Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #97
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 09 Jul 01       Volume 18 : Issue 97

Today's Topics:

      [*] PlayerPRO 5.9 Freeware
      [*] Prowler 2.2.1 - Image browser and management tool
      [*] Script Timer 1.1 -OS X native scheduler for AppleScripts
      [*] ShadowKeys 1.2
      [*] StudioSystem 3.6
      [*] TimeRunner 0.5

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Date: 9 Jul 2001
From: Rosset Antoine <>
Subject: [*] PlayerPRO 5.9 Freeware

PlayerPRO is a complete music editing program (SoundTracker). You can use it
with any Mac without any additional hardware. PlayerPRO can load and play
the following music (and sound) formats:

MED, 669, IT, ULT, XM System 7 sound, WAV, AIFF, AIFC, SoundDesignerII,
MPEG, MP3, MuLaw, ALaw, AVI, DVC, Quicktime Movies, MAC3, MAC6, IMA4, MPEG
layer I, II and III (requires QT 4.0), PAT (GUS), QDesign, RAW Data.

NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.9 (differences from 5.8):
    � Quicktime 5 DLS2 support (in MacOS 9 and MacOS X)
    � Minor bugs correction

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/player-pro-59.hqx; 3219 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2001
From: Andrew Cunningham <>
Subject: [*] Prowler 2.2.1 - Image browser and management tool

Prowler is an image browsing and management tool with an intuitive and 
stylish interface. It's features include a full screen browser, 
advanced slideshow (cross fades and the unique "scribble" function) and 
powerful image organizational tools (image rotation, copying, 
renaming). Prowler's aim is to present a collection of images in an 
attractive way, either for personal browsing, showing off to friends, 
or presentations.

Prowler supports all file image formats supported by the currently 
installed version of QuickTime. These include PICT, JPEG, GIF etc. 

Prowler is only US$15 shareware.


So what's so great about Prowler?
    There are many features that sets Prowler neck and tail ahead of the 
rest of the pack;
    - Prowler's has a unique and elegant interface; perfect for 
presentations. No more of those drab gray buttons, lists and popup menus.
    - Powerful image manipulation tools make it a perfect assistant to 
any aspiring digital photographer.
    - Prowler features a slideshow including all common features as well 
as several unique features such as alpha fades and scribbling.
    - The ability to create HTML image catalogs.
    - Prowler isn�t expensive.


What's new in this version?
    Released an early alpha version of Prowler Carbon. This lets Prowler 
run natively under MacOS X.
    Moved the preferences menu item from the edit menu to the application 
menu under OSX.
    Added a "Windows" menu under OSX.
    Added labels to some of the go menu items.
    Added the ability (under preferences) to set how images are 
automatically scaled in the full screen mode. Basically, you can have 
Prowler scale the image to the width of the screen (useful for TiBook 
users, as suggested by Justin Weiner).
    Pressing the tab key twice will zoom an image in slideshow to fit the 
screen if the image is smaller than the screen; as requested by Ken arnold.
    Bug. Menu would be hidden in Finder. Fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/prowler-221.hqx; 1513 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2001
From: "Donald S. Hall" <>
Subject: [*] Script Timer 1.1 -OS X native scheduler for AppleScripts

Script Timer 1.1X

Script Timer 1.1X is an easy to use native AppleScript scheduler for
Macintosh OS X. It lets you schedule the execution of OSA based scripts,
such as those created using AppleScript. It will run your scripts at any
time on a daily, weekly, weekdays only, monthly, or one time basis as well
as at regular intervals ranging from minutes to weeks. You can also easily
pass parameters to your scripts. Script Timer has an extremely small memory
footprint and is designed to run unobtrusively in the background. The
program comes with several sample scripts, including one to remind you of
upcoming appointments.

To try out Script Timer 1.1X, go to and
click on the Shareware and Freeware button. Version 1.01, for users of
Macintosh OS 7.5 to 9.1, is still available and fully supported. It can be
obtained at the same location.

System Requirements: Macintosh System OS X

Purchase Information: Shareware $10 with site and academic licenses also
available. Registered users of a previous version of Script Timer are
eligible for a free upgrade.

Developer: Apps & More Software Design, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/script-timer-11x.hqx; 127 K]


Date: 9 Jul 2001
From: Opus Software <>
Subject: [*] ShadowKeys 1.2

The extension ShadowKeys provides missing keys for Apple USB Keyboard 
and iBook or PowerBook built-in keyboard, and other Macintosh or 
PowerBook with an ADB keyboard.

Version 1.2 works now under Mac OS X 10 (under Classic environment).

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/shadow-keys-12.hqx; 318 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2001
From: Info <>
Subject: [*] StudioSystem 3.6

studio system 3.6

PPC, OS 8.1 or later (68K version available), full page color monitor

The studio system helps you minimize the time spent on management and
administration chores of your studio(s).  The system consists of a number of
related modules that are accessed from a central main menu.

� point-and-click interface: no knowledge of Filemaker Pro required.  With
more than 1600 field definitions, you can enter as much detail as you wish
or just use the modules that you find most useful.

� cost-effective: solutions of this type are typically custom-programmed and
cost hundreds of dollars.  The studio system is shareware and registration
costs no more than a roll of multitrack tape.

� integration: access all information from within one application.  The
studio system is communication and accounting software, archive, address,
and inventory database, studio calculator, appointment keeper, label and
track sheet printer, and more for all studio activity.

� support for international users: customize all printable forms with local
language templates (English, German, French, and Italian already included).

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/studio-system-36.hqx; 4314 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2001
Subject: [*] TimeRunner 0.5

TimeRunner version 0.5

 Brief Description
TimeRunner is a very small INIT extension which gives you the ability to
tell your Mac to automatically launch applications at predetermined times. 

You will need at least System 7.1 to use TimeRunner. It should work with
all system versions up to Mac OS 9.x. 

I literally threw this together in a couple of hours to get a job done
that I needed - it's not pretty, nor incredibly user-friendly, but it's
simple, and I thought somebody else might find it useful...

Drag the TimeRunner extension onto the icon of your System Folder. You
will be asked if you want to place it into the Extensions folder, which is
where this extension should go! (Alternatively, you can of course drag it
into the Extensions folder yourself.) Once it is in place you should
restart your Mac to allow the extensions to load as the system starts up. 

Once Finder has started you should see a warning message appearing which
tells you that there is no "TimeRun Items" folder in your System Folder.
If you open up your System Folder and create a new folder with the name
"TimeRun Items", then you can place applications to launch (or better,
aliases to applications) into this folder. 

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/time-runner-05.hqx; 6 K]



End of Info-Mac Digest