Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #65
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 23 Apr 01       Volume 18 : Issue 65

Today's Topics:

      [*] AutoShare 4.2.2, a freeware list server
      [*] Days To Go 2.1.2 - simple reminder program
      [*] DSL10.hqx
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.4 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] GLMStat 5.5.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE
      [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE
      [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE
      [*] hockey-22.hqx
      [*] JUNO Librarian v1.2.1
      [*] KinkyBeepII 2.0.2 - The Sound Synthesizer -
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.1.3
      [*] ScheduleOnline Mac Sync 1.3b4
      [*] SFX Machine 1.41 - Audio Multi-Effects Plug-In
      [*] SwitchRes 2.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] The Dailies 1.0.6 - Daily Startup and Shutdown Items.
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 D - German Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 F - French Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 I - Italian Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 J - Japanese Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 N - Dutch Version
      Mac's Calendar
      MODEM Speed indication in OS X
      Partial info-mac URL support in Interarchy 4.1

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Mikael Hansen <>
Subject: [*] AutoShare 4.2.2, a freeware list server

AutoShare is a robust and speedy list server and auto-responder for 
the Macintosh with EIMS or SIMS. Available for both 68K and Power 
Macs, requiring little memory and tested with Mac OS 9.1, AutoShare 
can handle hundreds of mailing lists and thousands of subscribers for 
each list. Full scriptability is supported, and an Admin application 
with balloon help makes it easy to configure the richly featured 
server application.

Version 4.2.2 offers many bug fixes and various improvements. 
AutoShare now also compiles and executes AppleScript text and 
executes compiled AppleScript.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/autoshare-422.hqx; 2850 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Jason Anderson <>
Subject: [*] Days To Go 2.1.2 - simple reminder program

Have you planned a big holiday, and want to count the days remaining 
until you can escape from work. Wondering how many days it has been 
since you were married? Then this program is for you.

Days To Go is a simple reminder program that can be used for a 
variety of purposes. As the name suggests, it can be used to count 
how many days it is until a specific date. In addition, Days To Go 
can be used count how many days it has been since a specific date. 
Recurring dates can be entered (for example, Christmas or a 
birthday), and entries can be automatically deleted once the date has 
passed (useful for once off occasions).

This version of Days To Go adds a delay option at startup (to 
increase the time the messages are displayed on the screen), moves 
the documentation out of the program and into a separate file, and 
updates the contact information for Beyond Midnight Software.
Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\daystogo.sit"-- 
Jason Anderson, <>
Beyond Midnight Software, <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/days-to-go-212.hqx; 444 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Giuseppe Giunto <>
Subject: [*] DSL10.hqx

Find all duplicate files on your hard disks.

Doublet Scan Lite is a fast way to find all the duplicates,
empty folders and unique files on your hard disks.

It's very easy to use: load the directory of your hard disks and scan
for the duplicate files... after these two easy steps, you 'll be
able to select all the duplicate files you want to eliminate and
move them to the trash...

Localizations available at:

Download page:

Direct links:

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/doublet-scan-lite.hqx; 1334 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Emmett Gray <>
Subject: [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.4 automated website maintenance via FTP

Fetch-O-Matic (v.2.5) is suite of applications for automated website 
maintenance via FTP. Fetch-O-Matic allows web authors to freely 
create and update files locally without needing to keep track of 
their work, and to then automatically catalog the alterations and 
update the website. It also performs synchronization in the other 
direction, watching a remote location and automatically downloading 
any new or changed files appearing there. It provides seamless 
integration with Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive, and similar 
website authoring packages, offering more robust and more flexible 
handling of file transfers. And if several people are maintaining a 
site, Fetch-O-Matic protects them from treading on each other's 

Fetch-O-Matic differs from other available synchronization and 
maintenance schemes in that it does not require any local machine to 
have a complete site copy. For example, one might decide to grab a 
few pages and change them (and/or add some new files) from a 
PowerBook. Later, the site copy on the primary machine can be quickly 
brought up-to-date with just two clicks - without having to remember 
what was changed or consult the PowerBook.

Fetch-O-Matic is easy to use. Novice web authors in search of a 
simple way to update a personal web page need not be intimidated by 
its power. Experienced hands will find that previously dreaded 
operations such as multi-file search and replace, with the subsequent 
headache of tracking down and uploading scattered altered files, are 
rendered painless. Transfer errors such as uploading/downloading to 
the wrong directory are a thing of the past.

Fetch-O-Matic was conceived and developed to fill a need in servicing 
a large site ( Uploads and downloads of 
thousands of files at once have been performed with ease. But even on 
a site with just a few pages, Fetch-O-Matic will ease the updating 

Not just for websites, Fetch-O-Matic handles a range of FTP file 
transfer operations, including continuous local and remote folder 
watching and synchronization. It is in use as an FTP tool by news 
organizations, webcam operators, and project co-ordinators in a wide 
variety of situations worldwide.

Fetch-O-Matic requires Dartmouth's FTP client "Fetch", AppleScript, 
the scripting addition Jon's Commands, and, optionally, Alessandro 
Levi Montalcini's "List Files" (providing a significant speed 
improvement for large sites), all of which are readily available 
online. Fetch-O-Matic runs on any Mac OS machine with reasonable 
(8mb+) RAM running System 7, 8, or 9. It runs in the background. It 
is shareware with a single-user license fee of $20. There is a free 
30-day trial period. The complete documentation is available online 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/fetch-o-matic-25.hqx; 746 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Ken Beath <>
Subject: [*] GLMStat 5.5.1;Generalized linear models

GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing 
generalised linear models. It provides  a macintosh interface and 
includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat 

  - spreadsheet style data entry
  - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories)
  - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links 
and  specification of convergence and aliasing parameters
  - Scatter and Residual plots
  - Matrix scatterplots
  - Box and Whisker plots
  - Frequency distribution histograms
  - Descriptive statistics.
  - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter 
  - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications.
  - printing of data, graph and results.
  - Missing values
  - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual.
  - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts.
  - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences 
$US100. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in 
$US through Kagi Shareware.
  - Registration includes free upgrades to version 6.x

Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As 
are disabled and there is a usage period of 3 months.

Version 5.5.1
  - fixed bug which caused Make graph applescript command to sometimes 
fail when a diagnostic column (eg "Residuals","Fitted Values") was 
  - recognizes international Numbers settings
  - fixes bug that may cause faulty display in Transcript window and 
errors in Pagination in printing (I found this while testing on MacOS 
X, I don't know if this will occur on MacOS but it might)

This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations.

Current versions of GLMStat are always available at

There is a Carbon version which will be available as soon as I can 
test it on the final MacOS X.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/glmstat-551.hqx; 1057 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE

GrapicConverter klar f�r Mac OS X och nu med b�ttre st�d.

Ramona Shareware  sl�pper nu en
uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.7 -SE Carbon,  PPC samt 68k.
GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och
exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och
dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer.
Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt.

L�s g�rna vad Apple skriver om GrapicConverter

F�rb�ttringar i 4.0.7

* Import och export av MonkeyCard och MonkeyLogo m�jlig
* Import av Photoshop med 16 bitar per kanal m�jlig
* Funktionerna "Minimera f�nster" och "Visa alla" finns nu i Carbonversionen
* IPTC-dialogen f�rb�ttrad (g�ller entertangentens funktion i f�lten 
nyckelord och kategori)
* Genomskinlighet syns nu under Mac OS
* M�jlighet att �ndra uppl�sning utan omr�kning via AppleScript finns nu
* Import via "H�mta in..." avbryts nu om insticksprogrammet skickar en etta (1)
* Import via "H�mta in..." anv�nder nu f�rgprofilen (om 
insticksprogrammet skickar n�gon)
* M�jlighet att visa g�mda filer och mappar i mapp�versikten finns nu
* M�jlighet att st�lla in konverterade filers skapelse- och 
modifieringsdatum till samma som originalets
* "Rotera" anv�nder nu bakgrundsf�rgen p� oanv�nda ytor
* L�sning f�r att importera Photoshopbilder med ljushetslager finns nu
* Import av JPG med buggiga EXIF-taggar kraschar inte l�ngre
* Kosmetiska buggar under Mac OS X fixade
* Standardstorleken p� konverteradialogen under Mac OS X korrigerad
* Bugg r�rande symboler med 256 f�rger under Mac OS 9.1 eller 
tidigare fixad (carbonversionen)
* Carbonversionen f�rb�ttrad:
	* inst�llningsobjekt i GraphicConverter-menyn �r nu aktiva (Mac OS X)
	* meddelande om TWAIN finns nu
	* meddelande om utskrifter finns nu (Mac OS 9.1 eller tidigare)
* Kraschrisk vid skapande av katalog (mapp) i Mac OS X fixad
* Risk f�r fel -50 efter "Klistra in" fixat
* Risk f�r visningsfel i skaladialogen fixad
* Risk f�r invertering vid EPSF-import fixad
* Bugg i mapp�versikten under Mac OS X fixad
* Bugg i importen av JPEG-bilder med en bredd p� mer �n 1600 pixlar fixad
* Buggar i bildspelet fixade
* N�gra dialogrutor under Mac OS X korrigerade
* Andra, mindre buggfixar i Mac OS X-versionen

�vers�ttare: Bertil Born
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-68k-407-se.hqx; 2764 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE

GrapicConverter klar f�r Mac OS X och nu med b�ttre st�d.

Ramona Shareware  sl�pper nu en
uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.7 -SE Carbon,  PPC samt 68k.
GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och
exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och
dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer.
Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt.

L�s g�rna vad Apple skriver om GrapicConverter

F�rb�ttringar i 4.0.7

* Import och export av MonkeyCard och MonkeyLogo m�jlig
* Import av Photoshop med 16 bitar per kanal m�jlig
* Funktionerna "Minimera f�nster" och "Visa alla" finns nu i Carbonversionen
* IPTC-dialogen f�rb�ttrad (g�ller entertangentens funktion i f�lten 
nyckelord och kategori)
* Genomskinlighet syns nu under Mac OS
* M�jlighet att �ndra uppl�sning utan omr�kning via AppleScript finns nu
* Import via "H�mta in..." avbryts nu om insticksprogrammet skickar en etta (1)
* Import via "H�mta in..." anv�nder nu f�rgprofilen (om 
insticksprogrammet skickar n�gon)
* M�jlighet att visa g�mda filer och mappar i mapp�versikten finns nu
* M�jlighet att st�lla in konverterade filers skapelse- och 
modifieringsdatum till samma som originalets
* "Rotera" anv�nder nu bakgrundsf�rgen p� oanv�nda ytor
* L�sning f�r att importera Photoshopbilder med ljushetslager finns nu
* Import av JPG med buggiga EXIF-taggar kraschar inte l�ngre
* Kosmetiska buggar under Mac OS X fixade
* Standardstorleken p� konverteradialogen under Mac OS X korrigerad
* Bugg r�rande symboler med 256 f�rger under Mac OS 9.1 eller 
tidigare fixad (carbonversionen)
* Carbonversionen f�rb�ttrad:
	* inst�llningsobjekt i GraphicConverter-menyn �r nu aktiva (Mac OS X)
	* meddelande om TWAIN finns nu
	* meddelande om utskrifter finns nu (Mac OS 9.1 eller tidigare)
* Kraschrisk vid skapande av katalog (mapp) i Mac OS X fixad
* Risk f�r fel -50 efter "Klistra in" fixat
* Risk f�r visningsfel i skaladialogen fixad
* Risk f�r invertering vid EPSF-import fixad
* Bugg i mapp�versikten under Mac OS X fixad
* Bugg i importen av JPEG-bilder med en bredd p� mer �n 1600 pixlar fixad
* Buggar i bildspelet fixade
* N�gra dialogrutor under Mac OS X korrigerade
* Andra, mindre buggfixar i Mac OS X-versionen

�vers�ttare: Bertil Born
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-cb-407-se.hqx; 3014 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.7 -SE

GrapicConverter klar f�r Mac OS X och nu med b�ttre st�d.

Ramona Shareware  sl�pper nu en
uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.7 -SE Carbon,  PPC samt 68k.
GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och
exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och
dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer.
Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt.

L�s g�rna vad Apple skriver om GrapicConverter

F�rb�ttringar i 4.0.7

* Import och export av MonkeyCard och MonkeyLogo m�jlig
* Import av Photoshop med 16 bitar per kanal m�jlig
* Funktionerna "Minimera f�nster" och "Visa alla" finns nu i Carbonversionen
* IPTC-dialogen f�rb�ttrad (g�ller entertangentens funktion i f�lten 
nyckelord och kategori)
* Genomskinlighet syns nu under Mac OS
* M�jlighet att �ndra uppl�sning utan omr�kning via AppleScript finns nu
* Import via "H�mta in..." avbryts nu om insticksprogrammet skickar en etta (1)
* Import via "H�mta in..." anv�nder nu f�rgprofilen (om 
insticksprogrammet skickar n�gon)
* M�jlighet att visa g�mda filer och mappar i mapp�versikten finns nu
* M�jlighet att st�lla in konverterade filers skapelse- och 
modifieringsdatum till samma som originalets
* "Rotera" anv�nder nu bakgrundsf�rgen p� oanv�nda ytor
* L�sning f�r att importera Photoshopbilder med ljushetslager finns nu
* Import av JPG med buggiga EXIF-taggar kraschar inte l�ngre
* Kosmetiska buggar under Mac OS X fixade
* Standardstorleken p� konverteradialogen under Mac OS X korrigerad
* Bugg r�rande symboler med 256 f�rger under Mac OS 9.1 eller 
tidigare fixad (carbonversionen)
* Carbonversionen f�rb�ttrad:
	* inst�llningsobjekt i GraphicConverter-menyn �r nu aktiva (Mac OS X)
	* meddelande om TWAIN finns nu
	* meddelande om utskrifter finns nu (Mac OS 9.1 eller tidigare)
* Kraschrisk vid skapande av katalog (mapp) i Mac OS X fixad
* Risk f�r fel -50 efter "Klistra in" fixat
* Risk f�r visningsfel i skaladialogen fixad
* Risk f�r invertering vid EPSF-import fixad
* Bugg i mapp�versikten under Mac OS X fixad
* Bugg i importen av JPEG-bilder med en bredd p� mer �n 1600 pixlar fixad
* Buggar i bildspelet fixade
* N�gra dialogrutor under Mac OS X korrigerade
* Andra, mindre buggfixar i Mac OS X-versionen

�vers�ttare: Bertil Born
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-ppc-407-se.hqx; 3569 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Sean Stewart <>
Subject: [*] hockey-22.hqx

Hockey is a two on two hockey game for Macintosh. The controls are
a,s,w,d for the visiting team. a is left, s is down, w is up, and d is
right. The visiting team's shoot button is the space bar. The home
team's controls are simple, the arrow keys move the players, and the
control key is shoot. The passing buttons are command and option.
Command for the visiting team, and option for the home team. If you
press caps lock it pauses the game. The game in a 2 on 2 hockey game
with 2 players on each team, not including the goalies. Your control
shifts between the players on your team, the player you're not
controling is controled by the computer. This version also includes auto
aim, and skill levels. Auto aim makes shots, when you are in your
opponents zone, go toward the net. Skill levels allow you to set the
skill of the players. If you say you don't want to set the skill levels,
the computer will do it for you. Another feature is the instant replay.
To activate an instant replay, pause the game and press the r key. The
speed at which the instant replay plays can be change by pressing
the = key to increase the speed and press the - key to decrease the
speed. To start the replay press the > key, to stop it press the / key,
and to rewind press and hold the < key while it is stopped. If you are
done viewing the replay press the esc key to exit the replay. Then, once
you have exited, unpause the game to continue. Newly added in version
2.2 is the ablity to choose from 5 different teams. Blue, red, green,
purple, and silver. Also there are now periods. Rather than setting the
length of the game you set the length of the periods. There are, of
course, three periods. If the game is tied after the third period you go
to overtime. You then play as many periods as are needed for a goal to
be scored.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hockey-22.hqx; 396 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Takashi Suzuki <>
Subject: [*] JUNO Librarian v1.2.1

[JUNO Librarian v1.2.1]

 JUNO Librarian is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to make up
library of voice data for JUNO106. One window has one voice data, and you can
open windows as many as you want. (It's only limited by partition size of the
When this application receives bulk dump MIDI data, new window will open and
show you it's parameter. 

What's changed in v1.2.1 :
 - May crash when you close some window -> fixed.

Features :
 - Fat Binary.
 - Apple Script recordable.
 - Macintosh Drag and Drop support.
 - Inline input support for Japanese text.
 - Navigation Services support. (PowerPC Only)

This application requires :
 - Macintosh with 68020 or higher / PowerPC
 - System7 + QuickTime or System7.1 or later
 - Apple MIDI Manager or OMS (Open Music System)

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/juno-librarian-121.hqx; 224 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Ken-ichiro Hidaka <>
Subject: [*] KinkyBeepII 2.0.2 - The Sound Synthesizer -

KinkyBeepII is a synthesizer to create the various sounds. It is suitable to make the sound effects 
or the system alert sounds.

You can create dynamic, weird, wiggly, or natural sound, etc., with an easy operation. You don't need 
the special knowledge. And you can use the sounds that you make as alert sound for Macintosh, sound 
effects for multimedia works and musical works, or can edit with other sound editor, because you can 
save the sounds as system sounds. You'll also find the sample files in this package.

Requires MacOS 8 or later. PPC only. Virus checked by Norton AntiVirus ver.6.0.2. on 2001/4/5.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/kinky-beep-202.hqx; 410 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Takashi Suzuki <>
Subject: [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.1.3

MIDI Warehouse is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to play &
manage standard MIDI files.
Player window holds one standard MIDI file, and displays it's current tempo,
System Exclusive status, Control Change status and Voice Name, Panpot, Pitch Bend, Level for each MIDI channel.
Playlist window can have up to 2,147,483,647 MIDI files to be played back
sequentially, or random order.
Database window can have up to 2,147,483,647 MIDI files with sort & find

What's changed :
 - May crash when you close some window -> fixed.
 - Cmd-Period did not work on non-US keyboard -> fixed.

Features :
 - Fat Binary.
 - QuickTime support.
 - Macintosh Drag and Drop support.
 - GM, GS, XG format compatible.
 - 32part Standard MIDI File playback support.
 - Navigation Services support. (PowerPC only)

This application requires :
 - Macintosh with 68020 or higher / PowerPC
 - System7.6.1 + QuickTime 3.0 + Appearance Manager or later
 - OMS (Open Music System) -- If you use external MIDI tone generator
 - MIDI tone generator or QuickTime Musical Instruments

-- T.Suzuki

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/midi-warehouse-113.hqx; 425 K]


Date: 21 Apr 2001
From: Kent Mercurio <>
Subject: [*] ScheduleOnline Mac Sync 1.3b4

The first and only Macintosh Sync application that syncs 
ScheduleOnline's web tools with the Palm OS Datebook, To Do List and 
Address Book.  Easily keep your Palm OS Based PDA in sync with 
ScheduleOnline's calendaring tools and vice versa.

PPC Macintosh
Mac OS 8.6, 9.0.4 and 9.1
9 MB free memory
Palm Desktop 2.6 or higher
At least a ScheduleOnline Silver Account (which is free)

What's new in this version:

*  Option to synchronize Reminders/Alarms.
*  Support for Mac OS 8.6
*  Custom fields 1-4 in the Palm Address Book now defaults as an 
option to sync.
*  Field mapping options for Address Book labels in the Palm OS.
*  Fixed duplication problems when the ScheduleOnline Mac Sync data 
folder is deleted.
*  Fixed Synchronization failure error.  (error #16387)
*  Fixed problems with Category synchronization.
*  Fixed problems with deleting large amounts of records.
*  Memory leak fix.
*  Fixed problems with deleting Shared Contacts on ScheduleOnline.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-sync-13b4.hqx; 1055 K]


Date: 21 Apr 2001
From: Earl Vickers <>
Subject: [*] SFX Machine 1.41 - Audio Multi-Effects Plug-In

The new version of SFX Machine is the most powerful, easy-to-use 
sound mangling appliance available for the Mac.

SFX Machine has won Electronic Musician's Editor's Choice Award, a 
Key Buy award from Keyboard Magazine, and acclaim from dozens of 
leading sound designers and composers. It is now available direct 
from its author, The Sound Guy, at a new low price. This 
try-before-you-buy copy of SFX Machine is fully functional the first 
ten times you launch it; thereafter, it will act as a demo until 

This plug-in can be used as a sample creation tool, a sound design 
tool, or a multi-effects unit that goes far beyond the usual types of 
effects. It has a simple front-end that lets you load presets and 
modify them using sliders. Almost 400 presets are included, and 
others will be available from our web site. In addition, a powerful 
modular synthesis engine lets you create your own effects. If you 
want, the Randomize button will make something up for you.

We've eliminated the pesky key-disk and challenge/response copy 
protection. Also, SFX Machine 1.41 SOUNDS better than ever before. 
Instead of using 4-byte floats for our computations and delay-lines, 
we're now using 8-byte doubles. The result: less noise, more 
transparency. We want to crunch your numbers, not your signal. 
(Unless you want your signal crunched.)

Real-time plug-in formats are great, but most effects programs don't 
allow arbitrarily bizarre patches and twisted feedback loops, 
precisely because they may not be computationally efficient enough to 
run in real time. If you're tired of traditional been-there-done-that 
effects and you're ready to hear the sound of a super-computer giving 
itself a groin injury, you've come to the right place. By the way, 
SFX Machine 1.41 is now optimized for G4s!

SFX Machine requires a Power Macintosh and a Premiere-format host 
program. It works with Peak, Deck, Vision, Premiere, Digital 
Performer, Logic Audio, Metro, and TurboMorph. SFX Machine 1.41 is 
available only from the Sound Guy,, 

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/sfx-machine-141.hqx; 983 K]


Date: 21 Apr 2001
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 2.5.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SwitchRes package.

Rated 5 Cows by Tucows (highest rating)!

SwitchRes is a little utility that will allow you to switch the
resolution of all your monitors. You can access to all the resolutions
of all your displays in a simple, customizable menu. SwitchRes
incorporates features from the Monitor Resolution, Monitor BitDepth, and
Video Mirroring Control Strip Modules bundled with your system. You can
use its menu in the Menu Bar, use its provided Control Strip Module, or
click on the Finder Desktop with its Contextual Menu Plugin.
SwitchRes has an extensive list of features: 

*You can show and use all available resolutions of your video card, not
just those limited by your monitor. For example, 20 video modes are
available on my PowerMac 7300 internal video board. Enjoy your Apple 15"
monitor in 1024 x 768, or 640 x 480 in 120Hz !
*SwitchRes is totally configurable. You can define which resolutions are
really accessible, and which will require a confirmation.

*You can also create display sets which will allow you to change the
resolution and the depth of all your monitors with just one mouse click,
or just one key. With this new version, you can add scripts to display
sets. That gives SwitchRes the ability to launch a script with just one
key, or when an application is launched...
*You can assign a specific set to an application, so that every time you
use this application, your Mac will automatically switch to your
predefined resolutions. You will find this extremely useful for most

*You can save the position of the icons and the windows on your desktop,
independently from one resolution to the other, unlike the Finder. The
configuration is restored at startup.
*You can script SwitchRes for resolutions and color depth changes.
SwitchRes is even recordable: When SwitchRes is running, every
resolution change is automatically recorded in the script editor

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/switch-res-251-jp.hqx; 671 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: Sander Tekelenburg <>
Subject: [*] The Dailies 1.0.6 - Daily Startup and Shutdown Items.

"The Dailies" create the possibility of having Startup Items and
Shutdown Items that are launched only once every day - no matter how
often you may need to restart.

Throw the "Daily Startup" application in your "Startup Items" folder.
The first time it's run it will create a "Daily Startup Items" folder
in your System Folder. Whatever you put in that folder will be launched
no more than once a day.

Throw the "Daily Shutdown" application in your "Shutdown Items" folder.
The first time it's run it will create a "Daily Shutdown Items" folder
in your System Folder. Whatever you put in that folder will be launched
no more than once a day.

System Requirements:
- AppleScript needs to be installed
- Works under Mac OS 7.5 through 9.1

- 1.0.6 Fixed a bug where sometimes DailyStartup would stupidly inform
you that the folder "Daily Startup Items" already exists.
- 1.0.5 - Now also works correctly under non-US systems (more
specifically: if your Date & Time settings are non-US).
- 1.0.4 - First public release

The Dailies are freeware. Do with it whatever you like, except sell it!

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/the-dailies-106.hqx; 14 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31.hqx; 519 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 D - German Version

This is the German version of World Clock Deluxe.

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31-de.hqx; 515 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 F - French Version

This is the French version of World Clock Deluxe.

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31-fr.hqx; 521 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 I - Italian Version

This is the Italian version of World Clock Deluxe.

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31-it.hqx; 520 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of World Clock Deluxe.

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31-jp.hqx; 523 K]


Date: 19 Apr 2001
From: MaBaSoft <>
Subject: [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.1 N - Dutch Version

This is the Dutch version of World Clock Deluxe.

World Clock Deluxe is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. With 
World Clock Deluxe you can:

- display up to 24 clocks in the Control Strip;
- show seconds, weekday, date, local time offset and assign labels 
and colors to clocks;
- display Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Internet Time;
- keep clocks arranged by city or time zone abbreviation, longitude and label;
- rotate clocks so that minimum Control Strip space is required;
- edit cities and time zones and add custom cities and time zones;
- calculate date and time conversions.

World Clock Deluxe is 10 US$ shareware.

* * *

System Requirements

World Clock Deluxe needs a Mac with 68020 processor or better, System 
7.5 or higher and, for System 7.x.x, Appearance Extension.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip (2.0bx or higher) and ACTION GoMac 
can be used as module host.

* * *

What's new in World Clock Deluxe 3.1?

- Different clocks can be set to different time formats. The Date & 
Time control panel's time format is default, but a different time 
format can now be selected in the Add Clock and Edit Clock dialog 
boxes or directly from the Control Strip, using the Format popup menu 
The World Clock Deluxe control panel's Preferences pane lists two 
predefined time formats (24-Hour and AM/PM) and lets you edit or 
delete them and add custom time formats.

- An incompatibility of the World Clock Deluxe control panel with 
Kaleidoscope has been solved: with some schemes list items were 
"invisible" and/or incorrectly highlighted.

- Several minor bugs have been fixed.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/world-clock-deluxe--31-nl.hqx; 520 K]


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 07:32:48 -0400
From: Guy Paquette <>
Subject: Mac's Calendar

I use Mac's Cal since 2 years but I could no more open it.
Error type  - 23
Any ideas ?
Thanks !


Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 14:31:01 GMT
From: (Andy Dannelley)
Subject: MODEM Speed indication in OS X

After switching to OS X (well, part time) the thing I find I miss most
ais a connect speed indication.  In previous versions I could look at
the status window on The Remote Access Control Panel and get an
indication.  Yep, I know it is not *dead on accurate* but it is at least
a yardstick.  If I conect at 28800 instead of 44000, I know that my
transfer rates will be slower, and I may decide to disconnnect and
reconnect if I need to do a bunch of file transfers.

Well, anybody got any ideas about how to get a connect speed indication
in OS X?




Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:43:28 +0800
From: Andrew Tomazos <>
Subject: Partial info-mac URL support in Interarchy 4.1

Dear friends of Info-Mac,

You'll be pleased to hear that we have re-introduced partial 
"info-mac:" URL support back into Interarchy in the soon to be 
released 4.1 version.

You can download and test this feature in the final candidate beta 
version for Mac OS X, Mac OS 9.x and Mac OS 8.x at the Interarchy 
User Group <>.

Thanks for your support.

Andrew Tomazos <>
Producer, Interarchy 4.0 <>



End of Info-Mac Digest