Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #125
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 04 Oct 01       Volume 18 : Issue 125

Today's Topics:

      [*] astro20.hqx [All-in-one astronomy/astrology tool]
      [*] DupliMizer 2.3
      [*] English Adjectives 2.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Fetch 4.0.1 submission
      [*] Free Backup 2.1
      [*] jlp.Desktops Vol.1
      [*] KDX Client 0.927 (internet communications system)
      [*] KDX Server 0.927 (internet communications system)
      [*] NP Grade 1.0015
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.7.4 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PowerToto Demo 2.0.2 ENG
      [*] PowerToto Demo 2.0.2 ITA
      [*] PubMedMaker III3 1.0
      [*] RaceBuilder(c) 1.6 (EN)
      [*] Scale Teacher 1.0 OSX
      [*] Stimulus 1.0
      [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X)�@3.4.1
      [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1
      [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1
      [*] United Airlines Miles Manager v1.0 
      All-in-one device
      Crucified by PostScript problems - Solved?
      General Controls
      Pop-up menu in Finder

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
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America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine


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Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Alexandre Trottier <>
Subject: [*] astro20.hqx [All-in-one astronomy/astrology tool]

MacAstronomica generates sky maps at any time, from anywhere on Earth. The
maps show all the planets and stars visible to the naked eye, as well as
some galaxies and nebulas, the Ecliptic, meteor showers and the Milky Way.
Constellations are drawn in their traditional form, and a table lists the
visible objects. MacAstronomica also features an Orrery that simulates the
solar system, a sundial/moon dial, an astrological birth chart generator
complete with an overview, and a lot more. The interface is very elegant and
easy to use. And finally, MacAstronomica lets you print customized sky maps
and birth charts. Enjoy!

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/astro-20.hqx; 862 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] DupliMizer 2.3

DupliMizer 2.3

What it is: AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your entire
web folder in one pass.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$5
Computer: any Mac
Mac OS: 7.6 or higher
Required: Scripting Addition (osax) "ACME Script Widgets"
DupliMizer is an AppleScript program that duplicates and optimizes your
entire web folder.
Simply drag your Web Folder to the program's icon and all web pages are
optimized in one pass! There is a limit to the hierarchical depth that
DupliMizer can handle: Eight levels must be sufficient in practically all
cases. A detailed log is available.
Version 2.3 works also with Mac OS 9.1 or higher and removes more redundant
editor tags.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/duplimizer-23.hqx; 125 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] English Adjectives 2.1 - foreign language learning

'English Adjectives 2.1' is a plug-in module for the 'Verbs & Nouns'
language-learning program. This module helps Macintosh users to study and
practise the comparison, adverb, and "-ish" forms of English adjectives. It
is useful to native English speakers and to students learning English as a
foreign language.  It contains 5400 English adjectives. You can change or
delete existing entries, add new words, and construct groups of adjectives
that you want to practise. You can also add translations to the  language
of your choice.

To use 'English Adjectives' you must have the application program 'Verbs &
Nouns'.  You can download it from Info-Mac sites around the world (navigate
to 'Education' and 'Language'), for example:
<> or using the WWW page at

If you use the unregistered version of 'Verbs & Nouns', you can see only 59
English adjectives in the main scroll-lists. To see all the adjectives, you
must register your copy of 'Verbs & Nouns'. The module itself is free.

For up-to-date information about this and related software, visit:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/english-adjectives-21.hqx; 360 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Jim Matthews <>
Subject: [*] Fetch 4.0.1 submission

Fetch 4.0.1, popular FTP client

Version 4.0.1 fixes an incompatibility with Mac OS X 10.1.  This is a 15 day free trial version, the license price is $25 US.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/fetch-401.hqx; 2493 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: [*] Free Backup 2.1

Backs up any files and folders on any disks to any location(s) you choose,
in Finder format or Stuffit archives. Make any number of duplicates of Free
Backup - each will keep its own list of items to back up, where to back
them up to and which format to use. Automatically email or distribute
backups, back up multiple sources to multiple destinations at once,
maintain a set number of backups in a destination and delete older backups,
back up at an automatic interval. Unmatched flexibility and ease of use.

New in version 2: completely redesigned. Much more powerful. Supports any
number of backup sets, each of which can back up an unlimited number of
sources to any destination. Backs up in Finder format or makes archives
including optional encryption. Extensive data verification includes
checksums and optional byte-by-byte comparison of original and backup files.

New in version 2.1: adds extension to maintain a set number of archives,
deleting older ones. Fixes a bug writing to the log file with some OS
versions. Several minor enhancements.


John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/free-backup-21.hqx; 352 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
Subject: [*] jlp.Desktops Vol.1

jlp.Desktops Vol.1
Copyright � 2001 John LoBoi
LINK WARE. put a link on your page to mine and e-mail me the page i'm
linked to.

  These images are 800X600 jpeg's that can be stretched to 1024X768
without any quality loss and higher with minimal quality loss. Send any
comments to the address below. I've added a special red white and blue,
in remembrance of the world trade center attack on 9/11/01please
distribute that one to every one you know

Distribution info:
  WITH written consent from me, You can use and distribute these images
as you see fit; you may put them on magazine compilation CDs, shareware
discs, etc. Any distribution must include this file and all the original
images. You may not sell or alter these images in any way, shape or

[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/jlp-desktop-vol1.hqx; 2898 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Haxial <>
Subject: [*] KDX Client 0.927 (internet communications system)

KDX is an encrypted internet communications system that provides file 
transfer, chat, messenging, news, trackers etc.  It uses strong 
encryption to protect your communications for security and privacy.

KDX is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/kdx-client-0927.hqx; 351 K]


Date: 28 Sep 2001
From: Haxial <>
Subject: [*] KDX Server 0.927 (internet communications system)

KDX is an encrypted internet communications system that provides file 
transfer, chat, messenging, news, trackers etc.  It uses strong 
encryption to protect your communications for security and privacy.

KDX is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/kdx-server-0927.hqx; 239 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
From: NorthSoft Productions <>
Subject: [*] NP Grade 1.0015

Product name: NP Grade
Version: 1.0015
Company Homepage:
Product Homepage:
Author's name: Marc Weil
Author's E-Mail:
License Type: Freeware
System Requirements: Mac OS 8.1 or later, 250 MHz or faster processor,
Printer (optional)

Other: You may include this program on commercially distributed CD-ROMs. We
would appreciate it if you contacted us prior to the program's submission,


NP Grade is a powerful, free, and easy to use program for teachers. It's
integrated documentation and live Balloon Help make it extremely easy to
use, and its intuitive interface makes for a very efficient program.

Grade provides all of the necessary tools and features to make it a very
useful and flexible program, but it doesn't have millions of extra
screen-cluttering features that over-complicate the user interface.

NP Grade is freeware, so you may use it and distribute it freely to anyone
whom you wish as long  as you do  not alter the original MacBinary archive
and/or installer file and anything contained within it. Please read the
license agreement for all NorthSoft Productions freeware programs at <a

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/np-grade-10015.hqx; 4464 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
From: Panda Systems <>
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar 5.7.4 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a useful Mac-only program places a fully functional 
calendar on your desktop. The look is completely customizable. You 
can change the calendar font and its size, and the calendar's 
background color; you can center the current week (so you are always 
able to look back and ahead a full month at a time), display the 
numerical number of the weeks of the year, display the calendar with 
European style weeks (Monday being the first day and Sunday being the 
last), assign notes to any day of the year by clicking on the day in 
the calendar, and set alarms to remind you of time sensitive events. 
You can also have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. 
Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule!

Version 5.7.4 - Fixed a bug that would cause the calendar frame to 
draw as garbage when the screen was set to millions of colors in Mac 
OS X 10.1. Worked around a bug in Mac OS X that causes reminder 
windows to be hidden if PandoCalendar was hidden at the time the 
reminder was displayed.

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/pando-calendar-574.hqx; 1131 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
From: Marco Tenuti <>
Subject: [*] PowerToto Demo 2.0.2 ENG

What is PowerToto?

PowerToto is the first complete suite to build and analyze systems 
for soccer based games and lottery games  for MacOS and MacOS X. You 
may deploy your best strategies to test it again the historical 
archives. It lets you create system for:

- Totocalcio, Totogol, Totosei (Italy)
- SuperEnalotto, Lotto (Italy)
- LotoFoot Matches Simple, Loto Simple (France)
- Toto-R, Toto-X, Swiss Lotto (Switzerland)
- Osterreichischen Toto, Lotto, ZahlenLotto (Austria)

The biggest strength of PowerToto is its speed: it can generate and constraint
systems in real time and it is even able to reduce systems in few seconds with
fastest PowerMacintosh computers. It sports:

- several constraint methods
- system reductions
- import and export facilities
- boolean operations between systems
- different views of systems (combinations view, system summary, constraint
icons, grouped view)
- groupings of columns
- advanced versatility of dialogs
- supported Drag and drop
- Italian Lotto's Archive
- Inspector floating window
- reads files from TotoTurbo, Silvergol, and Lingotto
- multithreaded application based on Thread Manager
- download of archives through TCP/IP

PowerToto 2.0.2 system requirements:

- MacOS 8.6
- CarbonLib 1.1
- Memory: 4 MB available for PowerToto (more is better)
- PowerPC processor
- 12 MB hard disk free

What's new in this release?

- some bugs fixed

[Archived as /info-mac/game/power-toto-202.hqx; 3338 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
From: Marco Tenuti <>
Subject: [*] PowerToto Demo 2.0.2 ITA

What is PowerToto?

PowerToto is the first complete suite to build and analyze systems 
for soccer based games and lottery games  for MacOS and MacOS X. You 
may deploy your best strategies to test it again the historical 
archives. It lets you create system for:

- Totocalcio, Totogol, Totosei (Italy)
- SuperEnalotto, Lotto (Italy)
- LotoFoot Matches Simple, Loto Simple (France)
- Toto-R, Toto-X, Swiss Lotto (Switzerland)
- Osterreichischen Toto, Lotto, ZahlenLotto (Austria)

The biggest strength of PowerToto is its speed: it can generate and constraint
systems in real time and it is even able to reduce systems in few seconds with
fastest PowerMacintosh computers. It sports:

- several constraint methods
- system reductions
- import and export facilities
- boolean operations between systems
- different views of systems (combinations view, system summary, constraint
icons, grouped view)
- groupings of columns
- advanced versatility of dialogs
- supported Drag and drop
- Italian Lotto's Archive
- Inspector floating window
- reads files from TotoTurbo, Silvergol, and Lingotto
- multithreaded application based on Thread Manager
- download of archives through TCP/IP

PowerToto 2.0.2 system requirements:

- MacOS 8.6
- CarbonLib 1.1
- Memory: 4 MB available for PowerToto (more is better)
- PowerPC processor
- 12 MB hard disk free

What's new in this release?

- some bugs fixed

[Archived as /info-mac/game/power-toto-202-it.hqx; 3342 K]


Date: 30 Sep 2001
From: Kinichi Yokota <>
Subject: [*] PubMedMaker III3 1.0

PubMedMaker is a bibliographic software for medicine and biology.
PubMedMaker converts PubMed data to FileMaker Pro file just by drag &
drop. PubMed is a free on-line web site for MEDLINE offered by National
Library of Medicine. PubMedMaker also makes Reference list with rich
text, HTML, or plain text. You can easily arrange it to fit the journal��
s format to which you are going to contribute.

What's new in this version
[PubMedMakerIII 1.0, Oct 1, 2001]
1. Cross platform: for Mac & Win
2. Includes text converter function: only one drag & drop to get
FileMaker file. No conversion errors and high speed.
3. Preferences: can set up version of FileMaker Pro, how to make
FileMaker file (one step or two step), how to put away original files
(as it is, put away in special folder or delete). Allows you to locate
original files at anywhere.
4. Automatic management of PDF files
5. Revise of Reference set up
6. PowerPC Mac only. Use PubMedMakerII3.8 in case of 68K Mac.

System Requirements
FileMakerPro 3.0 or later, Mac OS 8.5 or later, PowerPC

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles

[Archived as /info-mac/text/pub-med-maker-iiie-10.hqx; 1455 K]


Date: 1 Oct 2001
From: Dierk Seeburg <>
Subject: [*] RaceBuilder(c) 1.6 (EN)

MESA, ARIZONA  -  Sep. 19, 2001.  -  Sedico today announced the release
of RaceBuilder(c) version 1.6.  RaceBuilder(c) is a multilingual
shareware software package geared towards race directors of sport events
like 10K runs, swim meets, triathlons and many more.  Using
RaceBuilder(c) race directors like yourself can manage a race event from
A to Z.  Thanks to its adaptability RaceBuilder(c) can be customized for
managing a wide array of race events, as well.

- Relational database design
- Superior organizational tools and checklists
- Customizable Entrant database
- Race Clock and Entrant Timing
- Multiple and customizable divisions and categories
- Budget management
- Summary and statistics functions
- PR management
- Apple Speech support
- Sponsorship management
- Phone dialing integration
- Automatic data entry, e.g. city & state (for Canada & USA) with given
postal code
- Extensive documentation
- Built-in Internet links, e.g. to RaceBuilder(c) website for latest info
- Multilingual (English, German, more on demand)
- English and German Text-to-Speech

Filemaker Pro 3.0 and above
Macintosh: Mac OS 7 and above
PC: Windows95 on 486 or higher
10" Monitor with 256 colors or higher
6.0 MB hard disk space for the complete RaceBuilder� package
CPU, RAM, hard disk space, system software, monitor size according to
the version of Filemaker Pro� you are using.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/race-builder-16.hqx; 3755 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
Subject: [*] Scale Teacher 1.0 OSX


OSX or 9.1 Carbon 
5 Megabytes of Free RAM 
Minimum 800 * 600 screen resolution 
QuickTime with Musical Instrument Extension  


30 Major and Minor Keys 
Music Software By Pianist 
Special Version For OSX 
System 9.0 Version Supports Midi Keyboard 
Memorize Scales Quickly 
Auto Teacher 
Customizable Note Range 
Grades Database 
Generates HTML Grade Reports 
Large 800 * 600 Screen Size 
Supports All Ages And Grade Levels 
Accelerates Sight Reading Abilities 
Easy To Use 
Compliments Musical Space Invaders  

How It Works

The Music Scale Teacher is an invaluable computerized music tutor.  It uses 
advanced teaching techniques to accelerate your note reading abilities.  It 
replaces the monotony of memorizing the scales with a thrilling more action 
packed arcade game.  The more notes you shoot down, the more scales you've 
mastered.  Master those difficult keys instead of being intimated by them!
This program compliments Musical Space Invaders.   After having achieved a 
fundamental knowledge of note reading, either with the help of "Musical Space 
Invaders" or this program, Scale Teacher will advance you to the next level.  
It will help you to intuitively know the notes for each key signature.  
Students will be freed from having to constantly consult the key sign as they 
struggle to learn a new piece.  This knowledge will greatly facility your 
ability to read and learn music.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/scale-teacher-osx-10.hqx; 1343 K]


Date: 3 Oct 2001
From: Dave Wooldridge <>
Subject: [*] Stimulus 1.0

Image Viewer and Audio/Video Player

Enjoy your personal collection of photos, digital music, video clips, and
more with one integrated software viewer/player!  Stimulus works intuitively
like an enhanced file browser, allowing you to select and view/play 17
popular file formats with a slideshow option, zoom in/out, scale-to-fit,
printing, drag and drop, file properties, and more!

Shareware: $12.00

Stimulus Product Page:

* PPC Mac OS 8 or higher.
* QuickTime 4 or higher.
* 5 MB RAM, 2 MB free hard drive space.
* Adobe Acrobat Reader for reading the included User's Guide.

Created by Electric Butterfly

Copyright (C) 2001 Electric Butterfly, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/stimulus-10.hqx; 765 K]


Date: 1 Oct 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X)�@3.4.1

Name: Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Carbon/OS X)
Version: 3.4.1

German-English/English-German translation dictionary for business, 
education, and industry.  Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed 
entries. Special features: reverse translation, number 
converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language 
references.  This version is for Mac OS 9.x- OS X (a version for 
7.1-8.6 is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; 
cost to purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac 
Classic or OS X version).

Ultralingua homepage:
Support e-mail:

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments,

Scott Carpenter

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultralingua-de-eng-341-cbn.hqx; 2119 K]


Date: 1 Oct 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1

Name: Ultralingua German-English Dictionary (Mac Classic)
Version: 3.4.1

German-English/English-German translation dictionary for business, 
education, and industry.  Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed 
entries. Special features: reverse translation, number 
converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language 
references.  This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS 
X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to 
purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic 
or OS X version).

Ultralingua homepage:
Support e-mail:

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments,

Scott Carpenter

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultralingua-de-eng-341-fat.hqx; 2392 K]


Date: 1 Oct 2001
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: [*] Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Mac Classic) 3.4.1

Name: Ultralingua Spanish-English Dictionary (Mac Classic)
Version: 3.4.1

Spanish-English/English-Spanish translation dictionary for business, 
education, and industry.  Contains hundreds of thousands of indexed 
entries. Special features: reverse translation, number 
converter/translator, multi-criteria search, on-line language 
references.  This version is for Mac OS 7.1-8.6 (a version for 9.x-OS 
X is also available). Shareware with a 30 day trial period; cost to 
purchase: $29.95 (registration code allows use of either Mac Classic 
or OS X version).

Ultralingua homepage:
Support e-mail:

This product may be distributed on CD-ROMs as long as no registration 
codes are included.

Please contact us with any questions or comments,

Scott Carpenter

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/ultralingua-es-eng-341-fat.hqx; 2612 K]


Date: 29 Sep 2001
From: Splash IT Consulting <>
Subject: [*] United Airlines Miles Manager v1.0 

Miles Manager (United Airlines version) allows you to:

1. Track all your activities that earn you Mileage Plus points with United
Airlines. These include flights, car hire, credit card points, telecard
calls, hotel points, currency exchange etc. You can then verify that all
points have been awarded when you receive your statement from United.

2. Determine the possible destinations available with your current points
balance. Miles Manager lets you select your starting region, preferred class
and number of available points and returns a list of available
cities/regions that you can fly if you redeem your points.

Modules for other airlines, such as British Airways and American Airlines,
are being planned.

System Requirements

For Mac OS 8/9

*Power Macintosh Computer or later
*32MB of RAM required
*Hard Disk with 24mb free space
*Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution
*Supports Mac OS version 8.1 through Mac OS 9.1.

For Mac OS X

*Apple G3 computer or higher (excluding G3 upgrade cards)
*128MB of RAM required
*Hard Disk with 24mb free space
*Monitor capable of 800*600 resolution
*Mac OS X

This database was developed using the Verdana font. You can download this
font from the Microsoft Font website at:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/miles-manager-united-10.hqx; 5321 K]


Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 01:03:32 +0100
From: Neil Jones <>
Subject: All-in-one device

In response to:

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 13:30:29 +0200
From: Robert van Tiel <>
To: <>
Subject: Printer

i am looking for a all-in-one printer for my iMac with USB-port.
I am looking for a all-in-one printer, scanner, fax and copier.
Which one is the best for me??

With kinds regards,

Robert van Tiel

I can't speak highly enough about the Hewlett Packard Officejet G85. 
We've had it for a month and we're still amazed by the quality of the 
photocopying, even on normal. It's quiet, fast, well designed, has a 
flatbed scanner, a colour fax and clear, well laid-out controls. It 
can work as a stand-alone or controlled from your computer. It's a 
superb piece of kit.

Neil Jones


Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 14:33:38 +0100
From: "F.J. Lalor" <>
Subject: Crucified by PostScript problems - Solved?

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 }
 --></style><title>Re: Crucified by PostScript problems -
<div><font color="#000000"> (B.L.Cohen)
&gt;Your problems are not unlike one that I have had printing to an
old mac<br>
&gt;printer from a PM7600. The printer had little onboard memory and
would give<br>
&gt;a PS error message whenever it was sent a document in Times New
&gt;(usually one I had received as an attachment, since I dislike the
look of<br>
&gt;this font and use Times as my default), but the same document in
&gt;would print OK. The printer's onboard font certainly includes
Times, does<br>
&gt;not include Times NR, and I assume it has insufficient memory to
&gt;TNR as required.<br>
Yes, this does appear to be the solution and it makes historical
sense too since the problems began to appear just about the time I
switched to Times New Roman. I did as you suggested and reverted to
Times. The PS errors vanished - only now both my printers behaved as
if the printing area had been displaced upwards and partially off the
page. The bottom half of the text appeared on the top half of the
page right up to the top edge with the rest of the page blank -
something that had never happened before. Barely supressing an urge
to scream or take a hammer to my Mac and peripherals I reinstalled
the LW software and - lo! - I haven't had a PS error in several days
where I was previously having errors in virtually every printing. If
this holds true I am deeply in your debt.<br>
Many thanks -<br>

<div>-- <br>
Dr. Fergus Lalor, Senior Lecturer, Chemistry Dept., University<br>
College, Cork, IRELAND.<br>
Telephone: 353-(0)21-902317. Fax: 353-(0)21-274097<br>


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:43:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: cheryl peters <>
Subject: General Controls

Since switching to OS 9.1, I can't get my computer to
save my preferences for the general controls. It
always seems to default to saving documents in the
application's folder, instead of the foldeer I would
like to specify. This problem occurs both at work,
where I have an all-in-one G-3, and at home where I
have a newer G-4. Any hints?

Do You Yahoo!?
Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 21:52:57 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
To: Ilyse Kazar <>, <>
Subject: Pop-up menu in Finder

Aside from that, an alias of a drive in the Apple Menu won't do you 
much good if you're trying to drag a file to a desired destination 
deep inside your drive's folder hierarchy.  Neither will the 
otherwise admirable FinderPop.  But PopupFolder was perfect for that. 
(You could also grab a file from deep within and pull it out onto the 
desktop or move it to a totally different folder).

At 12:27 AM -0400 9/27/01, Ilyse Kazar wrote:
>On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:30:38 -0400, The Info-Mac Network <digest@info-
>> wrote:
>>What's wrong with putting an alias of your HD on the Apple Menu. This
>>gives you a hierarchical menu of the whole HD with no trouble!
>I think this would be limited to 4 levels. PopUp Folder went to something
>like 8 levels.
>          Datatude

Allan Hunter



Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 11:51:15 -0700
From: Ken Prager <>
Subject: Printer

> From: Robert van Tiel <>
> Subject: Printer
> Hello,
> i am looking for a all-in-one printer for my iMac with USB-port.
> I am looking for a all-in-one printer, scanner, fax and copier.
> Which one is the best for me??
> With kinds regards,
> Robert van Tiel 

HP just announced the 950 all-in-one.  I looked at it last weekend and 
it has some nice features, foremost being that it can read directly from 
Smart Media and the like.

One note of caution is that HP sometimes lags behind in it's supply of 
drivers for Macs.


Ken Prager



End of Info-Mac Digest