sheet of paper (used for proofing)
>as my HP Deskjet 870Cxi does not seem to support Quickdraw GX?

Just a comment.  If the printer allows downloading of ps, then 1) print the
doc to a ps file, 2) use quarto.c in mpw to convert the file, and 3)
vdownload the converted ps file.  But perhaps this is not what you are
asking I gather...You can still use GS (Illustrator is better, tho' one
page at a time) even if the printer doesn't support ps.  But again a pain
in the ash to do all this.  Well, there is one way.  Any other???

Daitaro Hagihara


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 16:39:08 -0800
From: Darrell Greenwood <>
Subject: Print 4 pages per paper

 > Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 12:21:55 -0500
 > (Michael S. Silverstein) wrote;

 > Is there a way to print 4 pages on one sheet of paper (used for proofing)
 > as my HP Deskjet 870Cxi does not seem to support Quickdraw GX?

A small application called SaveATree1.54 does that function for me.
It works with any printer I have used. Hopefully you can find it on
InfoMac. I got my copy about 3 years ago from there.



Darrell Greenwood, Vancouver, BC
My web homepage...


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:54:58 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Printing from Mac Plus

At 11:19 AM -0500 1/17/97, Norman R. Friedman wrote:
>...he took the [DD] floppy to his college library where
>they have newer Macs. He found that he could not use the floppy...

One possibility: He has a HD floppy formatted as DD.  The Plus doesn't
care, but hte new Mac sees the HD hole, doesn't recognize the format, and
throws the error.

Another possibility: He actually has a standard DD floppy, but the new Mac
thinks it's an HD.  Try putting some tape on the disk in the area where the
HD hole would be.



Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 10:07:05 +1300
From: Aiden <>
Subject: printing from microsoft office apps

I've run into a problem printing from my Microsoft Office applications
(word 6 and excel 5 etc...).  Each time I go to print my computer crahses
with an 'unimplemented trap'.  I've tried running different combinations of
extentions and I've tried printing with background printing and all the
extentions off but the same thing happens.
Also tried:
-7.5.3 to 7.5.5
-zap pram
-rebuild destop
-norton/first aid etc...
I'm running a 7200/90 with 40 MB with sys7.5.5

I would really appreciate if someone could help me with as I tend to use
Word and Excel quite a lot.

Thanks in advance,

Aiden Tapping


Date: 19 Jan 1997 21:11:53 -0500
From: "Castle, Mike" <>
Subject: programming intro for kids

Hello friends!  My brother is a 4th grade teacher with a Mac in the
classroom.  He'd like to teach his kids a little bit about computers and get
the point across to them that computers can be controlled by them (i.e.
they're not magic!).  He is interested in having them do some very basic
programming.  Are there compilers or educational software for the Mac that
allow for this sort of introduction to programming?   I'd rather not
recommend anything so comprehensive as Metrowerks CodeWarrior or so confusing
as C++ (don't want to scare these kids or my brother away from computers
forever!).  Please email me directly if you have any suggestions for software
he could use (commercial or freeware).  Thanks!

Mike Castle


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 11:51:40 +0000
From: (Trevor Harris)
Subject: SCSI problems with 7.5.3 / 7.5.5

We have a JVC archiver CD-ROM backup facility running on a PowerMac
7100/66. It has an AV rated hard drive and has always worked well under
system 7.1.2. Since upgrading the system to 7.5.3 and then to 7.5.5,
however, the drive appears to be unable to keep up with the required
transfer rate and the software reports an error "Drive ran out of data
because hard disc could not keep up with requests. Your source must be fast
enough to keep up with WCD-ROM drive". Having reinstalled 7.1.2 on the AV
drive and used that as the boot volume the archiver works flawlessly again.
Has anyone a clue as to what is going on? Does 7.5.3 / 7.5.5 need a SCSI or
other extension to enable the SCSI chain to work efficiently?


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 13:35:19 -0600
From: (Gib Henry)
Subject: talk/chat with Windows machines over the Internet?

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997 12:14:21 +0000 Jack Campin <> wrote:

> Anyone know of a pair of programs for DOS/Windows and the Mac that will
> provide the sort of interaction you can get with talk or ytalk over
> Unix?
> One-to-one communication is all I need at the moment.

Consider the forthcoming Ahoy! from QuiComm (  It
will even scan a range of IP addresses for the user you're seeking, in the
likely case that his IP address is dynamically assigned.

The Windows version is due for release "soon"; the Mac version is here now.
Hope this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 13:54:10 +0000


I have PERFORMA 6400/200MHz/32MB/2.4 GB Power PC

1) For this computer I am thinking about putting an video editing card.
I don't know which card to put.
A) Avid Video Card?
B) TV/Video Card?
C) Video?FM Card?
    From these cards which one is better any why?

2) For this computer would 3D work? For 3D(QuickDraw #D CArd) to work
what do i need?

3) I want to put a 100 Mhz Pentium Dos card? would this work on my

I don't know can I install all 3 of these cards.




Date: Sat, 18 Jan 97 18:07:43 -0600
From: Lanny Chambers <>
Subject: Web Resource for VRAM Options?

>I have a Mac 6100/60, and someone told me that it would redraw more quickly
>if I installed some VRAM. Is there a resource, web or otherwise, that will
>clarify what is needed, how much it will help and where to purchase it?

Unfortunately, the 6100 does not use VRAM, and its built-in DRAM video is
not upgradable by adding more memory. When I researched this over a year
ago, I found two options: buying the PDS video card intended for the
6100AV, and installing a PDS-to-NuBus adapter and a third-party 7" NuBus
video card. I went the latter route, choosing a Raduis PrecisionColor Pro
24XP, which has enough VRAM to drive 832x624 at 24 bits (millions of
colors), and features 8X QD acceleration. I run my 15" NEC 4FGe at
800x600, because that yields a WYSIWYG 72 dpi.

The AV card also has consumer-grade NTSC video capabilities (big deal),
but no hardware video acceleration. Both options were about the same
cost, ~$400, at the time, and both will tie up your only PDS slot,
precluding anything like the DOS Compatibility Card, if that's important
to you. Check the newsgroups for used equipment, since none of this stuff
has been manufactured for several years.

Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA
Visit the Hummingbird Page: <>


Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:26:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Web Resource for VRAM Options?

>From miles abernathy:

>I have a Mac 6100/60, and someone told me that it would redraw more
>quickly if I installed some VRAM. Is there a resource, web or otherwise,
>will clarify what is needed, how much it will help and where to purchase it?

(look at

(you'll need to install a powermac av card to upgrade vram in a 6100.)

m. fletcher


Date: Sat, 18 Jan 97 11:49:12 -0000
From: "Paul E. Mullen" <>
Subject: What's a Plus good for?

Mac Plus users:

     What good is your old Mac Plus these days? I have a writer friend
who desperately needs a computer (mainly for word processing, of course),
and I'd love to set her up with a Mac. Alas, my budget won't allow
anything better than a Plus, it seems (sad, isn't it?). How useful is a
Plus nowadays? Can it successfully run System 7? Current versions of
ClarisWorks? I have read the specs on the Plus as provided in the
c.s.m.hardware FAQ, but that doesn't tell me much about real-world
performance (I don't expect much from a 68000, just reliable basic
stuff). Any insight would be appreciated.




Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 17:16:21 -0500 (EST)
From: (Al Bloom)

On Thu, 16 Jan, Dave Reiser wrote in response to my query about the odd
apparently random appearance of a magnifying glass cursor:

>Sounds like Closeview to me (an aid to the visually impaired).

Fortunately for all concerned I'm only mentally impaired. Closeview is not
on my system.

Not a bad guess, Dave. Another respondent offered the same suggestion.

The winners pointed to my newly upgraded SAM of the 4.5 persuasion. A
quick ResEdit check of the CURS resource showed me the culprit. Apparently
SAM is a tad more active in its newest incarnation.

Al Bloom, Virginia Tech



End of Info-Mac Digest