Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #115
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 10 Sep 01       Volume 18 : Issue 115

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Farewell to Kings for Mac OS X v2.0.1
      [*] A Farewell to Kings v2.0.1
      [*] Checkers (WCC Lite) Description
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.9.
      [*] FileBuddy 6.1.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] HTML-Optimizer 5.5
      [*] HTML-OptimizerPlus 3.5
      [*] MacTypingTutor 5.2
      [*] MaxBulk Mailer 2.0
      [*] mpg123 mac 68k  1.0
      [*] PhotoGrid2.12, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail
      [*] Sherlock Nobanners - Mac OS 9.1 (Deutsche)
      [*] Spanish Lesson 1.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] Submission problem
      [*] Web Confidential 3.0b8J - Japanese Version
      [Q] MS Access on Macs
      Beige G3 SVGA connection problem
      Buying a G4 from Japan
      high quality color printing: laser or solid ink?
      Info-Mac Digest V18 #114
      Movie File
      New memory delay
      nextel motorola i50sx

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: 8 Sep 2001
From: Rob Steward <>
Subject: [*] A Farewell to Kings for Mac OS X v2.0.1

A Farewell to Kings is like no other solitaire you've ever seen. It requires
strategic thinking and it is not easily mastered.

A Farewell To Kings for Mac OS X, version 2.0.1

Release Notes
Release date: September 4, 2001

What's New in This Release?

v2.0.1 9/4/2001
- Fixed a major bug where cards in the fifth row from the top were virtually
always free to be moved around in the grid.
- Fixed a bug where arranging custom kings into a book and then attaching a
card would force the program to quit with an unhandled exception.

v2.0.0, 9/3/2001
- Greatly improved graphics
- Game sounds
- Added numerous preferences and options
- "Cheating"
- Unlimited Undo
- Auto-saving of current game and preferences
- Instructions are now included as part of the game itself
- Native OS X version

System Requirements:

All platforms:
8MB of free RAM
4MB of free disk space
800x600 screen resolution

System 7.6.1 or greater (including OS X)
68020 or better processor; PowerPC, G3 or G4 recommended

PC (available from
Windows 95 or greater
100MHz or greater processor speed recommended

Rob Steward Company

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/a-farewell-to-kings-201-x.hqx; 2333 K]


Date: 8 Sep 2001
From: Rob Steward <>
Subject: [*] A Farewell to Kings v2.0.1

A Farewell to Kings is like no other solitaire you've ever seen. It requires
strategic thinking and it is not easily mastered.

A Farewell To Kings, version 2.0.1

Release Notes
Release date: September 4, 2001

What's New in This Release?

v2.0.1 9/4/2001
- Fixed a major bug where cards in the fifth row from the top were virtually
always free to be moved around in the grid.
- Fixed a bug where arranging custom kings into a book and then attaching a
card would force the program to quit with an unhandled exception.

v2.0.0, 9/3/2001
- Greatly improved graphics
- Game sounds
- Added numerous preferences and options
- "Cheating"
- Unlimited Undo
- Auto-saving of current game and preferences
- Instructions are now included as part of the game itself
- Native OS X version

System Requirements:

All platforms:
8MB of free RAM
4MB of free disk space
800x600 screen resolution

System 7.6.1 or greater (including OS X)
68020 or better processor; PowerPC, G3 or G4 recommended

PC (available from
Windows 95 or greater
100MHz or greater processor speed recommended

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/a-farewell-to-kings-201.hqx; 2726 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
Subject: [*] Checkers (WCC Lite) Description

The graphic in this program are amazing,  the play is superior to every 
other checkes program on the market, and the program is free. The download 
is defintely 
worth it! 

World Championship Checkers (WCC) describes a suite of products.  They are 
the most advanced software programs to play the game of checkers (or 
"draughts" to our friends across the Atlantic) that you can obtain. This 
"lite" version is bundled with:
* An Opening Book containing more than 200,000 positions.
* A RAM-resident database containing more than 148 million positions.
* A disk-based "Perfect Play" database with over 7 million positions.
* An engine that searches 12-18 plies ahead (you set the depth.)

This version is "visit-ware". If you like it, all that we ask is that
you stop by our website at sometime and take a 
look around. We have much stronger versions for sale; one that has beaten the 
human world champion many times.
Opening Book

The Opening Book contains an abundance of the strongest moves ever made by 
some of the most brilliant players ever to have lived. In this sense, you are 
playing not just WCC� Lite, but every one of those 
considered to be the Greatest Masters of All-Time! Some of our book play 
predates the birth of the United States of America, taken from a volume 
published in 1756!

If you play a move that is in the book, aggressively counterplay and deadly 
traps are instantly available. Sometimes WCC� will make a move that 
intentionally throws away a checker, or maybe even two checkers, but a few 
moves later, you find yourself being triple-jumped as a piece lands in the 
King row!
If you play a move that is not in the book, WCC� will seach every position 
between 12-18 plies into the future in order to determine its best move.

RAM Database of 148 Million Positions+

WCC� has two kinds of endgame database. One exists in RAM, and is probed as 
the look-ahead search encounters positions. This one has every position 
involving 5 or fewer pieces mapped to a win, loss, or draw. 

Since pieces come off the board "no matter what", WCC� can probe ahead and 
avoid the losses in its database, play for wins, and if it is in any kind of 
trouble, it will head for a draw.  It takes a very strong player to defeat 
this version of WCC� Lite.

Disk Database of 7 Million Positions+
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/world-championship-checkers-lite.hqx; 4158 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.9.

CuliDataBase 5.9 (PPC)

What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$8
Computer: Mac with PowerPC processor
MacOS: 7.5.3 or later
CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes. There are PPC
and 68K versions; with this you have the PPC version.
A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list.
Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the
singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well,
so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in
English, French and Dutch.
To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes.
Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself,
and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites.
An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the
export and print functions.
Version 5.9 also runs in the classic environment of Mac OS X.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/culi-database-59.hqx; 1315 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
Subject: [*] FileBuddy 6.1.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the FileBuddy package.

File Buddy is quite simply the most powerful and popular high-level file
utility available for your Macintosh. 

File Buddy 6 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with System 7.6 or
later. File Buddy 5 is available for 68K Macintoshes. The latest Japanese 
release of the carbon version of File Buddy (File Buddy 7)
can be downloaded from <>.

 *View and edit a wide range of file and folder information in the info 
 *Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items 
 dropped on them, including the contents of folders.	
 *Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. 
 Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities.
 Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File 
 Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP 
 control panel.	
 *Modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" 
 from the names of a group of files.	
 *Much, much more...

Changes & Fixes in this version:

*Apple wants their internet-based iDisks to act like local disks. As a
result, the system calls to resolve an alias to an iDisk do not see it
as an alias to a remote disk and try to connect to the internet. If File
Buddy encountered an alias to an iDisk while checking aliases, the
system would attempt to mount the iDisk, which requires a connection to
the internet. You could cancel the connection, but the system would take
so long to deal with it that it looks as if your Mac had crashed. Now,
if an alias to an iDisk in encountered, File Buddy gives you the option
of skipping it.
*Choosing Find Unique Files now brings the Unique Files Window to the
front if it's already open instead of opening a new one.
*If several items were opened in the info window, and the first was a
disk, the Kind description would always say "disk". Fixed.
*Labels in the info window were not being erased when displaying the
next item if the next item was different. Fixed.
*In the process of developing File Buddy 7, a few very minor bugs were
found while rewriting the existing code. This release contains fixes for
those bugs.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-613-jp.hqx; 1322 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] HTML-Optimizer 5.5

HTML-Optimizer 5.5

What it is: Utility to check and optimize your web pages to make them load
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$10
Computer: PowerPC, iMac or iBook
Mac OS: 7.5.3 or later
HTML-Optimizer is the ideal tool for managing your web site. It checks your
web pages for broken links and dangling tags and optimizes both text and
graphic files.
The program offers 5 functions plus a number of useful options that make
working with HTML-Optimizer very easy. Especially the new 'duplimize'
feature comes in handy for uploading an optimized web folder. The program
has a built-in Manual and Balloon Help is supported too.
The five basic functions of HTML-Optimizer are:
1. Optimizing HTML code by removing unnecessary characters and tags, which
results in faster loading of your pages in your client's browser.
Client-side and server-side JavaScript can be optimized too. Graphic file
resources, which are of no use on the web, are removed, saving 10 to 80 % of
2. Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to
appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for
Width, Height and Alt attributes. Missing attributes are added with values
which are automatically detected.
3. Checking the validity of the internal hyperlinks, 8 levels deep.
4. Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find and fix them
5. Converting special characters to the &....; notation.
Version 5.5 removes more redundant editor tags.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-55.hqx; 1244 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] HTML-OptimizerPlus 3.5

HTML-OptimizerPlus 3.5

What it is: Tool to check and optimize web pages of up to 16 web sites, to
make them load faster
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: Shareware US$15
Computer: PowerPC, iMac or iBook
Mac OS: 8.6 or later
HTML-OptimizerPlus is the ideal tool for managing one or more (max. 16)  web
sites, to make sure that all web pages and graphic files are optimized,
without broken links or dangling tags.
The program offers 5 functions and supports drag & drop via its Helper
application HTML-Dropper. Further it offers various upload and download
capabilities plus other useful options that make working with
HTML-OptimizerPlus very easy. Especially the new 'duplimize' feature comes
in handy for uploading an optimized web folder. The program has a built-in
Manual and Balloon Help is supported too.
The five basic functions of HTML-OptimizerPlus are:
1. Optimizing HTML code by removing unnecessary characters and tags, which
results in faster loading of your pages in your client's browser.
Client-side and server-side JavaScript can be optimized too. Graphic file
resources, which are of no use on the web, are removed, saving 10 to 80 % of
2. Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to
appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for
Width, Height and Alt attributes. Missing attributes are added with values
which are automatically detected.
3. Checking the validity of the internal hyperlinks, 8 levels deep.
4. Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find and fix them
5. Converting special characters to the &....; notation.
Version 3.5 removes more redundant editor tags.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-plus-35.hqx; 1664 K]


Date: 7 Sep 2001
From: "Wm. Rogers" <>
Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor 5.2

Easy trial-program start-up. Registered copies of program now 
available by email or by regular mail. Program can be used with 
regular Macintosh keyboards or special keyboards (see notes below).

MacTypingTutor is a great program for beginning typing students. It 
uses five integrated work areas that together teach correct finger 
placement and memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice exercises 
focus on single letters, letter and number sequences, words, 
sentences,m paragraphs, and free typing. The program offers a 
spelling checker, user-defined speed goals, score sheets, time 
tracking with rest signals, and many other helpful features. 
MacTypingTutor can be used for regular typing or Dvorak typing. The 
program also now offers "spoken prompts" and "talking keys" as an 
option. There also are one hand versions for left- or right-handed 

MacTypingTutor5.1 is for Power Macs only; download MacTypingTutor4.3 
or earlier for use on regular Macs. Windows-TypingTutor version is 
also available for PC computers.

Note to school shareware-reviewers: MacTypingTutor now includes 
option to purchase PC-Windows version of program in conjunction with 
this Mac version. Java Version available August 2001.

Note: MacTypingTutor programs can be used with all standard 
keyboards, or the special Dvorak keyboard, or with modifications, the 
one handed keyboards (left or right hand only)

Ask for details about all program versions at or 
visit site at 

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-52.hqx; 461 K]


Date: 5 Sep 2001
From: "Stanley C. R. Roche Busk" <>
Subject: [*] MaxBulk Mailer 2.0

***Permanent X-Mailer SMTP Header to avoid spamming uses.***

Maxprog is proud to  present you with a  new release  of Maxbulk Mailer,
the new version 2.0, available  from  now  at  our website with  several
improvements, new features and bug fixes. 

Main improvement is styled text support. Now you can edit and send your
mails using Bold, Italic, Underline, Colors, Fonts, Size, Bullet lists..
Also we have added 13 new date tags and 3 encodings for attachments.

Watch some screenshots at :

This is a free upgrade as usual but as many features are  for  Pro users
only, until September 15th owners of Standard version can upgrade to Pro
version for only $19.90!

MaxBulk  Mailer  is a  full  featured  mail-merge  and  bulk  mailer for
Macintosh. MaxBulk Mailer is able to send commercial  mailings  to up to
several thousands of emails address using  a complete  customizable tags
set. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and  very  easy  to use.
It uses mailings as documents with configuration data, mailing  text and
mailing list built-in. MaxBulk Mailer handles both plain  text  and HTML

Maxbulk is perfect for sending:

   - Newsletters
   - Customer mailings

We value your feedback and we'd love to hear what you have to say.
Please e-mail us at with your comments and suggestions.
(Be as descriptive as posible).

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/max-bulk-mailer-20.hqx; 1528 K]


Date: 9 Sep 2001
From: "mark white" <>
Subject: [*] mpg123 mac 68k  1.0

mpg123mac68k 1.0 is a mp3 decoder for macintosh.
It is a macintosh port of the mpg123-0.59o package.
mpg123mac68k 1.0 can decode mp3 files to aiff files and play them in realtime
(speed of computer permitting).
home url


68020 with fpu and higher.
Quicktime 2.1 and higher.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mpg123-10-68k.hqx; 537 K]


Date: 10 Sep 2001
From: NattaWorks <>
Subject: [*] PhotoGrid2.12, a quick image viewer with resizable thumbnail

*PhotoGrid is a simple image viewer that shows a lot of images at a time.
*TreeView which is like Finder's list view lets you select the folders and
 files you want to view.
*GridView lists all the image files as thumbnails in a grid structure.
 You can resize the thumbnails at anytime so you can view the images with
 various scales.
*Convenient Move/Copy dialog.
*System requirements: PPC Mac like iMac. MacOS 8 or higher.
 MacOS 8.6 and QuickTime 4 are recommended.
*Shareware price : U.S.$15.

- Dual monitor support.
<Bug fix>
- Works on System8, 8.1 again
- etc.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/photo-grid-212.hqx; 1234 K]


Date: 8 Sep 2001
From: Andrew Watters <>
Subject: [*] Sherlock Nobanners - Mac OS 9.1 (Deutsche)

This is a simple ResCompare patch that removes all banners from Sherlock
version 3.0.2 ("Sherlock 2"), included with OS 9.1.  The patch will only
work with Sherlock 3.0.2.  To remove banners from earlier versions,
download the other editions of Nobanners.

Most banner programs simply alter the search plugins in your system
folder; this one modifies three resources in the Sherlock application
itself, displaying only gray space instead of an obtrusive banner.  If
you would rather make the modifications yourself, you can use Metrowerks

Use this program at your own risk.  I am not responsible for the
consequences.  This program is free and may be distributed on all media
for non-profit use only.  For-profit users should contact the author.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/sherlock-no-banners-91-de.hqx; 20 K]


Date: 5 Sep 2001
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] Spanish Lesson 1.1 - foreign language learning

The document called 'Spanish Lesson' contains a few interactive computer
lessons of Spanish. To use it you need to have the 'Language Toolkit
Reader' program version 1.6 or higher which is available from Info-Mac
mirror sites.

The file demonstrates the use of the 'Language Toolkit Writer' authoring
program (which is also available from Info-Mac mirror sites). The lessons
are written for the native speakers of English but you can extremely easily
adapt this material for the native speakers of other languages (French,
Italian, German, Japanese etc.). You can also modify and extend this short
set of lessons. Use 'Language Toolkit Writer' to make all the changes you

You can find the latest information about my Foreign Language Toolkit
project at:

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/spanish-lesson-11.hqx; 1070 K]


Date: 6 Sep 2001
From: Jonathan Scott <>
Subject: [*] Submission problem

The Book of Decks is a database/deck building assistant for the game Magic:
the Gathering.  It's one of the better pieces of software available for
Magic.  It has less flash and eye candy than the stuff produced by the
pros, but it makes up for it in features.  Enjoy!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/book-of-decks-2510.hqx; 4276 K]


Date: 7 Sep 2001
Subject: [*] Web Confidential 3.0b8J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Web Confidential package.

This is the preview (beta) version Web Confidential 3.0 package. 

Web Confidential runs natively on Mac OS X or on Mac OS 9 with
CarbonLib 1.1 or better.

Web Confidential is an intuitive, easy-to-use program for
managing user IDs, passwords, registration numbers, and the like.

While Web Confidential is suitable for a wide variety of personal data,
from credit card numbers to serial numbers, Alco Blom designed Web
Confidential particularly for the World Wide Web in mind. "Increasing
numbers of Web sites maintain some form of user registration," points
out Blom.  "You may not realize it, but in the course of time you may
registered at a couple of dozen sites.  Do you remember the passwords
you entered for all of them?"

Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and
passwords in one secure location. Web Confidential can automate the
process of logging into a password-secured Web page by automatically
passing URL, user ID, and password to your Web browser.

For opening pages containing personal account information at commercial
sites, Web Confidential allows you to automatically fill in WWW Forms
with user ID and password fields.

To ensure the personal information stored in Web Confidential remains
confidential, the program's password files can be encrypted using
state-of-the-art encryption technology.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-confidential-30b8-jp.hqx; 1119 K]


Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 08:29:34 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
To: Egidio Leitao <>, <>
Subject: [Q] MS Access on Macs

At 10:57 AM -0500 9/2/01, Egidio Leitao wrote:
>Is there any way to open a Microsoft Access database on a Macintosh
>*directly* without having to go through Virtual PC or anything similar?  Is
>there any program converter that would simply translate those Access files
>to a Mac format?  I've used Access databases before but they were first
>converted (on a PC) to an Excel format.

No.  Sorry.  The closest you can come is to either export each table 
as tab-delimited text or Excel spreadsheet or DBF or SYKL or some 
other standard file format on a PC, from within Access, and then 
bring those files to the Mac and import them (and you lose all 
screens, reports, macros, and scripts) or else keep it running on a 
PC somewhere and dip into it using ODBC find requests from within an 
ODBC-aware Macintosh application such as FileMaker.  (You can also 
change the data in the Access database from a Mac using ODBC, but the 
original database has to be up and running on a PC somewhere).

Allan Hunter



Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 10:11:41 -0700
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
To: "info-mac letters" <>
Subject: Beige G3 SVGA connection problem

A very familiar problem, and I have seen those symptoms before. Playing with
the Monitors control panel is not likely to solve the issue until you get
the correct setting on the adapter DIP switches. In simple terms, the
monitor cable (via the adapter) "tells" the computer what kind of monitor is
connected so that the computer can send the proper kind of video. It could
take a long time guessing with the switches to find the proper setting. If
you will tell us what model of adapter you are using, and what kind on
monitor, someone of the readers may be using the same kind and can tell you
the switch settings to use.

One thing that complicates trying to find the setting by trial is that each
time you change the settings, you have to restart. On startup is when the
computer checks the monitor sensing lines to identify the monitor type.

Cyrus W. Roton <>
MITA tech
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group

Phil McIntosh <> wrote:
> Further development -
> I found info at Apple which said to open the monitors control panel and
> switch to "all" and select a setting from that list, but the Monitors
> control panel would not show anything other than "Recommended."
> I swapped the adapter for one without DIP switches as a coworker had gotten
> a similar machine from the same place and his adapter worked fine.  The
> machine booted up with this adapter at 1152*780, but with TWO desktops,
> tiny and distorted.  The only Recommended setting which worked was
> 640*480.  Others had varying levels of distortion.  The last one I tried
> was totally illegible with multiple images and wavy flickering, and it did
> not revert.  I managed to boot from an 8.5 CD (which came up with the
> duplicated 1152*780 screens), and deleted both the Monitor preferences &
> the system preferences, but when I reboot from the HD I get the same
> illegible screen.

>> I recently acquired a beige G3 300mHz Mac and an adapter to use a PC
>> monitor with it, but no docs for either.  The problem is I can only get it
>> to use the 640*480 resolution.
>> The adapter has a number of DIP switches, and I suppose the answer must
>> lie in setting those correctly. 


Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 06:53:41 -0400
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
To: "Tony Stanton" <>, <>
Subject: Buying a G4 from Japan

At 4:50 PM +0800 2001/09/04, Tony Stanton wrote:
>I can figure out all of it apart from the GIGE-JPN part. Can anyone help
>me with this?

Just a hunch - GIGabit Ethernet?
'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]


Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 20:42:46 -0500
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: "Info-Mac List" <>,
Subject: help

>Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 20:57:56 -0700
>From: Mike Klugman <>
>Subject: help
>I am a teacher who recently had my computer stolen (I mac) and the thief (the
>computer was recovered by the Albany, NY police) enabled a password.
>Does anyone know how to "backdoor" into the system to disable and change the

Start-up security software is notoriously easy to bypass.  Try 
restarting with extensions off (shift key down), then either use 
Extension Manager to select Mac OS [x] All, or manually remove any 
apparent security extensions, and restart.  Et voil�!

Alternatively, try using shift-option-command-escape when the 
password dialog appears; this should force-quit the password 
application.  But you still should remove the offending start-up 
software (it might even be an application in the Startup Items 

Hope this helps.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 13:10:52 +0200
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
To: Info Mac <>
Subject: high quality color printing: laser or solid ink?

I'm working in Macintosh environment, we currently print to Epson 
3000 (inkjet, A3, ethernet, PS emulator). Our employee aren't 
satisfied with the printing results.
Our business is architecture and industrial design: we realize high 
quality rendering that prints poorly on Epson 3000 inkjet, so I'm 
looking for alternatives.

Looking for a laser/solid ink printer with these features:
- A4/A3 size, color printing, maybe duplex
- ethernet
- real Postscript 3
- high resolution 1000+ dpi
- laser, solid ink tecnhnology (what else?)

After some searching found  Xerox Tektronix has some interesting 
printers, like the Phaser 860/790 series.

I'd like to share experiences and understand if the improvement in 
image resolution and quality (photo quality) is really different from 
Epson 3000's 1440 dpi on inkjet.

Which are the advantages/problems with both laser and solid ink technologies?

Paolo Bartoli

**  Arch.Carlo Bartoli / Bartoli Design **
**                         **


Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 08:45:12 -0400
From: Power Multimedia & Video <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #114

I would recommend Hotline, it's a client-server system, available from that does what you want and a lot more (file transfer - 
faster than most apple share transfers) and last time I checked, you didn't 
have to register it (though they strongly encourage it)


At 06:30 PM 9/5/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 12:27:47 -0400
>From: Florence Zeller <>
>Subject: Network
>We have an Ethernet Network at home between 3 computers, one of
>them,- my husband's - in a different room at the other end of the
>house. What I am looking for is some kind of software (shareware or
>freeware) with which we could flash a message on each other's
>computer instead of running back and forth. We had an intercom but it
>produced interferences. And email is a little cumbersome for that
>I hope you can offer some suggestions. Thank you for any advice you can offer.
>Florence Zeller


Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 08:29:45 -0500
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Movie File

Does anyone know how an iMac can handle an e-mail attachment 
received, with a suffix .VEM ? It is supposedly a movie sent from a 

Graphic Converter does not list this file type as recognisable.


Laurence Hawkins


Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:24:21 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
To: Florence Zeller <>,
Subject: Network

At 12:27 PM -0400 9/4/01, Florence Zeller wrote:
>We have an Ethernet Network at home between 3 computers ...
>What I am looking for is some kind of software (shareware or
>freeware) with which we could flash a message on each other's

My wife and I did this with File Sharing.  I'd create folders on her desktop named "Add Paper To Printer" or whatever.

You could use some sort of instant messaging app for this; maybe AIM or ICQ?



I'm gonna tell my son to grow up as pretty as the grass is green
and as whip-smart as the English Channel is wide...
                                                       - Liz Phair, Whip Smart
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001 17:17:53 -0700
From: Chris McVay/Karen McVay <>
To: <>
Subject: New memory delay

I just installed 512mb of ram in my PPC G3 266 beige desktop. Before I did
this I would hit the power button it would boot up right away. Now it takes
about 20 or 30 seconds to begin bringing the monitor on and booting up.
Anyone have any hints on why this is happening? Is it bad for my computer?
Chris/Karen McVay


Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 18:26:54 -0500
From: Binyomin Segal <>
To: <>
Subject: nextel motorola i50sx

Hi -

I just got a motorola i50sx phone. It has a usb port, and has phonebook and
datebook software.

Anyone know how I might move data from my mac to the phone?

Even better, since I also have a new laptop (new ibook), i'm thinking the
phone might be able to do enough to replace my palm. Any ideas about
synching the software on the phone with my palm desktop? (or with some other
contact software?)

binyomin segal
Contact me via my NEW address



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