Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #145
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 15 Nov 01       Volume 18 : Issue 145

Today's Topics:

      [*] ACRONYMS Update List {4}Strawberry (2.2->3.0)
      [*] ACRONYMS v3.0 - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See
      [*] GTQ Scripting Library 1.2.1
      [*] JanusNode 1.11
      [*] PubMedMaker OSX 1.1
      [*] Web Confidential 3.0b11J - Japanese Version
      [*] X-Assist 0.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [A] Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance
      [A]: Subject: Need StyleWriter II driver for iMac w/OS 8.6 
      Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance
      Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance
      Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurrence 
      error message
      overbar and overdot
      Owner Password Problem on Pismo: Help!!
      Titanium and video mirroring?

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Date: 15 Nov 2001
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS Update List {4}Strawberry (2.2->3.0)

Update List {4}Grape can be imported into ACRONYMS 1.0, 1.01, 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 so that your copy of the stack will have the 599 acronyms which are ACRONYMS 3.0 but not in earlier versions. It does not add any of the new features (see which are in ACRONYMS 3.0, just the 599 new acronyms.

If you don't have ACRONYMS, you can download the latest version of ACRONYMS from The latest version (currently 3.0) already contains all the acronyms which are in this update list, so you won't need to download this as well.

Update List Strawberry can take a long time to import into versions 2.0 and earlier of the stack. It takes less then ten minutes on a 350MHz G3, but if you have a slower Mac it would be better to just download ACRONYMS 3.0. ACRONYMS 2.1 and later versions import update lists much more quickly.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-update-2-3.hqx; 49 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS v3.0 - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See

Main changes in this version (listed in more detail at

* 599 new original acronyms - a total of 3923
* Acronyms can now be assigned categories, and you can browse them by category to find acronyms on topics of interest.
* The stack can now generate HTML pages reflecting the categories.

[words and phrases in capitals are acronyms whose expansions are in the stack]
The purpose of this FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACK is to provide an introduction to a MIRTHFUL use of ACRONYMS on the INTERNET. Have you ever wished you had a better alternative to LOL? Or thought "Who makes up these WITTICISMs?" Well anybody can, you can! Don't say you're JUST TOO BUSY! and you don't want to READ A MANUAL. You can create an ACRONYM out of ALMOST ANYTHING! You can make them from any old CLICHE, use them to tell people to SHUT UP, state that THAT'S NOT FUNNY, tell a GIRL that she's FEMININE, SMILE a SMUG SMILE or just find FLAWS in the MEMORY of a UNIVERSITY EINSTEIN.

Take a DIRTY MIND, add a CHUCKLE, stir in a QUIP, and a QUANTITY of SNORTING, stick on a DISCLAIMER, and that's THE WAY THINGS ARE!

You can politely tell people to PISS OFF, PUT A SOCK IN IT, BE CIVIL or tell them THAT'S CHILDISH. You can tell people that they're talking BOLLOCKS! And if you're ON A ROLL, you can create a HUMDINGER of a reply to someone who won't TRY ONSCREEN HELP.

So who began this BIZARRE ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET? A CRAZED KIWI and an ABNORMAL IRISH man with a DIRTY MIND, who found themselves making up LAUGHTER ACRONYMS during their EPISTLES to the ANTIPODES - a sequence of combinations started when TONY MCCOY O'GRADY (MAXIOGEE) sent ANGELA BRETT AN EMAIL about his SLEUTHing in some of her SHAREWARE. They decided not to continue DOING NOTHING about their HILARIOUS ACRONYM stash, so they compiled them into this STACK, and in the process created a SUPERHERO called MACGIRL, her SIDEKICK KEYBOARD, and many DASTARDly VILLAINs.

ACRONYMS is also on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Check out to view all the acronyms - including new ones, download the latest update lists (which let you import new acronyms into the stack) and new versions of the stack, view the acronymist HALL OF FAME and honours list, subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES and more. You can also discuss and create acronyms on the FORUMS or FORA at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-30.hqx; 2158 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: [*] GTQ Scripting Library 1.2.1

One of the original, and largest, sets of additions to AppleScript, with 68
commands. Author Gregory T. Quinn permits free distribution.

John Rethorst

The GTQ Library contains:

Access Privileges for, Add Picture, Add Resource, Add String List, Address
of, Append aete, Application Info, Audio CD, Available Dialects, Choose
Address, Choose From List, Choose Link, Copy File, Current Date in Seconds,
Current Dialect, Date String for, Delete Resource, Depth, Does Font Exist,
Does Monitor Support, extract AP photo header, Extract Number from, Extract
Picture, Extract Resource, Extract String List, Font Information for,
Format Number, Front Application, Get User, Index Of, Is Application
Running, Kill resource fork, List Applications, List Fonts, List Links,
List Nodes, List Resource Types in, List Users/Groups, List Zones, Login
As, Logout, Mail To, Make Alias, Mouse Speed, Number of Monitors, Number of
Resources in, Number of Sounds, Object Database, Offsets of, Omit, Play
Movie in, Play Sound, Record Sound to, Relocate, Remove, Rename, Request
Attention, Resize Picture, Set Depth to, Set Printer to, Sharing
Information, Sort, StringToPSN, Switch To Launcher, This Application, Time
String for, Version of, Volume Mounting Info for

access privileges for, add picture, add resource, add string list, address
of, append aete, application info for, available dialects, choose address,
choose from list, choose link, close database, compact database, continue
audio CD, copy file, create database, current date in seconds, current
dialect, current monitor, date string for, deepest monitor, delete record
in database, delete resource, depth, does font exist, does monitor support
depth, eject CD, extract AP photo header from, extract number from, extract
picture, extract resource, extract string list, find record in database,
font information for, format number, front application, get database
information, get user, insert data, is application running, kill resource
fork, list applications, list fonts, list groups, list links, list nodes,
list resource types in, list users, list zones, login as, logout, mail to,
main monitor, make alias, mouse speed, number of monitors, number of
resources in, number of sounds, number of tracks on audio CD, offsets of,
omit in, open database, pause audio CD, play, play audio CD, play movie in,
record sound to, relocate, relocate font, remove, rename, request
attention, resize picture, set depth, set mouse speed to, set printer to,
sharing information, sort (1), status of audio CD, stop audio CD, switch to
launcher, this application, time string for, track information for audio
CD, version of, volume mounting info for

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/gtq-scripting-library-121.hqx; 261 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
From: Chris Westbury <>
Subject: [*] JanusNode 1.11

A JanusNode is a software robot that is designed for text generation and text morphing: that is, for writing computer-generated and computer-assisted poetry and prose. JanusNodes use their own simple language to allow the text-generation rules (called 'TextDNA') to be completely user-configurable. It is easy for users to write their own TextDNA even if they know nothing about programming the Mac. Users can also use the large set of built-in rules, or the automatic TextDNA-generating function which can turn ordinary text into TextDNA. The text morphing features include an automatic version of Tristan Tzara's original Dadaist formula for creating poetry from text (and many variations on it), an eecummingsfication feature for imitating the style of the great poet ee cummings, multiple forms of Markov chaining and much more. JanusNodes are highly user-configurable, and can be massively expanded by the end-user.

JanusNodes are uncopyrighted and free. They may be freely redistributed. They require at least 25 megabytes of free disk space, at least 5 megabytes of available RAM, and a PowerPC processor. They do not currently run native under OS X, but will run under OS X through OS 9.X.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/janusnode-111.hqx; 2741 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
From: Kinichi Yokota <>
Subject: [*] PubMedMaker OSX 1.1

PubMedMaker is a bibliographic software for medicine and biology.
PubMedMaker converts PubMed data to FileMaker Pro file just by drag &
drop. PubMed is a free on-line web site for MEDLINE offered by National
Library of Medicine. PubMedMaker also makes Reference list with rich
text, HTML, or plain text. You can easily arrange it to fit the journal's 
format to which you are going to contribute.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles

[Archived as /info-mac/text/pub-med-maker-11-osx.hqx; 1409 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 3.0b11J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential package.

This is the preview (beta) version Web Confidential 3.0 package. 

Web Confidential runs natively on Mac OS X or on Mac OS 9 with
CarbonLib 1.1 or better.

Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for
managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like.

While Web Confidential is suitable for a wide variety of personal data,
from credit card numbers to serial numbers, Alco Blom designed Web
Confidential particularly for the World Wide Web in mind. "Increasing
numbers of Web sites maintain some form of user registration," points
out Blom.  "You may not realize it, but in the course of time you may
registered at a couple of dozen sites.  Do you remember the passwords
you entered for all of them?"

Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and
passwords in one secure location. Web Confidential can automate the
process of logging into a password-secured Web page by automatically
passing URL, user ID, and password to your Web browser.

For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial
sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms
with user ID and password fields.

To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains
confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using
state-of-the-art encryption technology.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-30b11-jp.hqx; 1571 K]


Date: 15 Nov 2001
Subject: [*] X-Assist 0.5.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the X-Assist package.

X-Assist was created to assist in the much loved but missing features of
OS 9 in OSX.

*Application Switcher Menu (top right corner of screen)
X-Assist has a similar implementation.

*More than a 5 item "Recent Applications" menu.
X-Assist has no "limit".

*The ability to add personal hierarchies of items in an OS9-like "apple" menu. 
X-Assist allows users to add any hierarchy into a "Shortcuts" submenu.

*An extensible "Control Strip" like plugin architecture.  
X-Assist supports Objective-C (NSBundle) plugins.  They are easy to write, 
and examples  "SetVolume" and "MP3 Player" plugins are provided in this distribution.

*OS 9 window behavior - when you switch applications by clicking in a
window, all windows for that application are shown. This behavior has
changed in OSX and can be a bit annoying.  X-Assist brings back the OS9 
windowing functionality and also allows you to toggle between modes.

How much does it cost?


Check out the following Shareware application which may also interest

NetFinder is a FTP/HTTP/FILE browsing application that looks like the
Finder (OS8).
It supports viewing remote servers and local files in a hierarchy, plus
much more.
A fully functional installer can be downloaded from:

Some features of NetFinder:
- As Finder-like as you can imagine when browsing.
- resume FTP/HTTP
- Drag and Drop everywhere.
- Its Local File Browsing mode allows you to view, sort and change Label's too!

Try it and you will be hooked.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/x-assist-051-jp.hqx; 519 K]


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:09:16 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
To:, Chris McVay <>
Subject: [A] Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance

The hard drive cataloging is done (I think) by Sherlock to allow you 
to do a full text search of your files.  It is scheduled by default 
at midnight, so I'm guessing this was the first time you were on the 
computer at the magic hour.  Norton finding 2 system folders is more 
strange -- I wouldn't think it would care about a system other than 
the one it was running under.  Do a search for System or Finder and 
see what you find.


Ken Laskey


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:18:06 -0500
From: Scott Horton <>
To: <>
Subject: [A]: Subject: Need StyleWriter II driver for iMac w/OS 8.6 

The StyleWriter 1200 driver supports the StyleWriter II just fine. I use it
all the time. It is available just about any classic MacOS installer from
7.5 or so on up.


> From: "E. Blasberg" <>
> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 17:25:06 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Need StyleWriter II driver for iMac w/OS 8.6
> Hi All,
> I have an iMac w/System 8.6 and a uConnect (USB to serial) but I
> don't have a printer driver for the StyleWriter II. Anyone know where
> I can this driver or if I can use another driver (I tried StyleWriter
> 1500 and 2500 but neither worked)?
> Thanks in advance,
> E. Blasberg
> -- 


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:20:54 -0600
From: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <>
To: Chris McVay <>, <>
Subject: Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance

At 8:54 AM -0800 11/10/01, Chris McVay wrote:
>I was visiting some web sites last night and suddenly a window popped up
>that said my hard drive was being catalogued and said it would take some 20
>hours. I've never encountered this before.

This is Sherlock's "Find By Content" indexing, running on a schedule.  FBC allows you to search for files containing certain words and phrases on your drive.  This doesn't indicate anything bad or wrong.

All is really indicates is that you were up later at your computer than you have been before.

Open Sherlock.  Select "Index Volumes" from the Find menu.  You'll probably find that "Use schedule" is checked for your drive, and that the scheduled time at the bottom of the window is a time when you've never before been sitting at your computer.

It's going to take a looong time the first time it happens because every file on the disk is going to get examined and summarized into a database which will later be used for lightning-fast searches.

I'm gonna tell my son to grow up as pretty as the grass is green
and as whip-smart as the English Channel is wide...
                                                       - Liz Phair, Whip Smart
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 20:19:05 -0800
From: (DV)
Subject: Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurance

In article <9ssogc$1ko2$>, wrote:

> I was visiting some web sites last night and suddenly a window popped up
> that said my hard drive was being catalogued and said it would take some 20
> hours. I've never encountered this before. I stopped it immediately.

You have Sherlock installed. Sherlock parses files for contents to allow
'Search by Content'.

Sherlock has an option to turn off the cataloging somewhere. Someone will
probably know where.

Sherlock is set to do this by default, and I think the time is set to
midnight. In any case, you don't seem to keep your mac on long enough for
Sherlock to do its thing, so when you were online so long, it finally had
a chance.

You have two options...

#1. Leave your Mac on for at least a full day to allow all the files to be
parsed (and generate the Catalog File for Sherlock's future use).

#2. Find out where the 'Search by Content' feature/Cataloging of Sherlock
can be turned off.

Hope this helps...



It's easy to list the things money won't buy:
love, health, happiness, and peace.
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
- Benjamin Franklin


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 01:47:15 -0800
From: Premium <>
To: <>
Subject: Catalogue Hard drive: Strange occurrence 

Don't worry. That's just the sherlock search engine doing it's job. It scans
everything on your drive and makes a master file of everything it locates so
that it can perform very fast and deep searches of your drive.

If you read the apple help files that are built into your system they will
give you a nice understanding of what is occurring. And if you want to turn
off this true feature of the MacOS then just go into sherlock's pref's
(under 'edit' as always) and turn off 'indexing.'

It really is worth it to let the application perform this function because
then you can search for not just items/objects on your drive but you can
also have sherlock to search for words and phrases within text documents and

Amazing stuff from Apple again.

Pol Potlatch


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:39:40 +0900
From: World Link IR <>
Subject: error message

After 7 years on the Mac I'm now getting an error message I've never seen 

"The application [xxx] has unexpectedly quit. The server that contains it 
may have been disconnected."

It comes up sporadically when I quit an application or shut down (so the 
computer quits the open applications), and the system always freezes at 
that point. It could be any application. I can't reproduce the problem at 
will, and because it's crept in slowly over the past 2 months I have no 
idea which bit of updated software might be causing it. I've tried zapping 
the PRAM, doing a clean install twice, and rebuilding the desktop.

I hope someone can help. Removing all the third party extensions and 
replacing them slowly is my last resort but I'm hoping to avoid this 
because our home office depends on the extras like Default Folder, 
QuicKeys, Now Up-to-Date, etc.

I'm using a G4 450 with OS 9.04. I have 9.1 on a 2nd internal hard disk. 
(Wish I could use 9.1 all the time but my HP Deskwriter 660 with the 9.4.3 
driver doesn't work on 9.1.) Virtual memory and AppleTalk are off.


Glenn Anderson


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 12:06:38 -0500 (EST)
From: Norman Friedman <>
Subject: jpeg

Hi everyone,
does anyone know a source to download jpeg application that I can use on my
mac ppc. I am using system 8.6 and for some reason the jpeg that I can 
find give me an error 10, whatever that is. If possible anything that will
replace the jpeg that will open pictures sent to me in jpeg format.
thanks in advance for all the help.


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:33:18 +0200
From: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>
To: Info-mac <>
Subject: overbar and overdot

How can I put a bar or dot over a letter in MS Word 2001 and MS 
Powerpoint 2001? I remeber there being special command key sequences 
that I could use, but I have not used them for years.

Is there, perhaps, a font with all the characters overbar-ed and overdot-ed?

Thanks in advance!

michael silverstein
materials engineering


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 11:10:01 +0100
From: Fabio Mantovan <>
Subject: Owner Password Problem on Pismo: Help!!

I bought a G3400 firewire pismo from a shop, like the last model in
exposition, and I never used Multi User option. Now that I want to, I try to
set my owner password(8 letters) but any time I check back I find not 8 but
6 black points... Maybe the shop setted an owner password before, so I can't
change it? They cannot explain me what is happening, so I can't use Multi
User option, I 've no courage to try... Somebody can help me??? Has this
password something to do with Open Firmware password??


Fabio Mantovan


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 00:30:05 -0200
From: "Joao C. Portinari" <>
Subject: Titanium and video mirroring?

Hi Titanium gurus, I need your help.

When I try to use an external monitor (or a video projector) with a
different resolution than the one set up in the powerbook, and I
choose video mirroring", my main screen shrinks.

For instance, if I set up the external monitor to a resolution of 800
x 600, while the Titanium keeps its regular resolution of 1152 x 768,
and the monitors setup is for mirroring, immediately my main screen
(the Titanium LCD monitor) shrinks to a smaller rectangle, surrounded
by a black frame.

Am I missing something, or is this a "regular feature"? Is there any
Any clues will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance.


Joao C. Portinari
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro



End of Info-Mac Digest