Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #157
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 10 Dec 01       Volume 18 : Issue 157

Today's Topics:

      [*] Bridget 2.2 PPC
      [*] Bridget 2.2 PPC
      [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC
      [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC
      [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC
      [*] Hyped 2.0.1
      [*] Hyper4.6K 1.0
      [*] Jon's Hacked DA's 1.0
      [*] KHyX 3.5
      [*] Midnight 1.0 68K
      [*] Midnight 1.0 Carbon
      [*] Midnight 1.0 PPC
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.8
      [*] ProDOSifier 2.1 68K
      [*] ProDOSifier 2.1 PPC
      [*] Relay Fonts 2001 [v2.0]
      [*] RPN Calculator 1.5 Carbon
      [*] RPN Calculator 1.5 PPC
      [*] Sputnix 0.2B; a Mac OS X music sharing client for
      [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 68K
      [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 Carbon
      [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 PPC
      Modems for the mac 
      petition for MATLAB on MacOS X
      remove Info-Mac aliases from Eudora mailboxes

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Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Bridget 2.2 PPC

This is the newest version of the two-player computer game Bridget.
Instructions are included and illegal moves are impossible now.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bridget-22-ppc.hqx; 575 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Bridget 2.2 PPC

This is the newest version of the two-player computer game Bridget.
Instructions are included and illegal moves are impossible now.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brdiget-22-68k.hqx; 392 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC

Desktop Pets is a program that lets virtual pets run around the screen. If
you've seen Neko on Windows, that's what this is. Included is a cat, and
other pets or characters can be created using a paint program.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/desktop-pets-x.hqx; 708 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC

Desktop Pets is a program that lets virtual pets run around the screen. If
you've seen Neko on Windows, that's what this is. Included is a cat, and
other pets or characters can be created using a paint program.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/desktop-pets-ppc.hqx; 596 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Desktop Pets 1.0 PPC

Desktop Pets is a program that lets virtual pets run around the screen. If
you've seen Neko on Windows, that's what this is. Included is a cat, and
other pets or characters can be created using a paint program.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/desktop-pets-68k.hqx; 460 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Hyped 2.0.1

Hyped is a HyperCard operating system, designed as the Finder for The Slate,
a fictitious PDA computer that runs entirely on HyperCard.

Hyped is written entirely in HyperTalk for the highest compatibility with
any implementation of HyperCard, except for a small part of it, called a
Lightbox, which makes all the calls for managing files, folders, and disks.
This way, no matter what form of HyperCard you are using, it will still
work, since the Lightbox makes all the calls and is easy to replace with
another. Hyped includes several Lightboxes; one uses AppleScript and makes
calls to the Finder, one makes calls to CreySoft 2000's Icebox Kernel, one
uses Rinaldi XCMDs, one uses Core Collection XCMDs, and the last one is a
Rinaldi/AppleScript hybrid. Lightboxes can also be written in other OSA
languages or XCMDs.

Hyped is now at version 2.0.1. It is faster with its Rinaldi/AppleScript
hybrid Lightbox and more convenient with redesigned icons, multiple Hyped
windows, icon-only view, and a QuickMenu. HyperWrite and the GUI Builder are
now ready to be run (although still no HyperPaint as of yet). Version 2.0.1
includes various bug fixes and cosmetic changes.
Future plans include Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, etc. control panels,
contextual menus, other Hyper* applications... hold on there!

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/hyped-201.hqx; 866 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Hyper4.6K 1.0

Hyper4.6K is a HyperCard database of around 4700 names and their meanings.
Also searches for variations and other referenced names.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/hyper-46k-10.hqx; 77 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Jon's Hacked DA's 1.0

This is a package of a few hacked desk accessories taken from System 7.1.
Included is a Color Alarm Clock, a Puzzle with a Bondi Blue Apple Logo in
it, a Mini Calculator, and the Secret About Box from System 7.5.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/jons-hacked-das-10.hqx; 39 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] KHyX 3.5

KHyX is the ultimate HyperCard enhancement. It adds a diamond menu with many
useful commands, more palettes, commands, and functions, and it's expandable
with modules. HyperMath is included, adding loads of mathematical functions,
including base 10 logarithms, base conversion, and even complex numbers.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/khyx-35.hqx; 210 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Midnight 1.0 68K

Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After
Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the
most distracting. The current version includes the following:

Blank: A simple black screen.
Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen.
DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the
Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations.
Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff.
HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript,
HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen.
Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's
up to something!
Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie.
MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets
to tall, it falls over.
Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it!
Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after
Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text.
NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or
Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen.
RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations.
Stars: White dots fill up a black background.
Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/midnight-10-68k.hqx; 995 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Midnight 1.0 Carbon

Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After
Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the
most distracting. The current version includes the following:

Blank: A simple black screen.
Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen.
DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the
Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations.
Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff.
HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript,
HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen.
Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's
up to something!
Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie.
MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets
to tall, it falls over.
Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it!
Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after
Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text.
NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or
Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen.
RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations.
Stars: White dots fill up a black background.
Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/midnight-10-cbn.hqx; 1500 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Midnight 1.0 PPC

Midnight is a screen saver that kind of follows in the footsteps of After
Dark. It has various types of screen savers, from the most boring to the
most distracting. The current version includes the following:

Blank: A simple black screen.
Circles: Colored circle outlines at random places on the screen.
DropChar: ASCII characters of a font you select fall from the top of the
Flash Message: Flashes your message at random locations.
Gee, Oma Tre!: Circles, lines, rectangles, text, and stuff.
HyperTalk Commands: Select one of the programming languages (AppleScript,
HyperTalk, or BASIC) and have its commands and functions fill the screen.
Innocence: Colored dots scroll down a white screen. It just looks like it's
up to something!
Marquee: The standard scrolling message dealie.
MegaBlox: Have your computer construct a wall of Legos. When a column gets
to tall, it falls over.
Melt: Choose a picture file and melt it!
Ms. Morwyt's Chalkboard: Here's what Tamara Morwyt is stuck doing after
Mylar City Genetix: An entertaining display of flashing text.
NCircle, NSquare: Fill up the screen with any number of circles or
Pi-Rho: Colored dots fill up the originally blank screen.
RandomText: ASCII characters fill up the screen at random locations.
Stars: White dots fill up a black background.
Wacky Dialog Boxes: A collection of some of the weirdest things you've seen.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/midnight-10-ppc.hqx; 1302 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: Takashi Suzuki <>
Subject: [*] Pocket Album v1.1.8

Pocket Album is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to view
picture files.
Not just only browsing the files, this application works as librarian and
format converter.
One window, i.e. one file, can hold 24 picture files and some comments for

Pocket Alubum accepts these picture format with QuickTime 4.0:
  BMP, FlashPix, JPEG, GIF, Macromedia Flash, MacPaint, PICT, PhotoShop, PNG,
  SGI Image, QuickTIme Image, TIFF, TARGA

Can convert to these picture format with QuickTime 4.0:
  BMP, JPEG, MacPaint, PhotoShop, PICT, PNG, QuickTime Image, TGA, SGI Image, TIFF

What's changed in v1.1.8:
 - Goes next page when picture file is dropped into right-bottom cell.
   -> fixed.

  Fat Binary.
  Drag & Drop support.
  Navigation Services aware. (PowerPC only)
  Mac OS 8.5 Windows Manager aware. (PowerPC only)

This application requires:
  Macintosh with 68020 or higher / PowerPC
  System7 + QuickTime 2.5 or later (Exclude Mac OS X)

-- T.Suzuki

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pocket-album-118.hqx; 269 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] ProDOSifier 2.1 68K

ProDOSifier is a utility to change the file types of ProDOS files on a Mac.
Changes are made through a Get Info-type window. Batch processing can be
done with the Apply to All button. The Catalog menu allows you to create and
print out ProDOS CATALOG listings.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/prodosifier-21-68k.hqx; 481 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] ProDOSifier 2.1 PPC

ProDOSifier is a utility to change the file types of ProDOS files on a Mac.
Changes are made through a Get Info-type window. Batch processing can be
done with the Apply to All button. The Catalog menu allows you to create and
print out ProDOS CATALOG listings.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/prodosifier-21-ppc.hqx; 574 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Relay Fonts 2001 [v2.0]

Relay Fonts 2001 is a collection of some very interesting TrueType fonts.
Some are just for headings, but most of them can be used for text.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/relay-fonts-2001-20.hqx; 1242 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: Jeffry Baker <>
Subject: [*] RPN Calculator 1.5 Carbon

RPN Calculator is a mathematically robust RPN implementation for Macintosh
in two flavors: PPC and Carbon.  V1.50 is essentially a final quality
program and is stable.  68k support was stopped at V1.44a, and that version
is available in the Info-Mac archive.  RPNC V1.50's features include:

25 element stack (8 visible)
8 memories
Full support for complex number math
Scalable user interface
Smart copy/paste
Drag & Drop
Systems of equations (up to 5 equations and 5 unknowns)
Matrix inversion
Prime number search
Prime factorization
Rational approximation of decimal expansions
Base Conversion
Function library (user-defined functions)
Constants (user-defined constants)
Help system

This release is FULLY functional back to MacOS 8.1, and runs on earlier
version to at least 7.5.0 with a few limitations and anomalies. 

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/rpn-calculator-15-cbn.hqx; 1046 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: Jeffry Baker <>
Subject: [*] RPN Calculator 1.5 PPC

RPN Calculator is a mathematically robust RPN implementation for Macintosh
in two flavors: PPC and Carbon.  V1.50 is essentially a final quality
program and is stable.  68k support was stopped at V1.44a, and that version
is available in the Info-Mac archive.  RPNC V1.50's features include:

25 element stack (8 visible)
8 memories
Full support for complex number math
Scalable user interface
Smart copy/paste
Drag & Drop
Systems of equations (up to 5 equations and 5 unknowns)
Matrix inversion
Prime number search
Prime factorization
Rational approximation of decimal expansions
Base Conversion
Function library (user-defined functions)
Constants (user-defined constants)
Help system

This release is FULLY functional back to MacOS 8.1, and runs on earlier
version to at least 7.5.0 with a few limitations and anomalies. 

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/rpn-calculator-15-ppc.hqx; 932 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: Nathan Lamont <>
Subject: [*] Sputnix 0.2B; a Mac OS X music sharing client for

Sputnix v0.2B 2001.12.07

freeware - not affiliated with Audiogalaxy in any way, shape, or form

- 100% Cocoa -- support for long file names, and all that good stuff
- resumable downloads
- multiple simultaneous downloads

What's New
since v0.1B
- fixed bug where Sputnix wouldn't process conjoined messages - this 
caused the problem where login would stop at the "waiting to receive 
request for shares" state
- added maintenance and reporting of shares - this allows multiple 
simultaneous downloads
- as part of reporting of shares, added MP3 tag scanning and length 
- in-progress downloads are now placed in "Sputnix Cache" folder in 
Library folder, and moved into final destination folder when complete
- fixed bug where login button could be improperly disabled
-�now honors server's delete requests
- automatically scrolls to bottom of list; scroll bar now properly 

Not Implemented
- does not create accounts; go to to create an 
- does not allow for multiple share folders to be selected

- while reporting of shares seems fine, not certain about actual 
uploading process - may not work; serving as the host of a transfer does 
not work; if you're familiar with OmniNetworking and want to answer some 
questions, drop me a line
- does not immediately report newly downloaded songs as available for 
sharing; must quit and relaunch to report new shares

< Nathan Lamont / >

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/sputnix-02b.hqx; 466 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 68K

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/text-editor-dlx-15-68k.hqx; 485 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 Carbon

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/text-editor-dlx-15-cbn.hqx; 715 K]


Date: 8 Dec 2001
From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <>
Subject: [*] Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 PPC

Text Editor Deluxe is a word processor originally written by the Apple II
legend, Glen Bredon. Enhancements in color, functionality, menus, features,
and balloon help were made by me.
This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you
find necessary to the source code (a separate archive).

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/text-editor-dlx-15-ppc.hqx; 608 K]


Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:39:01 -0000
From: "campus" <>
To: <>
Subject: Modems for the mac 

The cost of serial port modems for a Mac(new or 2nd hand) are way too
expensive and in my case cost more than what I paid for the machine, a PPC
7300.  As an act of desparation I came across a mac serial cable which had a
standard 25 pin fitting at the other end.  All the current windows modems
are 9 pin fitting but you usually get with them a joint cable which has the
25 pin attached also.  So I attach my serial cable to my mac and the win
modem cable to the other end.  After some messing about with ppp (best to
use free ppp), guess what it worked (I can connect at 45k).  The modem I
used was a spare Diamond multimedia external for my winpc, no need to spend
nearly �100 (�50 - 2nd hand), just get yourself a good well known (here and
in US) windows external serial port modem, such as US Robotics or Diamond as
I have stated.  It's probably best to get a K56 flex compatible  as it'll
probably be supported for the mac.  The diamond does support the mac and has
scripts on it's web site but I didn't need to load any drivers for it at

However, I must add that I loaded something called gearbox, which has a list
of the modems and advised me to use K56 Flex.

If you dont use Gearbox (came with my NTL free isp disc), then make sure
your port speed  is set to max speed 115700 or above.

I hope this has been of help.




Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 10:21:05 -0800
From: Wagner Truppel <>
Subject: petition for MATLAB on MacOS X


I'd like to ask you to point your web browser to 
<> and read 
about a petition to have MATLAB ported to OS X. Then, if you agree to 
it, please sign the petition and help get back to the Mac a 
tremendously useful piece of software for researchers, engineers, and 
students alike.

I'd have posted here the actual article, but I assume that doing so 
would have been a copyright violation.

Thank you.
Wagner Truppel


Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 19:40:59 -0600
From: Pete Resnick <>
To: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: remove Info-Mac aliases from Eudora mailboxes

On 12/5/01 at 9:33 PM -0500, Vincent Cayenne wrote:

>Whenever I open an Info-Mac digest attachment within Eudora 5.1, an
>alias to the digest mailbox is created at the root level of my
>mailboxes. I'd like to prevent the generation of the alias or
>automate the removal of them. Any ideas?

1. In Settings->Attachments, turn on "Trash attachments with 
messages". Attachments (like the digest) which you have not moved out 
of your attachments folder by hand will be moved to the Finder trash 
when you delete the message.

2. Empty trash. That will remove the alias from the mailbox list.

Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated



End of Info-Mac Digest