Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #110 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 20 Aug 01 Volume 18 : Issue 110 Today's Topics: (A) Solution for no volume control on sound input [*] /info-mac/art/zine/ATPM-708-print.pdf.sit.hqx [*] AETrackerv3.sea.bin [*] Angle Fireworks program sent to ftp site [*] bob'sbricksME.hqx [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe 3.0 [*] CuliDataBase 5.8 [*] DatedFolder.script 2.0 [*] fawn2-12-hc.hqx [*] FileBuddy 6.1.2J - Japanese Version [*] GLMStat 5.6.1;Generalized linear models [*] Keep-It-Up Classic 2.4.5 [*] Keep-It-Up-X 3.0 [*] Massinova.dock 1.2.7 [*] PB Download Client v1.1 (Download-Only Hotline Client) [*] Pitbull Pro 2.1 Carbon [*] Pitbull Pro 2.1 PPC [*] PixelToy 2.5 Visual Display/Animation Generator [*] RPGMapMaker 1.0.0 [*] Smitholution Font 0.96b [*] Tanker Rescue Squad Continuous printing from the desktop unexpected end of the file encountered The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V18 #110" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 08:01:31 -0700 From: Paul Brians <> To: Subject: (A) Solution for no volume control on sound input I wrote here earlier about being frustrated that my Cube and G4 tower have no line-level audio input and explaining that the iMic fed through too high level a signal from the output of my amp. iMic created a control panel which was supposed to reset the input level of the iMic, but it didn't work for me, and evidently for others. A Radio Shack salesman showed me a little control designed for use with Walkmans, etc.: "Volume Control For Lightweight Stereo 'Phones'." It's a very simple, tiny volume attenuator, and cost just $5. The impedance isn't ideal so the range of control is not as smooth as it could be, but it's enabled me use the line-level outputs of my amp without overloading the Cube. It's RadioShack Cat.#: 42-2459. You can see it at <> It works fine. -- Paul Brians, Department of English Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-5020 ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: "A. Lee Bennett, Jr." <> To: Subject: [*] /info-mac/art/zine/ATPM-708-print.pdf.sit.hqx This is the print-optimized PDF edition of the August 2001 issue of ATPM. About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a free monthly e-zine about the *personal* computing experience. If you prefer a screen-optimized PDF or an offline Webzine format, visit <> to download current and past issues in your preferred format. The contents of ATPM 7.08 are as follows: Columns Report: Macworld Expo New York Apple Cider: Random Squeezings from a Mac User My Apple Wedge: ...Hoelle des Nordens von Roubaix, Tour de France... The Legacy Corner About This Particular Web Site Segments: Slices from the Macintosh Life Reviews Podium CoolPad Music Press 9.0 NetBarrier 2.0.3 Kyocera Smartphone (QCP 6035) PowerBook G4 Titanium Extras Cartoon: Hambone Desktop Pictures: Carolina Lighthouses [Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-708-print.hqx; 1373 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: SpiritWorks Software Development <> To: Subject: [*] AETrackerv3.sea.bin Hi, I've just released version 3 of Activity & Expense Tracker. In addition to some new features and greatly improved reporting and printing capabilities, this version exports files that are more easily imported into Excel or other spreadsheets. Here are the details: Activity & Expense Tracker v3 is an electronic timesheet and Time Management Tool that helps you to keep track of all your projects and their related tasks and expenses. You can generate invoices and reports which can be printed or exported to your word processor or spreadsheet program. Users can set preferences for time format, currency symbol, colors and more. Activity & Expense Tracker v3 runs on and shares data between most computers including, Windows 95/98/2000/NT, Macintosh and many UNIX operating systems. Free 10 day trial. For screens shots and more information go to Download links: This file should probably be placed in the _Data_Management section. Regards, Garth Catterall-Heart SpiritWorks Software Development PO Box 216 Redwood Valley, CA 95470 707-485-5444 [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/ae-tracker-3.hqx; 2070 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: "Gary Smith" <> To: Subject: [*] Angle Fireworks program sent to ftp site Program Name: Angle Fireworks Category: Education / Math Description: Math education program for students in grades 4 through 8. Students measure an on-screen angle to launch a fireworks rocket towards its intended destination. Gary Smith [Archived as /info-mac/edu/angle-fireworks.hqx; 129 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Greg Gillis <> To: Subject: [*] bob'sbricksME.hqx Game Description: Bob is a sad little ex-construction worker who had the great misfortune of being beaned on the head one day by a falling brick. The resulting loss of his memory disturbed our hero greatly, and thus he set out on a quest to position himself under as many falling bricks as possible, in the hopes that this might bring him back to his senses... You must help Bob regain his memory by moving him underneath a barrage of falling bricks. Why are there bricks falling from the sky, you ask? This is indeed an unusual coincidence, given Bob's recent traumatic incident, but it is one which he has chosen to accept as a bit of luck (for a change). Is that all there is to it? Complete all five levels of Bob's Bricks Millennium Edition to find out!! Bob's Bricks Millennium Edition is freeware, by the way, so put away your wallet! Game Requirements: Mac OS 9 or later with CarbonLib or Mac OSX [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bobs-bricks.hqx; 3564 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Mike McGee <> To: Subject: [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe 3.0 Computer Cuisine Deluxe is the complete stand-alone recipe database solution. Computer Cuisine Deluxe is by far the most efficient and simple way to manage your home recipe database. It's features include a well designed layout that makes adding, viewing, sorting, finding and printing a snap. In addition to the simple, yet highly graphical layout, Computer Cuisine Deluxe allows you to add an infinite number of your own recipes to the existing database. Computer Cuisine Deluxe no longer requires any other application to run. Simply launch Computer Cuisine Deluxe, and enjoy. New Features in Version 3.0: * New Photo Menu added for easily adding digital photos of your dishes to your personalized recipe database! * Expanded menus for including even more information and less scrolling! * Deluxe photo print option for printing your digital food photos directly from Computer Cuisine! * Expanded help menus for even easier navigation! * Enhanced dictionary files for even better spell checking! Computer Cuisine Deluxe: * Completely stand-alone, no longer requires any other application to run! * Over 1,000 recipes already entered for your convenience! * Added commands which take advantage of email & web features! * Enhanced graphical layout with simple to use menus and icons! * Expanded conversion menu for easy calculations to and from U.S. Standard and Metric! * List your recipes by item, category, type, or servings! You can choose! * A print menu which gives users the option of printing in color or b&w, and in a small or large format! (The small format folds to fit perfectly onto a 3x5" recipe card). * Expanded sorting functions! The ability to sort huge recipe lists with one simple click! * Fully compatible for both Macintosh and Windows users! MENUS: Buttons are located at the top of the layout for added convenience. For example, just one of the buttons can sort all of your recipes with the click of your mouse! In the main menu, Computer Cuisine Deluxe will alphabetically sort all of your recipes and give you a listing of your recipes from A-Z. This works much like the index in any cookbook you own, however, this index is updated every time you add or remove a recipe! Yet, that is just one of many functions Computer Cuisine Deluxe has to offer! And with the extensive search capabilities already built into the program, you will now be able to search through all of the entered recipes with the touch of a button! You don't even have to know the exact name of the recipe, or ingredient. PRINTING: Computer Cuisine Deluxe also makes printing your recipes a snap. The Print Menu icon placed at the top of the layout, allows you to choose the size and color of your recipes in one stroke. Computer Cuisine Deluxe has five printing options to choose from. The standard, or large size recipe will use the full paper size of (8 1/2 "x 11") for printing, to ensure an adequate amount of printing space. The small recipe size will print recipes that once trimmed and folded lengthwise, can fit perfectly on a (3"x5") index card! Last, is the Deluxe Print option. This will print a recipe with a similar look and feel much like the on-screen version. PRICE: (Shareware) $15 Mail-in Registration; $20 online registration via secure server. ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/data/computer-cusine-deluxe-3.hqx; 8939 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Ton Brand <> To: Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.8 CuliDataBase 5.8 (PPC) What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: Shareware US$8 Computer: Mac with PowerPC processor MacOS: 7.5.3 or later Abstract: CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes. There are PPC and 68K versions; with this you have the PPC version. A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list. Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well, so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in English, French and Dutch. To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes. Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself, and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites. An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the export and print functions. In version 5.8 it's easier to compose a new recipe within the program. [Archived as /info-mac/data/culi-database-58.hqx; 1311 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: "Matthew W. Schmeer" <> To: Subject: [*] DatedFolder.script 2.0 The DatedFolder.script package contains both a run-only AppleScript Applet and a compiled script that do the same thing: create a new folder in a user-defineable location and then set the name of the new folder to the current day's date. Requires Jon's Commands 2.2.1. Regards, Matthew W. Schmeer <> [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dated-folder-20.hqx; 25 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Greg Gillis <> To: Subject: [*] fawn2-12-hc.hqx Game Description: The thrilling sequel to the original "Fawn" HyperCard adventure game,"Fawn 2" features an epic storyline, dramatic animated battles (in full colour, no less...), and cool sound effects. Prepare for an exciting adventure as you attempt to unravel the mystery of what happened to the protagonists from the first game (don't worry... no experience with the first game is required to play "Fawn 2"). With over 200 cards full of adventure, you'll wet your pants when you realise that "Fawn 2" is freeware... Game Requirements: HyperCard or HyperCard Player version 2.3 or greater [Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/fawn-2.hqx; 2129 K] ------------------------------ Date: 15 Aug 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] FileBuddy 6.1.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the FileBuddy package. *The latest Japanese release of the carbon version of File Buddy (File Buddy 7) can be downloaded from <>. File Buddy is quite simply the most powerful and popular high-level file utility available for your Macintosh. File Buddy 6 requires a PowerPC-based Macintosh with System 7.6 or later. File Buddy 5 is available for 68K Macintoshes. *View and edit a wide range of file and folder information in the info window. *Create droplet applications that automatically apply changes to items dropped on them, including the contents of folders. *Find files and folders using an extensive set of search criteria. Enhance file searches with plug-ins that extend file search capabilities. Conveniently perform a wide variety of actions on found items. Make File Buddy your default file finding application using the File Buddy CP control panel. *Modify the names of multiple files at once. For example, remove ".txt" from the names of a group of files. *Much, much more... Changes & Fixes in this version: *Fixed some display problems in the Find window. [Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-612-jp.hqx; 1321 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Ken Beath <> To: Subject: [*] GLMStat 5.6.1;Generalized linear models GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised linear models. It provides a macintosh interface and includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are - spreadsheet style data entry - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories) - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and specification of convergence and aliasing parameters - Scatter and Residual plots - Matrix scatterplots - Box and Whisker plots - Frequency distribution histograms - Descriptive statistics. - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter correlations - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications. - printing of data, graph and results. - Missing values - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual. - Transcript window to display output of previous commands - almost fully Applescriptable and recordable with access to some data structures - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts. - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences $US100. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware. - Registration includes free upgrades to version 6.x Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As are disabled and there is a usage period of 12 weeks. Version 5.6.0 - added Comment command and applescript to allow including comments in transcript - modified percentiles function to produce results equal to the program R and S-Plus (the algorithm I was using while sensible didn't seem to be used by anyone else) - changes Desciptive statistics output and Box Plots - added New Style (as used in S-Plus) to possible boxplot styles - to access help now need Internet Config extension (available on some versions of 8.1 and later, if not can be obtained from Version 5.6.1 - remove some debugging displays This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations. Current versions of GLMStat are always available at There is also a beta MacOS X version at the above web site. Ken Beath [Archived as /info-mac/sci/glm-stat-561.hqx; 1058 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Karl Pottie <> To: Subject: [*] Keep-It-Up Classic 2.4.5 Keep-It-Up Classic 2.4.5 (for MacOS 8 &9) Keep-It-Up (KIU) is designed to keep your Macintosh server up and running. KIU relaunches applications that crash, it can restart the Mac on a regular basis and it can monitor free memory and disk space. It also allows you to remotely manage and monitor your Mac (server) using a webbrowser. The primary function of KIU is to automatically relaunch applications if for some reason they stop running (crashes, accidental quits,...). KIU can also restart your Mac on a regular basis, which may improve the "health" of the applications. For remote management purposes, KIU has a tiny "embedded" webserver (running on a port of your choice) that allows you to remotely perform many functions such as: restarting the mac; view, kill or restart running applications; launch applications; run Applescripts; view logfiles generated by applications ... KIU can send e-mail messages to you, actively alerting you of certain events such as : free memory or free disk space falls below a certain preset level; an application gets relaunched; KIU restarts the Mac ... Keep-It-Up Classic (formerly known as "Keep It Up") is compatible with MacOS 7, 8 and 9. Version 2.4.5 is a bugfix release. KIU is $22 shareware (payment using Kagi). Karl Pottie E-mail: <> or <> The KIU web pages: [Archived as /info-mac/gui/keep-it-up-245.hqx; 240 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: Karl Pottie <> To: Subject: [*] Keep-It-Up-X 3.0 Keep-It-Up-X version 3.0 (for MacOS X) Keep-It-Up (KIU) is designed to keep your Macintosh server up and running. KIU relaunches applications that crash, it can restart the Mac on a regular basis and it can monitor free disk space. It also allows you to remotely manage and monitor your Mac (server) using a webbrowser. The primary function of KIU is to automatically relaunch applications if for some reason they stop running (crashes, accidental quits,...). KIU can also restart your Mac on a regular basis to reduce memory fragmentation. For remote management purposes, KIU has a tiny "embedded" webserver (running on a port of your choice) that allows you to remotely perform many functions such as: restarting the mac; view, kill or restart running applications; launch applications; run Applescripts; view logfiles generated by applications ... KIU can send e-mail messages to you, actively alerting you of certain events such as : free disk space falls below a certain preset level; an application gets relaunched; KIU restarts the Mac ... Keep-It-Up-X is designed for exclusive use with Mac OS X. It is a true Mac OS X application which ensures more effective and reliable operations and also offers some great new features that were previously impossible to implement. For full details, consult the KIU webpages or docs included with the software. KIU is $22 shareware (payment using Kagi). Karl Pottie E-mail: <> or <> [Archived as /info-mac/gui/keep-it-up-30-x.hqx; 463 K] ------------------------------ Date: 20 Aug 2001 From: To: Subject: [*] Massinova.dock 1.2.7 The Massinova Dock Extra is an extension of The Massinova Project allowing listeners running Mac OS X to interface directlywith the broadcast database. It sits in the Mac OS X dock providing useful information such as the current song playing and recently requested songs. Additionally, it allows a listener to place requests for songs in the request list, and directly connect to the broadcast. Languages included: Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais, Italiano and Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Danish, Finnish, Korean. Requirements *Mac OS X (Works in OS X 10.0.4) *A broadband Internet connection (DSL, Cable, T1+) Version 1.2.7 (Saturday August 18, 2001) *Now in 6 more languages (12 total)! *When you select "Refresh Menu" the auto-update timer is reset to prevent needless updates that could happen within seconds of each other. *Updated artist web links to work with the newly redesigned Massinova Music section. *Updated the DJ Day icons to fit the Massinova style in all the supported languages. *Cleaned up minor errors in the French, Spanish and German translations. *Major bug fix. Finally solved the issue of crashing the user interface server --removed my workaround code. *More code cleanup and optimization. Readying the code for Mac OS X 10.1. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/massinova-dock-127.hqx; 479 K] ------------------------------ Date: 19 Aug 2001 From: support <> To: Subject: [*] PB Download Client v1.1 (Download-Only Hotline Client) PB is distributed as $7,- (US) shareware. PB is a simple but powerful download-only client used to retrieve files from Hotline servers. PB can automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can occur during a file download without any user interference. And thanks to its enhanced partial file support, you can resume any partial download you started without having to remember from what server you were downloading it, or what login name or password you were using. Like the proverbial "Pitbull", once it puts its "teeth" into a file, it will not stop until the download is complete or until you call it off. There are three ways you can start download a file with PB: 1. You can use PB's built-in download dialog to logon to a Hotline server, browse its files, and select the file that you want to download. 2. PB can also handle special web links that enable you to download a file directly from a webpage, much like conventional file downloads. An example of a website that is currently offering PB web links in their Hotline file search engine is 3. And last but not least, HotFind (a personal Hotline file search application available at now has embedded Pitbull support, allowing PB to also automatically download the results of a search from HotFind. Changes in version 1.1 - Modified the interface to make the selection of files easier. - Added random name and icon selection to make it less likely PB is kicked repeatedly simply because of its nick name. - Made the pinging-when-queued mechanism smarter so PB will gray out after 10 minutes in the queue, just like a normal client. - Moved the preferences file to the preferences folder (where it should be! Sorry about that). - Location of the partial download folder, download folder and bookmark folder can now be set in the preferences. - Removed the need for a seperate user icon file. - Added a "local file" (which shows you the file name of the partial file) and a "complete" (which shows you the number of bytes already downloaded) column to the partial downloads window. - Fixed a problem with long file names (>32 characters). - Fixed some other minor bugs. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/pb-download-client-11-ppc.hqx; 1548 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: support <> To: Subject: [*] Pitbull Pro 2.1 Carbon Pitbull Pro is a complete, powerful client for the Hotline protocol. Pitbull Pro combines the functionality of the regular Hotline Client with advanced administration features and the power of Pitbull, allowing it to automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can occur without user interference. Like the proverbial "pitbull", once Pitbull Pro puts its "teeth" into the connection, it will not stop until the job at hand is done or until you call it off. New in 2.1 � Added "Folder downloads". � Added separate upload and download queue to allow simultaneous up- and downloading. � Added option to limit upload speed. � Added a picture (PICT, JPEG, and GIFf) viewer and a text viewer. � Added URL support. Control clicking an url in text (news, chat etc) opens the URL in your web browser. � Added option to log all private messages to file (server specific setting) � Added option for server administrators to move files and folders and create aliases. � Added the option to customize the time Pitbull Pro waits before it reconnects after a lost connection. � Added RC5 based private chat encryption. � Added support for "random nick names" and "random icons". � Added option in the preferences to hide the type column in the files list. � Added new option in the preferences to force Pitbull Pro to keep chat, news, message and files panes the same size. � Added custom font type and font size for the chat, files and news fields. � Added option to the partial transfers window to edit server address and/or account information for a single partially transfered file, or for all partially transferred files for a single server at the same time. ...and much more! [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/pitbull-pro-21-cbn.hqx; 3353 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: support <> To: Subject: [*] Pitbull Pro 2.1 PPC Pitbull Pro is a complete, powerful client for the Hotline protocol. Pitbull Pro combines the functionality of the regular Hotline Client with advanced administration features and the power of Pitbull, allowing it to automatically recover from virtually any connection problem that can occur without user interference. Like the proverbial "pitbull", once Pitbull Pro puts its "teeth" into the connection, it will not stop until the job at hand is done or until you call it off. New in 2.1 � Added "Folder downloads". � Added separate upload and download queue to allow simultaneous up- and downloading. � Added option to limit upload speed. � Added a picture (PICT, JPEG, and GIFf) viewer and a text viewer. � Added URL support. Control clicking an url in text (news, chat etc) opens the URL in your web browser. � Added option to log all private messages to file (server specific setting) � Added option for server administrators to move files and folders and create aliases. � Added the option to customize the time Pitbull Pro waits before it reconnects after a lost connection. � Added RC5 based private chat encryption. � Added support for "random nick names" and "random icons". � Added option in the preferences to hide the type column in the files list. � Added new option in the preferences to force Pitbull Pro to keep chat, news, message and files panes the same size. � Added custom font type and font size for the chat, files and news fields. � Added option to the partial transfers window to edit server address and/or account information for a single partially transfered file, or for all partially transferred files for a single server at the same time. ...and much more! [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/pitbull-pro-21-ppc.hqx; 3139 K] ------------------------------ Date: 16 Aug 2001 From: Leon McNeill <> To: Subject: [*] PixelToy 2.5 Visual Display/Animation Generator PixelToy is one of those rare programs that defies easy categorization. Use it to create beautiful still images to composite in an image editor, generate QuickTime movies of animated special effects for use with video editing software, or just chill out and watch the beautiful patterns react to audio. Dance clubs and cafes around the world dazzle audiences with PixelToy's live visual effects. What's more, visual artists have added PixelToy to their arsenal of video effects generation software, using QuickTime movies from PixelToy in non-linear video editors such as Adobe Premiere or After Effects. PixelToy 2.5 is Mac OS X native, courtesy of Apple's Carbon technology! This version also adds a wide variety of features and improvements, including a new Sound Visuals action and editor, sound-reactive palette animation, vertical and horizontal image mirroring control, improved resolution switching, improved AutoPilot control, improved sound input handling, and more. PixelToy 2.5 requires a PowerPC processor, Mac OS 8.6 or newer, QuickTime 3.0 or newer and CarbonLib 1.2 or newer. PixelToy is shareware (US $15). [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pixel-toy-25.hqx; 1557 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 2001 From: <> To: Subject: [*] RPGMapMaker 1.0.0 RPGMapMaker (previously HexMapMaker) is a tool for drawing maps with polygonal grids. This kind of maps are used in Role Playing Games, but of course you can design them for any other purposes.d In addition of having most of the capabilities of a real painting program (such as lines, rectangles, ovals and round rectangles, drawing and filling with color and pattern, text, rubber, pipettes tools, etc.), RPGMapMaker has also unique features that greatly simplifies the building of this kind of map, such as: * Seven layers map. One layer for the grid, three pre allocated layers (one for color and drawing, one for terrain tiles and one for text and lines) and three extra layers (also one for drawing, one for terrain tiles and one for text and lines) that can be allocated on demand. This allows you for example to change a polygon color without loosing the terrain that lies on top of it, to build a map for the DM eyes only and a map for its players, etc. * Layers manager. With it, you can allocate and free the three extra layers, choose which layer is visible and which layer is not, and select which layer is the active one (an active layer is a layer where drawing occurs). * Various kind of grids. You can create a grid map made of hexes (well suited for world, region or village maps), or with squares (well suited for dungeon maps) or with lozenges (well suited for pseudo-3D castle and dungeon maps). * Various dimension units. You can specify the map dimensions in either cm or m or km. Alternatively, you may prefer to use the ft, ya or mi dimension units. * Grid polygon color filling in just two clicks (four if using patterns). One for selecting the color and one for selecting the filling area. [Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/rpg-map-maker-10.hqx; 2475 K] ------------------------------ Date: 17 Aug 2001 From: asr <> To: Subject: [*] Smitholution Font 0.96b This is an update of the smithz bitmap-font-family. Main Feature: Optimized Pixels! Styles: Classic, Classic Plus, Capitals, Bold, Bold Caps, Fixedwidth, Ultra Cond, Ultra Cond Caps, Menu Cond, Menu Black, Menu Caps, Menu Lite, Mini, Mini Ultra, Quad 5, Quad7, Quad 9... (17 pcs) These fonts are small, but 100% readable. They save screen-space if used for anything. You get more information in one row than before. On the other hand they look crisp, because of the optimized spacings. Recommended for: Screen-Design, GUI-Design, for Finder-Use and any other area which demands maximum result from an amount of screen-space. NOTICE: THIS IS A "BITMAP-ONLY"-FONT. USE IT IN NATIVE SIZE ! System Requirements: Mac with Finder. [Archived as /info-mac/font/smitholution-font-096b.hqx; 53 K] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Aug 2001 From: "Gary Smith" <> To: Subject: [*] Tanker Rescue Squad Math education program for students in grades 4 through 8. Students use a printed map, centimeter ruler, and protractor to plot the course of an on-screen rescue ship. This is a good introduction to scale; heading and angles; and metric measurement. Students must guide their rescue ship around a small group of geometric islands to reach the foundering oil tanker in time. [Archived as /info-mac/game/tanker-rescue-squad.hqx; 146 K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 17:26:29 -0400 From: Ziyalan <> To: Subject: Continuous printing from the desktop I use Mac OS 9.1 on a PowerBook and an Epson Sylus printer. I often deal with multiple small wordprocessing files which make one project. If I have to print the project, I have to print all those files. What I need is a way/a utility to print these files in a single step like dropping all of them on some icon ***and*** without having to deal with any dialog box between files. Most of the utilities I have tried so far require dealing with the printing dialog box between each file. I'll appreciate any response! Thanks! -- Mustafa Ziyalan ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 20:53:03 -0700 From: "Stacey Fancher" <> To: <> Subject: unexpected end of the file encountered I get this error message "unexpected end of the file encountered -39" when I open Quark. Do you know what it means? I am having trouble with Quark printing the proper colors - the same colors print out fine from Pagemaker so I don't think it's a calibration problem. Is the error -39 related to printing problems?? thanks for any help. stacey -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************