Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #205
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 19 Dec 00       Volume 17 : Issue 205

Today's Topics:

      [*] [FTP] BlackWatch 1.5.5
      [*] Bedlam 2 1.0.6
      [*] Chac 1.1
      [*] Gerrys ICQ d44.1-SE
      [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.1-SE
      [*] Lurk 4.1 Webcambrowser
      [*] Mouse 1.2
      [*] Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the Macintosh
      [*] PowerSMS 1.3.1-SE
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.7.1r1J - Japanese Version
      FORTRAN ?
      MD5 Checksums
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      Question about a game and an icon utility...
      Sonnet Encore/G4

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Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: "Ken McLeod" <>
Subject: [*] [FTP] BlackWatch 1.5.5

[File "blackwatch-155.sit.hqx" uploaded to <>]

BlackWatch is a screen saver application that provides the ability to
lock your screen with password protection. It's small, quick, simple,
compatible, and free.

BlackWatch runs on any Macintosh (or Mac-compatible) computer
capable of running System 7.0 or later. This includes everything from
the Macintosh Plus to the Power Macintosh G4. The application is
distributed as a "fat" binary, with native code for both 68K and PowerPC
machines. It will run in 64K of RAM (128K or more is recommended).

This version is a maintenance release that fixes several bugs.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/blackwatch-155.hqx; 132 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: "Jeffrey W. Hester" <>
Subject: [*] Bedlam 2 1.0.6

The year...2317.  The aliens are back!!

Mankind has been virtually wiped out by an extraterrestrial armada!  This 
shoot'em up game play puts you in the seat of the XJ-777, code-named 
"Annihilator".  Only you can help save the solar system from ruthless 
alien domination. Bedlam 2 is a fast action, arcade-style game with 
forty-five levels of blistering game play.  As you blast away at the 
invading forces, your ship moves along the bottom of the screen trying to 
avoid a barrage of enemy firepower, collisions with attacking ships and 
the occasional chunk of floating space debris. By racking up points along 
the way, you earn much-needed extra ships, and can even capture hunks of 
gold bars released when you've demolished the ships of some of the greedy 
trespassers. Other fun and nasty surprises materialize during your long 
mission to free our galaxy from this evil infestation.

Your first encounter with the alien aggressors begins near the 
outer-reaches of the solar system at the ninth planet, Pluto.  If 
successful, you move inwards to Neptune and each planet thereafter, until 
you've kicked all alien butt completely out of our galaxy!  Some of the 
cool sound effects in the game help you keep track of your weapon status 
and any helpful or dangerous objects that approach your territory.  These 
include special weapon 'containers' that are periodically released for 
you to try and shoot open to free and then capture the extra-powerful 
ammo you need to pulverize your attackers.  There is detailed and 
interesting information about each planet as you arrive at its defense, 
which helps illuminate our section of the universe for those who have a 
hard time keeping track of just how many planets are orbiting the sun.  

Will you choose to accept this mission?  Mankind is depending on you!

Bedlam 2's minimum system requirements are:
 - Mac OS 7 (but higher versions recommended)
 - QuickTime (for the background music)
 - 640x480 monitor supporting 256 colors
 - 7 MB RAM
 - 7.3 MB hard drive space

More information about Bedlam 2 is available at our web site 

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bedlam-2-106.hqx; 4793 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: Warren Anderson <>
Subject: [*] Chac 1.1

Chac 1.1.sit is an upgraded version of the Maya Calendar Chac that I
posted a while back. Version 1.1 fixes bugs, improves the human
interface and has better graphics.

Warren Anderson

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/chac-11.hqx; 316 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] Gerrys ICQ d44.1-SE

Ramona Shareware oversatter och har alltid den senaste
uppdateringen av den basta ICQ-klienten for Mac ;-). Nu version
d44.1-SE FAT i svensk oversattning.

Systemkraven  ar:
� Appearance Manager
� Drag Manager
� Thread Manager
� Open Transport 1.1 eller senare
� Om du anvander Mac OS 8.0 eller senare, finns allt detta redan
installerat och bor fungera .

oversattare: Kjell Olausson

Pris: Gratis

Version d44 av den alternativa ICQ-klienten for Mac inkluderar
foljande forandringar:

- Du kan specificera typsnitt, stil och storlek pa meddelandetext.
- I chattfonstret kan man nu valja att anvanda IRC-stil pa chatten.
- Du kan enkelt vaxla utseende mellan tvadelat fonster och IRC-stil genom
att anvanda flikarna i fonstret. Det fins en lista med kontakter i IRC-
utforandet. Detta betyder dock ej att jag implementerat multichatt annu.
Detta ar dock det forsta steget...
- Du kan lagga till kontakter till olika listor genom att skriva eller
klistra in deras ICQ-nummer i det textfalt som finns i listfonstret.
- Den kontextuella menyn ansluter sig slutligen till Apples anvisningar
genom att inte innehalla inaktiva objekt.
- Jag har lagt till en undermeny i den kontextuella menyn som gor det
mojligt att snabbt andra vilken lista en person ska vara i. Synliga,
osynliga eller ignorera.
- Problemet med meddelandeloggar med storleken 0 byte har fixats, tror jag.

All dokumentation ar numera i pdf-format. Hoppas alla kan lasa detta
format. Annars maste ni ladda hem Acrobat Reader fran: <http://>.

Ladda ner fran

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/gerrys-icq-d441-se.hqx; 950 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.1-SE

Ramona Shareware  slapper nu en
uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.1 -SE PPC och 68k.

GraphicConverter ar det program som kan Oppna, importera och
exportera de flesta pa marknaden fOrekommande bildformaten och
dessutom utfOra ett stort antal bildoperationer.
Med andra ord nastan oumbarligt

FOrbattringarna och nyheterna i version 4.0.1 ar manga:

Version 4.0.1
* Import och export av FireViewer PDBs fOrbattrad (stOd fOr farg, 
version 3 och stora filer finns nu)
* Import av TealPaint PDB-filer mOjlig
* Import av ScreenShot Hack PDB-filer mOjlig
* MOjlighet att stalla in origo finns nu (klicka pa koordinaterna och 
klicka sedan i bilden)
* FOrhandsbilders kvalitet fOrbattrad
* Nu finns mOjlighet att namnge filer via uppdelningsfunktionen
* StOd fOr en variant av BMP finns nu
* Kompatibiliteten med twain fOrbattrad (verktygsraden gOms nu vid inlasning)
* "Tyst" installning fOr Oppnakommandot via AppleScript finns nu
* MarkOren vid ritande av linjer och andra element fOrbattrad
* MOjlighet att stalla in komprimeringsfOrhallandet finns nu
* MOjlighet att byta dimensioner i gruppkonverteringsfunktionen 
maxstorlek finns nu
* GraphicConverter gOmmer nu paletter (om Window Manager 2.0 anvands) 
under utskrifter fOr att undvika problem med skrivardrivrutiner som 
inte ar kompatibla med den nya Window Manager
* Inverteringsbugg rOrande PCX-filer och Mac OS 8.1 och tidigare fixad
* Bugg i filterhanteringen fixad
* Bugg vid sparande av stora PCX- och TIFF-filer fixad
* Bugg efter avbruten rotering fixad
* Bugg i markerandet av filer genom att skriva in namnet i Konvertera mer fixad
* Bugg i fOrloppsfOnstret vid anvandande av insticksprogram fixad
* Bugg rOrande offset vid ritande av valdigt tjocka linjer
* Bugg rOrande visning i bildspelet fixad
* Bugg rOrande angrafunktionen i insticksfilter fixad
* Bugg i funktionen dela upp fixad
* Kraschrisk vid visning av startbilden pa gamla datorer minimerad
* Krasch vid fOrhandsvisning av VISE-arkiv fixad
* andra buggfixar och andringar

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-401-se.hqx; 3003 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: "Joop Laan" <>
Subject: [*] Lurk 4.1 Webcambrowser

Dear all, 

glad to announce the release of Lurk Webcambrowser 4.1. 

- Users can set the creator type of the saved pictures 
- Create movies from archived pictures 
- and Bosskey :)) 
- Rearranged the menu to make it more organised 
- Fixed a memory problem due to the way the logo was handled in 
- Cleaned up code 

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/lurk-41.hqx; 1697 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: John Rethorst <>
Subject: [*] Mouse 1.2

Posts a small windoid showing the current screen coordinates of your mouse,
current coordinates within the top window, optional changes in screen
coordinates, and the RGB and Hex color values of the screen directly
underneath the current mouse point.

New in this version: hex color values, to support HTML.


[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/mouse-12.hqx; 79 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: "Dennis C. De Mars" <>
Subject: [*] Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the Macintosh

Pads v2.0
Pads is a simple replacement for the standard Note Pad and Stickies
applications. It is a carbonized application that runs natively under Mac OS

Pads is as simple to use as either Note Pad or Stickies, yet provides
significant new features. Pads gives users the ability to organize their
notes and use them more effectively.

- Notes can be given titles.
- Notes can be categorized.
- Pages can be "torn off" so that multiple pages can be viewed at
  once (like Stickies). These tear-off pages can be closed later
  without destroying the original notes.
- Standard Macintosh features such as styled text and drag-and-drop
  editing are supported. Text wrapping (on by default) can be turned off.
- New notes can be created automatically when text selections, clippings
  or files are dragged into the Pads window.
- The interface is intuitive and can be customized by the user
- Pages can be locked to protect against accidental deletion
  or modification.
Pads is a shareware program. It is not restricted in features or
time-limited in any way. The fee for a single user license is $15.

The Pads web site is at:


Inquiries and feedback should be directed to: or

The author of Pads is Dennis C. De Mars, who also created Fractal Domains,
a popular shareware fractal program for the Macintosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pads-20.hqx; 982 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <>
Subject: [*] PowerSMS 1.3.1-SE

Ramona Shareware slapper nu den svenska versionen av
SMS-programmet PowerSMS-SE till version 1.3.1 PPC

"PowerSMS ar ett smidigt program for att skicka SMS-meddelanden till
din (och andras) mobiltelefoner. Forutom att kunna skicka meddelanden
har det har det aven manga andra funktioner som underlattar
* Telefonbok. Du kan enkelt halla koll pa alla telefonnummer samt
indela dem i olika grupper och skicka till en hel grupp samtidigt. En
auto-fyll funktion gor att du inte behover fylla i landsnummer varje
gang du lagger in nya personer i telefonboken.
* Utkorg. Sparar dina skickade meddelanden for framtida referens.
* Stod for flera Mtnsms-konton, innebar att du enkelt kan skicka mer
an 20 meddelanden per dag, vilket normalt ar gransen.
* E-post till SMS. PowerSMS kan kolla din e-post med jamna mellanrum
och skicka ut eventuella nya brev till din mobiltelefon. Oerhort
anvandbart om du inte har mojlighet att kontrolla posten sjalv men
vantar nagot viktigt mail. Alternativt om du bara gillar att ha koll
pa saker och ting.
* Filterfunktion. Filtrera ut e-post som du inte vill ha skickad till
din mobiltelefon, exempelvis post fran olika e-postlistor och reklam."

Nytt i version 1.3.1
- Ytterligare AppleEvents finns med i programmet, se "AS/AE Info" for
ytterligare detaljer.
- Kraftigt forbattrat stod for AppleScript.
- Ett AppleScript for ircle som skickar dina inkommande meddelanden
till telefonen ar inkluderat. Se "IRC2SMS" i mappen "Om AppleScript
och AppleEvents" for mer information.

Programmet ar skrivet av Henrik Linder.

100 SEK Anvandarlicensen galler for en person.
300 SEK 5 st Licenser.
500 SEK 10 st Licenser.

Som alla Ramona Sharewares program ar det latt att registrera via postgirot
eller ett vanligt inbetalningskort pa posten.

Nytt ar att Foretag, skolor och andra institutioner kan registrera mot faktura.

Las mer och ladda ner pa var hemsida: <>.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/power-sms-131-se.hqx; 915 K]


Date: 19 Dec 2000
Subject: [*] URL Manager Pro 2.7.1r1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the URL Manager Pro package.

"In the shareware arena, my pick is URL Manager" - Adam C. Engst 

"You have got me addicted" - Henry Norr, San Francisco Chronicle 

"A must have for serious Web users" - Tucows rating: 5 out of 5 

"It's a polished, professional-standard application packed with useful 
features, neat shortcuts and quality design. Brilliant." - MacFormat UK.

URL Manager Pro is a repository for your favorite Internet addresses or
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager Pro allows you to organize
and collect URLs in a hierarchical structure. Organizing bookmarks
between and within folders is easy with Drag & Drop. Drag HyperText
links from your Web Browser to the URL Manager Pro window to add a URL
to the repository. To go to a URL, Drag & Drop a bookmark to the window
of a Web Browser or double click.

URL Manager Pro adds tight integration with Navigator, Explorer, iCab,
Anarchie, Fetch, NetFinder, Claris Emailer, Outlook Express and Eudora.
With URL Manager Pro you can add bookmark menus to the menu bar of these
applications. Also, URL Manager Pro adds the URL Manager shared icon
menu to the menu bar. With this menu you can create bookmarks for Web
Pages from --within-- Navigator, Explorer, iCab, Add Notes, Grab All
URLs on a Web Page or in an E-Mail message, and explore the Internet
with a predefined set of Search Engines.

What's New in this version:
*Added the Japanese version of the Tutorial.
*The Japanese version of the user guide is now available to registered users.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/url-manager-pro-271r1-jp.hqx; 1062 K]


Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:25:27 GMT
From: Philippe Casgrain <>
Subject: FORTRAN ?

Normand Beaudoin <> wrote:

>What is the best !!!  FORTRAN software (package) for the Mac (G4)??

There is only one as far as I know. Absoft Fortran, from 
And it is expensive (some 899USD).

>Same as 1) but for freeware or shareware or commercial low price

None that I know of.

I have collected some information about Fortran compilers on a web page 
(we use Fortran daily here): 

>And if you have time, I would repeat these same 3 questions for any
>other programing language (C, Basic...)
>Well, I absolutely need it, whatever it is even if I would prefer

This question is better suited for the comp.sys.mac.programmer.* 
newsgroups, or comp.lang.*. However, here are some pointers.

For BASIC, your best bet is RealBasic (commercial, but not so 
expensive). For C/C++ there are two schools of thought. You can download 
MPW free from Apple ( but the learning curve 
can be a bit steep. Still, the price is good. You can also buy 
Codewarrior from (399USD/119USD academic) which is 
somewhat easier to learn for the beginner.

hth, Philippe Casgrain

The above email address is valid


Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:35:15 -0800
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: MD5 Checksums

Is there a program for Macs that computes the MD5 checksum for a large file?
-- Doug


Date: 19 Dec 2000 09:47:48 -0500
From: Bill Waits <>
To: "Info-Mac" <>
Subject: Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD

Could someone PLEASE give me some insight as to how to create a bootable CD to be used with multiple PowerPC Macs (All capable of using MacOS 9.0.4)?

If you create one using your own Mac, the MacOS 9.0.4 is only taylored to that Mac and will not boot other machines.  Actually, half my tries have failed on the original machine as well.

Then, I have tried using the bootable portion of utilities that we own such as TechTools and Norton Utilities, but they will not work as well.

I know that you need to use Toast (I have v4.1.2) and select "Make Bootable" on the Data Setup, but everything I have tried has failed miserably, and I am tired of making coffee coasters.

I would appreciate any help or words of wisdom.  Please email me directly, and I will followup with a summary.


Bill Waits


Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 11:44:40 -0800
From: Andrew Merenbach <>
To: <>
Subject: Question about a game and an icon utility...

First, the icon utility: A while back there was a great little program
called Picon--I still have a copy on a computer somewhere in my house, but
it causes an error on newer systems.  Anybody know where I could get a
version that worked, or is it a discontinued product?  (I suspect it's the
latter, because no internet searches have found it.)  Maybe it just changed

Next, the game: A long time ago, when I was still using a Performa 600 (yes,
that's more than five years ago!), I went into a Tetris frenzy, and
downloaded many Tetris games, and variants.  One such variant was a
wonderful game in which groups of four tiles, each group being solid red,
solid blue, or a combination of the two, fell from the top of the screen.
(I believe there were options to change the shapes and colors, too.)
Anyway, one eliminated groups of similarly-colored tiles.  This was a great
game, and I need to have it again!  What was it called?

Andrew Merenbach


Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:08:01 -0800
From: (Dannelley)
Subject: Sonnet Encore/G4

Dear Digest readers,

I am interested in the Sonnet Encore/G4 upgrade for my G3 MT.

My MT is a G3-266 with a rev 2 motherboard.

I have a couple questions about possible problems and would like to know
about the seriousness...

1. A certian VRM (Voltage Regulator Module) that does not supply
apppropriate power and causes overheating and other failures.

2. Temperature and operation the Encore/G4. of other modules,
motherboard and other components in my model Mac.

3. Compatibility with OS X?  I plan to upgrade to OS X shortly after it
becomes stable and more applicaitons that I use on a regular basis are
released.  OS X compatibility is **very important to me**

My system is currently a G3 266 MT with a 6GB main drive and a 15 GB IBM
second drive.  I just ordered an IBM 45.0 GB DeskStar (75GXP).  I have
416 MB RAM (the original 32 MB, a 128 MB and a 265 MB).  I will likely
replace the 32 MB module with another 256 MB module soon.  I also have
an Adaptec Firewire interface module and I plan to add a second video
module so that I may run 2 monitors.

I believe that the Sonnet upgrade may be a way to extend my useful HW
system life, but I am just a little nervous considering the three
concerns (above) I heard about.

My main uses are photo editing and pixel pushing with PhotoShop, drawing
with Illustrator, web developmenet with GoLive and LiveMotion, and some
Video editing (Premiere 5.1, will upgrade to Premiere 6 when available,

Secondary use is web browsing with various WWW clients.

Thanks for your help.

Andy Dannelley



End of Info-Mac Digest