Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #39
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 03 Mar 00       Volume 17 : Issue 39

Today's Topics:

      [*] M3U Drop Downloader 2.0
      [*] OfficePool 2000
      [*] Pukool 1.0
      [*] TrashScan 1.0
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6 (German version)
      [*] VideoZoom 2.2
      [*] VSE Update Finder 2.1 - Free tool to find updates
      [Q] Comparing Printers
      accelerator speeds
      Eudora and signatures
      Eudora menus recovered [Yay!]
      How do I connect an iBook to External Monitor/LCD Projector
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #38
      TextBroom version 1.3.0 Released
      Vinyl records into CDs
      Vinyl records into CDs

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Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: Dan Klein <>
Subject: [*] M3U Drop Downloader 2.0

Have you been bugged out when your peecee friends can download those awesome
MP3s they beamed to Do you want to keep just a small file pointing
to an MP3 online? M3U Drop Downloader may be your solution!

Any Mac that can run Mac OS 9*
QuickTime 4.1**

-- Now that QuickTime 4.1 is scriptable, you have the option to open the MP3
in either your web browser (for systems not upgraded to 4.1) or QT Player

-- You can now switch between QT 4.1 Player/Web Browser by double-clicking
M3U Drop Downloader's icon!

-- Worked on this documentation a bit.

M3U Drop Downloader is FREEWARE! Please distribute, modify, decompile, or
otherwise mutilate for your own pleasure. If you wish to include M3U Drop
Downloader on a commercial CD, please notify me before you do and send me a
complementary copy.

Please contact me with any bugs/suggestions for this program. My e-mail
address is <>.

I will send updates to the INFO-MAC server as well as upload to my iDisk! My
login is dmacman2000. Have fun!

Yeah, all that legal stuff applies too. In other words, you can't sue me for
anything over the amount you paid ($0.00) or blame me if your Mac explodes.
Although I try to make this as bug-free as possible, there is always an
anomaly in every piece of computer software.

*M3U Drop Downloader was compiled in and is optimized for Mac OS 9, however
it may work under older versions of the Mac OS.
**Not necessary, but only if you want to play directly from the QuickTime

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/m3u-drop-downloader-20.hqx; 9 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: Paul Causey <>
Subject: [*] OfficePool 2000

OfficePool 2000 remains the most comprehensive pool manager for Mac OS on the
market with new features that make managing a small 10-entry pool or a the
large 1000+ entry pool extremely easy.

We are extremely pleased with this new version of OfficePool, said Paul
Causey, Pachyderm�s chief software engineer. Now customers can create and
manage NCAA pools with extreme ease and then publish those results onto the web
with a few clicks of a button. 

OfficePool 2000 also has many other features which make managing office pools a

Features in OfficePool 2000 include: 

- Fast and easy keyboard entry -- or not (optional button entry is also

- Create a full web site for your pool (Entries, Standings, Brackets, etc.)
with a single click of the mouse (Well, maybe two clicks) 

- The one and only QuikPik feature which automatically generates completely
random brackets. Very useful for those addicted to the lottery and also fun for
those who don't know anything about basketball! 

- Limitless* number of entries (we run our 1000+ entry pool and it's very fast)

- Pick the favorites (higher seeds) for the entire bracket with one keystroke

- Configure your pool to give bonus points for upsets (two different options) 

- Championship tiebreaker option to break those pesky ties. 

- Registered version includes ePool 2000, a scaled down version to send out to
pool participants so you don't have to enter their picks. PC (Win95/98/NT) and
MacOS (68K/PowerPC) versions are included. 

- Registered Users will also recieve the 2000 NCAA Pool Teams file immediately
after the selections are announced.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/office-pool-2000-205-ppc.hqx; 589 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: "David C. Oshel" <>
Subject: [*] Pukool 1.0

Pukool (tm) - Radio Station Identifier

Pukool (tm) lets you do a reverse lookup on broadcast frequency, and is in
the public domain.  It uses the FCC�s 20 Mb. facility.dat file, which
may probably still be downloadable from

Absolutely no warranty applies, especially as to the internal format,
availability or accuracy of facility.dat or any other document produced
by the U.S. government.

Enter 0 to get all AM or FM stations in the selected state.

Fuzzy lookup will display a range centered on the target frequency. 
E.g., 1000.0 finds AM stations from 910.0 to 1090.0, while 90.0 finds FM
stations from 89.1 to 90.9 in the selected state.  FCC data for the U.S.
only -- including Puerto Rico, American Samoa, etc. Sorry, no Mexican or
Canadian station data is included.

Licensed only and Exclude FX options attempt to screen translater
stations, inactives, etc.

Output to file sends selected facility.dat records verbatim to a
user-defined file.

Click "?" again for page 2.

Use this ABSOLUTELY UNSUPPORTED public domain freebie at your own risk. 
It was working fine on 1 March 2000.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/pukool-10.hqx; 5060 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: Michael Coffey <>
Subject: [*] TrashScan 1.0

TrashScan is a freeware utility designed to help detect port scans to a
Macintosh on a network.  It can monitor ten user-defined ports
simultaneously, plus the standard HTTP, FTP, and TELNET ports.
TrashScan also can export a log of incidents that can then be forwarded
to an ISP for further action.

TrashScan requires a PPC with Open Transport installed.  OS 8 or later
is recommended, although 7 will work.

Mike Coffey

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/trash-scan-10.hqx; 767 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: Alco Blom <>
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6 (German version)

This is the German version of URL Manager Pro.

New in version 2.6 of the popular bookmark manager for the Mac is
support for the the new iCab Web Browser and support for Apple's
Keychain feature of Mac OS 9. URL Manager is now also Sherlock-aware,
another feature of Mac OS 9.

But undoubtedly the most important improvement in version 2.6 has
been has been a complete overhaul of the URL Manager Pro
documentation. The new reference material, which is available online
in Adobe Acrobat format, includes a tutorial, a brief introduction to
URLs, and a complete reference section.

"The documentation was completely rewritten from scratch," says Alco
Blom, designer and developer of the program. "Our target audience was
two-fold: we wanted to make the program as easy as possible to use for
users new to the Apple and to the Internet, the iMac public. With them
in mind, we took special care with the tutorial. And to help our power
users get the absolute maximum from the program, we compiled an
exhaustive reference to all of URL Manager Pro's countless options."

URL Manager Pro, the professional bookmark manager for the Macintosh
for use with Netscape Navigator/Communicator, Microsoft Internet
Explorer and iCab, gives users a more convenient way to manage
bookmarks, E-Mail addresses and Newsgroups.

URL Manager Pro 2.6 is Mac OS 8.6 and Mac OS 9 savvy. It features
support for the Keychain of Mac OS 9 and fully supports the new iCab
Web Browser. URL Manager Pro can now track the History for multiple
browsers concurrently. URL Manager Pro is available in English,
Japanese, German, French, Italian, Swedish and Spanish.

URL Manager Pro has garnered many glowing accolades in the
Macintosh press, including TidBits and Macwelt.

"URL Manager ist ein echtes Schn�ppchen." - Macwelt.

URL Manager Pro is a Kagi Top 10 shareware product.

URL Manager Pro is $30 (oder 60 DM) shareware.

Contact: Alco Blom -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/url-manager-pro-26-de.hqx; 701 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
Subject: [*] VideoZoom 2.2

This control panel lets you zoom into PAL/SECAM formatted video
input when using Apple's low cost video in hardware as found in
630, 5300, 6200, or similar machines.
Zooming into PAL/SECAM video will result in a clearer picture by
reducing the amount of scaling that occurs.

Version 2.0 introduced automatic adjustment of the system clock
according to teletext time; version 2.2 fixes a bug related to
this feature.

VideoZoom requires a 68k or PPC Macintosh with at least System 7
and video in hardware with a Philips SAA 7xxx decoder/scaler
chip. The clock setting feature requires a TV tuner card with a
teletext decoder.

VideoZoom comes in an English, German, and French version.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/video-zoom-22.hqx; 139 K]


Date: 3 Mar 2000
From: VSE Customer Support <>
Subject: [*] VSE Update Finder 2.1 - Free tool to find updates

VSE Update Finder is a new version of the freeware utility for
locating software updates listed among 15 well-known Internet databases.

The new version updates some search scripts, recognizes
applications better and fixes a bug where the rebuilding of
the application list did not work.

Further information about VSE Update Finder:

System Requirements: System 7.5 or later, 5 MB RAM

[Archived as /info-mac/app/vse-update-finder-21.hqx; 562 K]


Date: 	Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:38:28 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [Q] Comparing Printers

I have the opportunity to buy either the HP 2100TN or the Brother HL-1270N
(I need a printer with Ethernet and PostScript).

The dpi and page speed are comparable enough for me. It would be connected
to 6 iMacs, one older PowerMac, and a few old Performas.

Any comments, comparisons, thoughts?



Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:57:00 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
Subject: accelerator speeds

I've been frustrated in buying an accelerator card because of 
unavailability. I had determined to buy the Sonnet Crescendo G3 300 
MHz 1mg backside cache and I put in an order for that only to 
discover an XLR8 300Mhz 1 Mg backside cache being advertised =A320 
cheaper. The Sonnet failed to arrive on the stated date, so I 
cancelled that and tried to order the XLR8, but it was out of stock 
and when it was back in stock the price had risen by that crucial =A320 
(because of re-packaging - ugh!). Now I am told that the Sonnet 
300Mhz has been discontinued and that a 350MHz one is coming out for 
=A320 more than the 300MHz ones.
Can anyone tell me what speed difference might there be between a 
300MHz and a 350MHz accelerator? Is there some table I can use? Going 
above the 350MHz price will just make it too close to a new, basic 
iMac to be worthwhile.

>  Ezra Nathan


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 10:08:32 -0800
From: Bob Durst <>
Subject: Eudora and signatures

With the upgrade to the latest Eudora (4.3.1), I've lost the ability 
to use Signature Randomizer. Does anyone know how to get it to work 
with this latest version, or some alternative that provides the same 

-Bob D.
Builder and pilot of Kinetic Sculpture vehicle "Killer Tomato"
Top ten reasons why you should build a Kinetic Sculpture Vehicle:
#4 Challenges your ability to calculate water displacement


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:23:34 -0500
From: Donald Webb <>
Subject: Eudora menus recovered [Yay!]

My thanks to the Info-Mac subscribers who have e-mailed me and have 
posted in the digest encouragement and advice about restoring the 
"Special" menu in Eudora Pro 4.2.2.

First, the good news: the "Special" menu now appears as it should. 
"Settings" is no longer hidden under "Empty Trash," the "Find" menu 
is in place, and I can even find things now.

The bad news, such as it is, is that if you ever have the same 
problem, I can't tell you exactly how to fix it.  However, I can 
offer some magic spells, a.k.a. empirical data sans theory:

(1)  Beware of a plug-in called "Menu Replacement."  Experimentation 
leads me to believe that it alone will cause the problem.  I didn't 
even know it was on my disk until it turned up in the course of some 
major file-shuffling.  Maybe it's an overlooked relic from an earlier 
version of Eudora.  However, that plug-in is not the only suspect.

(2)  Do not rename the "Eudora folder."  Yes, I can hear it now: "Oh 
no!  You did _what_?!"  I now think it's a Very Bad Idea; Eudora 
appears to be fond of its folder name.  I am reordering my notions of 
tidiness and have renamed my backup and archive folders, instead. 
"Eudora folder" is the active one.

(3)  Eudora's files and plug-ins need to be stationed in certain 
folders at certain levels.  The arrangement seems rather intricate 
and sometimes even arbitrary.  I haven't tried to understand it but 
have carefully followed a list kindly outlined at length by a 

At one point I got confused BZZT EUDORA INTERCEPT What do you mean, 
"got"?  Confusion seems to be the climate, not the weather. EUDORA 
OUT BZZT and made a mistake.  The menus reverted to their bad old 
ways even though Menu Replacement had been deleted.  So, it looks 
like there's more than one way to scramble the menus.

Maybe the moral of this story is to sweep up from time to time but 
otherwise leave well enough alone.

Don Webb


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 15:27:00 +0000
From: Lisa Cullen <>
Subject: How do I connect an iBook to External Monitor/LCD Projector

Can anyone tell me how to connect an iBook to External Monitor/LCD Projector?


Lisa Cullen

Lisa Cullen  
Dept. of Psychology,   Ph:  +353-1-6082289
Trinity College,       Fax: +353-1-6712006


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:10:10 -0800
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #38

>What is the best (highest quality) way to record a CD from a vinyl record?
>I have a G4, a stereo system and a CD-RW which I can hook together.
>My questions are about the route: which program should I use, which file
>format should I save in, etc.
>Thanks in advance for the help!
>Michael Silverstein
>Materials Engineering

I have started using Coaster which is available at  It will generate the audio files
that can be used with Toast to cut audio CDs.  That combination works well,
but I got fooled by one record where something (not audible) raised the
volume on one channel so I raised the other to restore ballance.  Now the
CD is completely out of kilter.  It probably pays to listen to part of the
captured files before cutting the CD.  AIFF format is normally used for
audio files.

-- Doug


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 15:43:52 +0100
Subject: TextBroom version 1.3.0 Released

TextBroom has just been updated to version 1.3.0.

Fixes include:
- The app would sometimes freeze when files from the Finder were dropped into its main window. This problem has been fixed.
-"Remove multiple spaces" does now work properly.

New features include:
-Drag&Drop: Files can now be dropped into the app's window.
-Speed improvement of certain functions.

TextBroom's home page is at <>

Contact: Daniel C. Kueng

Hueningerst 18
CH-4056 Basel
Phone: ++41 61 322 3555
Fax: ++41 61 322 3555

Note: In case this press release bears no relevance regarding your area of activity, please let us know and we will remove your address permanently from all our mailing lists. Thanks for notifying us.


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 00 21:13:05 -0800
From: "B.J. Major" <>
Subject: Vinyl records into CDs

>What is the best (highest quality) way to record a CD from a vinyl record?
>I have a G4, a stereo system and a CD-RW which I can hook together.
>My questions are about the route: which program should I use, which file
>format should I save in, etc.

Michael:  be advised that if you want the "highest" quality, you usually 
have to buy expensive software to do that.  Granted that kind of software 
gives you more control and has options for eliminating some or even most 
of the surface noise of an LP.  Personally, I am quite pleased with the 
results that Iomega's Record-It gives (and the software was free with the 
purchase of a Zip drive).  My LPs are all in good enough shape that a 
little surface noise doesn't interfere with enjoying the results.

Record-It saves what you input through the Mac's sound-in jack in AIFF-C 
(Compressed AIFF) format.  All you have to do after that is convert the 
files to regular AIFF via the freeware SoundApp application and then the 
Mac's Toast software will use the AIFF files to burn your CDs.  I've been 
doing this project for several months now on a sporadic basis, I have 
lots of LPs to convert, and I'm quite happy with the results.

Home Page w/Links to my music and tv sites: 


Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 09:44:33 -0800
From: "Cyrus Roton" <>
Subject: Vinyl records into CDs

Michael Silverstein <> asked:

< What is the best (highest quality) way to record a CD from a vinyl
< record? I have a G4, a stereo system and a CD-RW which I can hook
< together. My questions are about the route: which program should I
< use, which file format should I save in, etc.

First, you need a pre-amp to boost the phonograph cartridge signal level,
and to apply the correct compensation. If the turntable is part of a hi-fi
system, then the "line-out" jacks will have a suitable level to feed into
the Mac.  It is possible to use speaker output to the Mac microphone inputs,
but I am nor sure how safe that is.

There are several programs which can capture the audio into suitable files
for transfer to CD.

Coaster is a freeware program which will do the job. But, you will get much
better results using a program, like Arboretum HyperEngine, with RayGun
plug-in, which features hum filter, noise filter, and click filter. After
some experimenting and reading of the manual, you can get nice, clean,
recordings, which sound better than the originals.

After the files are recorded to hard disk (up to 650 MB per CD-full), they
can be copied to CD by the Toast program. You could convert the AIFF files
to MGP3 (mpeg), to reduce the size by a factor of ten, and play them from
the hard disk. If you copy them to CD in mpeg format, then you would need an
MPG3 CD player.

Cyrus W. Roton
MITA tech.
Chairman, Ridgecrest Apple User Group



End of Info-Mac Digest