Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #166
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 23 Oct 00       Volume 17 : Issue 166

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Addressbook utility
      [*] ACRONYMS (v2.1) - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See!
      [*] ACRONYMS Update List {1}Blueberry (2.0->2.1)
      [*] California 3.0
      [*] CD File 3.0 Fr
      [*] CD File 3.0 US
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (68K)
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (PPC)
      [*] Cyclone 1.3
      [*] dataloom1_1.sit.hqx - Multivariate Data Visualization
      [*] EasyMP3 [Plays all the music files in a folder] ezmp3-10.sit
      [*] evolutionarywar10.sit
      [*] Extension Overload v5.4
      [*] geditcom-291.hqx
      [*] Hearts 3.0
      [*] Manic Minefields 1.4.2
      [*] Peek-a-Boo 1.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] PRESS RELEASE: Brickles Deluxe v1.3.1 [Macintosh]
      [*] PRESS RELEASE: Hang2000 v1.7.2 [Macintosh]
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.1r1J - Japanese Version
      A mute Mac
      cannot get LPR to work, error -5750 [Q]
      Font Smoothing
      TeX \ LaTeX  ????

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Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 22:33:27 -0400
From: abrody <>
Subject: (Q) Addressbook utility

Dear Digest readers,
I know this is an old version of Now Up-To-date, but I need to get my addressbook from exported from Now Contact 3.6.5 into the Addressbook utility of MacOS X beta.    Anybody know if upgrading to the latest Now Contact would allow me to do it?   The MacOS X utility says it is LDAP compatible.    Or is there another Addressbook converter program that will do it?

Thank you.


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS (v2.1) - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See!

(words and phrases in capitals are acronyms whose expansions are in 
the stack - changes in this version are at the end of this 
description) The purpose of this FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACK is to 
provide an introduction to a MIRTHFUL use of ACRONYMS on the 
INTERNET. Have you ever wished you had a better alternative to LOL? 
Or thought "Who makes up these WITTICISMs?" Well anybody can 
ACRONYMISE, you can! Don't say you're JUST TOO BUSY! and you don't 
want to READ A MANUAL. You can create an ACRONYM out of ALMOST 
ANYTHING! You can make them from any old CLICHE, use them to tell 
people to SHUT UP, state that THAT'S NOT FUNNY, tell a GIRL that 
she's FEMININE, SMILE a SMUG SMILE or just find FLAWS in the MEMORY 

Take a DIRTY MIND, add a CHUCKLE, stir in a QUIP, and a QUANTITY of 

You can politely tell people to PISS OFF, PUT A SOCK IN IT, BE CIVIL 
or tell them THAT'S CHILDISH. You can tell people that they're 
talking BOLLOCKS! And if you're ON A ROLL, you can create a HUMDINGER 
of a reply to someone who won't TRY ONSCREEN HELP.

So who began this BIZARRE ADVENTURE through the ALPHABET? A CRAZED 
KIWI and an ABNORMAL IRISH man with a DIRTY MIND, who found 
themselves making up LAUGHTER ACRONYMS during their EPISTLES to the 
ANTIPODES - a sequence of combinations started when TONY MCCOY 
some of her SHAREWARE. They decided not to continue DOING NOTHING 
about their HILARIOUS ACRONYM stash, so they compiled them into this 
STACK, and in the process created a SUPERHERO called MACGIRL, her 

Both these WEIRD ACRONYM WRITERS like APPLE and think that MACINTOSH 
few other MACINTOSHes. We haven't yet collected EVERY ACRONYM UNDER 
THE SUN, but we'd like to try... think some up yourself and send them 
to for inclusion in the next update list for this 
stack. (You can download the latest update lists from the acronyms 
site on the WORLD WIDE WEB at and import them 
into the stack.) Also at you can view the 
latest acronyms and acronym tours, subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES, 
and participate in forums.

Changes in this version:

The web pages generated and the splash screen now have a random 
ACRONYMS expansion each time.
The acronyms can now be sorted in three different ways.
Importing of update lists has been sped up, and the process has been 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-21.hqx; 2052 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] ACRONYMS Update List {1}Blueberry (2.0->2.1)

Update List {2}Blueberry can be imported into ACRONYMS 1.0, 1.01 or 
2.0 so that it has all the new acronyms which are in ACRONYMS 2.1. It 
does not add any of the new features which are in ACRONYMS 2.1, just 
the 560 new acronyms.

If you don't have ACRONYMS, you don't need this update list, you can 
download ACRONYMS 2.1 from ACRONYMS 2.1 
already contains all the acronyms which are in this update list.

Update List Blueberry can take a long time to import into versions 
1.0, 1.01 and 2.0 - about 1 and a half hours on my 133MHz 603e 
PowerMac. It would probably take a much shorter time on a G3 or G4, 
but if you have a slower Mac it would be better to just download 
ACRONYMS 2.1. I thought I'd fixed this problem in version 2.0, but I 
mistakenly uploaded an earlier version. ACRONYMS 2.1 imports update 
lists much more quickly.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/acronyms-update-list.hqx; 37 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: David Mueller <>
Subject: [*] California 3.0

California is a calculator program. It provides the ability to perform
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, square roots,
tangents, cosines, sines, cotangents, cosecants, secants, arctangents, and
natural logarithims.

This submission replaces California 2.03.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/california-30.hqx; 13 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Bob DAMIEN <>
Subject: [*] CD File 3.0 Fr

 Gestion de discoth�que personnelle Hi-Tech. Look iMac. Cr�e avec FileMaker.
Autonome. Compatible CDDB. Toutes fonctions. Sans gadgets. Pour 68K et PPC.
Mises � jours et t�l�chargements sur:

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\CD File 3.0 Fr.sit"

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-file-30-fr.hqx; 5313 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Bob DAMIEN <>
Subject: [*] CD File 3.0 US

 The new Hi-Tech CD database. Look iMac. Created with FileMaker. With
runtime. CDDB Compatible. All functions. No gadgets. For 68K and PPC.
Upgrades and downloads at:
      Best regards

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-file-30.hqx; 5073 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (68K)

CuliDataBase 5.6 (68K)

What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: shareware US$ 8.00
Computer: 68K Mac
Mac OS: 7.5 or later
CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes, supporting
Apple Guide Help and QuickTime�. There are PPC and 68K versions; with this
you have the 68K version.
A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list.
Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the
singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well,
so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in
English, French and Dutch.
To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes.
Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself,
and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites.
An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the
export and print functions.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/culidatabase-56-68k.hqx; 1097 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Ton Brand <>
Subject: [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (PPC)

CuliDataBase 5.6 (PPC)

What it is: Recipe management tool for food lovers
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: shareware US$ 8.00
Computer: PowerPC or iMac
Mac OS: 7.5 or later
CuliDataBase is an application for managing culinary recipes, supporting
Apple Guide Help and QuickTime�. There are PPC and 68K versions; with this
you have the PPC version.
A simple click with the mouse lets you put ingredients on a shopping list.
Recipes can be scaled up or down according to number of servings, while the
singular or plural form of the ingredients' names is taken care of as well,
so '1 bay leaf ' will become '2 bay leaves' or vice versa. This works in
English, French and Dutch.
To illustrate your recipes, you can import pictures of dishes.
Finally, you've got a list with culinary terms that you can extend yourself,
and an Internet menu that you can modify to go to your favorite sites.
An unregistered copy of CuliDataBase is fully functional, apart from the
export and print functions.

[Archived as /info-mac/data/culidatabase-56-ppc.hqx; 1312 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Tomasz Kukielka <>
Subject: [*] Cyclone 1.3

Cyclone is an application for text conversions.
It is based on Apple's Text Encoding Converter engine, which is a part of
recent Mac OSes.
It requires a Power Macintosh, System 7.5 or later and Text Encoding
Converter 1.3 or later.


Highlights include:
   - Macintosh, Unicode, ISO, DOS, Windows, and other encodings
   - unlimited size of converted files
   - multiple file conversions
   - clipboard conversion
   - scripting via AppleScript

Changes in version 1.3:
 * "convert text" command added to AppleScript dictionary.
 * Internet names can be used now for encodings.
    ("UTF-8", "x-mac-roman", "ISO-8859-1", etc.)
 * A few scripts revisions and additions.
    (with the most advanced "Conv folder with HTMLs to UTF-8")

Tomasz Kukielka

[Archived as /info-mac/text/cyclone-13.hqx; 275 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Carl Manaster <>
Subject: [*] dataloom1_1.sit.hqx - Multivariate Data Visualization

Data Loom 1.1 is now available.  This new version features coloring and the
ability to select traces that are similar to a given trace.

Data Loom is a freeware Macintosh program for exploring multivariate data.
It displays the data in a parallel coordinates chart, where each data
variable is represented by a vertical axis and each data point is
represented by a trace drawn across all the axes.  Such charts can help you
to see relationships between variables and to identify and characterize
outliers in your data.

System Requirements
 o Mac OS 8.1 or higher
 o PowerPC Macintosh
 o 2MB available RAM

Send questions about Data Loom to

For more information about Data Loom, visit

Feel free to include on the commercial CD of the archives.  Thanks!

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/data-loom.hqx; 990 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Alexandre Trottier <>
Subject: [*] EasyMP3 [Plays all the music files in a folder] ezmp3-10.sit

EasyMP3 scans the contents of a folder that you specify and plays the audio
tracks of all the multimedia files that can be opened with QuickTime
(including MP3s, AIFFs, etc.). The files can be played either sequentially
(in alphabetical order) or in random order, and the program can loop through
the files repeatedly. It is a very quick and very easy way to build music
playlists. EasyMP3 can run in the background, letting you use other programs
while it's playing your music files. And finally, EasyMP3 features an
elegant interface and nice 3D graphics.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/ez-mp3-10.hqx; 477 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Grant Schindler <>
Subject: [*] evolutionarywar10.sit

Evolutionary War 1.0

Evolutionary War is just like the classic game of chess... except for
the fact that your pawns can asexually reproduce, thus generating
slightly genetically altered copies of themselves. Players control a
population of organisms, each of which has a unique genetic makeup that
determines its strength, intelligence, fertility, and speed. These
organisms can mate, clone, shift, and attack, and the result of all
these actions depends highly upon the genetic structure of each
organism.  Whichever population evolves most quickly can achieve victory
by eliminating all members of the enemy population. Play against the
computer or a human opponent.

Feel free to include this on any and all cd-roms.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/evolotionary-war.hqx; 1551 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Teng Chou Ming <>
Subject: [*] Extension Overload v5.4

Extension Overload is an extensions & control panels management 
application. It offers detail information of 3700 Extensions and 
Control Panels and Control Strip Modules in your system. It also lets 
you activate and deactivate them, so that you can always easily 
tailor your system to your current requirements. In addition, 
Extension Overload includes a useful collection of helpful 
information and tidbits.

Extension Overload Features

* Allows you to enable and disable you Extensions, Control Panels and 
Control Strip Modules on the fly without going to the Extensions or 
Control Panels or Control Strip Modules folders.

* Allows you to preview, enable and disable fonts.

* Provide detailed descriptions of 2596 extensions, 954 control 
panels and 150 Control Strip Modules, both from Apple and from other 

* Covers extensions and control panels from System 7, 7.5, 7.6, Mac 
OS 8, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0 and 9.0.4, iMac, G3 and G4.

* Searching for a particular extensions or control panels within the 
database can be done either by name or description.

* Searchable system error codes to help make your troubleshooting 
process easier and faster.

* Generate reports to keep track of your extensions and control panels.

* Extension Overload wiill warm user if ObjectSupportLib was found in 
Mac OS 8, 8.5, 8.6 and 9. User will be able to click 'Delete' to 
Delete. 'Disable' to Disable' and 'Do nothing'.

* A Tidbits menu that contains interesting tidbits of information including:
- What is an extension, control panel, shared library?
- Tips to speed up your Macintosh.
- Easter eggs (little gimmicks hidden somewhere in the software).
- A guide on how to get software updates.

New features in v5.4 released Sept 29, 2000
* Contains descriptions of 2596 extensions.
* Contains descriptions of 954 control panels.
* Contains descriptions of 150 Control Strip Modules.
* Total of 3700 extensions, extensions and control strip modules
* More URLs and emails have been updated
* Better support for non English Mac OS.
* Added the warning about changes and need to restart.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-54.hqx; 1510 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: John Nairn <>
Subject: [*] geditcom-291.hqx

GEDitCOM 2.9.1 is a customizable genealogy application for the Power 
Macintosh for viewing and editing GEDCOM files. GEDCOM is a genealogy 
data base standard that stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication 
files. All genealogy applications can read and write GEDCOM files and 
most genealogy files on the Internet use the GEDCOM format. With 
GEDitCOM, you can tap 100% of GEDCOM's features and all aspects of 
the viewing/editing interface are customizable by the user. No one 
has to settle for the rigid forms and data entry methods provided by 
typical commercial packages. You can create your own genealogy 
interface and you can even switch interfaces at will depending on 
your needs that day. Although you can customize GEDitCOM as much as 
you want, it comes equipped with several powerful user interfaces and 
many genealogy features. Some prominent features are customizable 
family trees, printing of books from genealogy files, and Internet 
features that let you access genealogy web sites or create links from 
your genealogy data to web sites.

GEDitCOM is available free as a GEDCOM browser. The browser download 
is also a demo of the full shareware GEDCOM editor. GEDitCOM requires 
a Power Macintosh with a color monitor. You can visit the GEDitCOM 
home page at <> for more information and 
various downloads.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/gedit-com-291.hqx; 1500 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: David Skelly <>
Subject: [*] Hearts 3.0

    Hearts 3.0 is an advanced and customizable game of Hearts for Macintosh!
Features include - new sound, asynchonous sound play, new scoreboard, new
upside facing cards, expandable card design folder, support for
plugin-artificial intelligence, more rules options, more aesthetic options,
last trick window, preferences window and more. All these add up to great
game play!

David Skelly

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/hearts-30.hqx; 603 K]


Date: 21 Oct 2000
From: Norbyte <>
Subject: [*] Manic Minefields 1.4.2

 Norbyte (formerly Addiction Interactive) has released Manic Minefields 
 1.4.2, a new version of their popular $7 shareware game.
 The unregistered version lets you play 2 of the 10 different minefields.
 Manic Minefields is not just another minesweeper clone. It's a 
 minesweeper on steroids!
 It's really 10 different minesweeper games in one, as it features 10 
 uniquely designed minefields to choose from.
 Each minefield has its own exciting and fun set of cool graphics, sounds,
 individual highscore tables etc.
 Some of them have special rules (i.e. obstacles etc.), and some have 
 different ways of displaying the numbers (i.e. dice, Roman digits, foot 
 prints etc.).
 *Registered users no longer have to click on their name when starting 
 Manic Minefields.
 *Misc. optimizations.
 Computer: A MacOS compatible computer (Macintosh) with a PowerPC 
 Colors: Thousands (15bits) or millions (24bits).

[Archived as /info-mac/game/manic-minefields-142.hqx; 755 K]


Date: 21 Oct 2000
Subject: [*] Peek-a-Boo 1.5J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Peek-a-Boo package.

Peek-a-Boo is a utility to monitor and manipulate all running processes.  
You can watch how much CPU time each process uses, adjust the CPU time  
requested by each process, and look at any piece of information available 
through the Process Manager. 

The Process Manager (available in MacOS System 7 and later) maintains a  
dozen or so pieces of information about each running process (normally an 
application); many fine utilities show a subset of this information. 

My personal motivation for writing Peek-a-Boo was that no existing  
utility showed precisely the subset of Process Manager information I  
needed to know at a given time. So I made sure that Peek-a-Boo can show  
any piece of information available via the Process Manager; preferences  
can be edited to view only those pieces of information you need. And,  
with the Special Technology of Peek-a-Boo ST, you can now adjust the  
priorities of processes to customize which processes get more processor  

Peek-a-Boo 1.5 has an improved Special Technology mechanism. Its  
efficiency is improved, and certain processes that would not respond to  
earlier versions of Special Technology now respond admirably. 

Peek-a-Boo now has the capability to track Temporary Memory usage. ( 
Temporary Memory is also known as the Process Manager Heap.) This new  
Temporary Memory support is visible in several places: 

*The MemGraph column can now include Temp Mem in the graph.  
*There is now a column to show exactly how much Temp Mem each process  uses. 
*There are now three additional options available when you open a  
Logging window, all relating to Temp Mem. 

A "Reveal in Finder" menu item has been added: when using System 7.5 or  
later, you can open the folder where a process's file is. 

Several cosmetic improvements, including fuller color support in the main 
window and new "techie" CPU history windows, have been implemented. 

Peek-a-Boo 1.5 now runs natively on PowerPC computers, with a performance 
improvement of about 15%. 

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/peek-a-boo-15-jp.hqx; 316 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Ken Winograd <>
Subject: [*] PRESS RELEASE: Brickles Deluxe v1.3.1 [Macintosh]

Brickles Deluxe v1.3.1 Released!

Merrimack, New Hampshire, October 1, 2000: Ken Winograd and
Space-Time Associates announced today the release of version 1.3.1
of a fun, exciting Macintosh shareware game called Brickles Deluxe.

Brickles Deluxe is an all-new game based on the game of Brickles
and Brickles Plus, first offered in 1985, shortly after the
introduction of the first Macintosh.

Brickles Deluxe is not your typical "ball and paddle" game. No way!
Brickles Deluxe features adjustable colors and patterns, adjustable
ball and paddle sizes, and adjustable speed.  Even the number of
paddles in the game can be changed.  Brickles Deluxe is suitable for
everyone from the very youngest children learning to use a mouse,
to fast-paced arcade fans. And, wait 'til you hear the new sounds!
If you've ever played and enjoyed Brickles or Brickles Plus, you're
just going to love Brickles Deluxe!

Version 1.3.1 of Brickles Deluxe adds many new digitized sounds.

Brickles Deluxe requires a Macintosh with 256 colors or more.

Brickles Deluxe is available now.  For more information, or to
download or securely register the program, please visit the
Brickles Deluxe web page at:


Contact: Ken Winograd (

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brickles-deluxe-131.hqx; 379 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
From: Ken Winograd <>
Subject: [*] PRESS RELEASE: Hang2000 v1.7.2 [Macintosh]


Hang2000 v1.7.2 Released!


Merrimack, New Hampshire, October 1, 2000: Ken Winograd and Space-Time Associates
announced today the release of version 1.7.2 of a fun Macintosh shareware game called Hang2000.  Hang2000 is a new take on the classic hangman word guessing game we
all played when we were kids. It features colorful, non-violent graphics, digitized sounds, synthesized speech, dozens of built-in word categories, thousands of words, unlimited lists of your own words, and special options especially designed for visually challenged users.

Hang2000 is "secretly educational". It's played for fun, but you can't help learning. Included in Hang2000 is a new "knowledge area". This area will include information associated with the guessed word or phrase. If the word chosen is from the States or Countries category, for example, the knowledge area will show the capital of the State or Country. If the category is Authors or Composers, the knowledge area will show facts about, or famous works of, the author or composer.  You can also make your own lists (unlimited in number) and include your own associated information.

There are dozens of categories, guaranteed to include something for everyone. From Monsters and Dinosaurs to Star Trek and Television Shows, from Animals and Birds to Colors and Cities, from Fruits and Vegetables to Presidents and Vice-Presidents, from Rock and Roll to Opera and Musical Instruments. And literally dozens more!

Hang2000 includes Multi-Level Winning Streak Score Boards, allowing students and family members alike to keep track of winning streaks. Separate score boards are kept for each difficulty level, so users can compete against users choosing the same difficulty level.

Hang2000 also offers full support for what's often known as "accented characters". Hang2000 supports the entry and display of words in many languages, including Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Italian Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.  Hang2000 makes learning vocabulary more fun than ever before.

Version 1.7.2 of Hang2000 corrects a few spelling errors in the Best Actors, Best Actresses, Canada, Cars and Vegetables categories.

Hang2000 requires a Macintosh that supports 256 colors or more. (A version of Hang2000 for Windows is also available.)

Hang2000 is available now.  For more information, or to download or securely register the program, please visit the Hang2000 web page at:


Quick Download:

Contact: Ken Winograd (

[Archived as /info-mac/game/hang-2000-172.hqx; 422 K]


Date: 22 Oct 2000
Subject: [*] Program Switcher v5.5.1r1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Program Switcher package.

Program Switcher is a convenient timesaving control panel that allows you to
switch between the applications running on your System 7.1 or greater
Macintosh via a simple two-key keystroke. It was inspired by the same
function found in "Windows," but has been improved and transformed into a
unique and fully configurable control panel that makes switching
applications on the Macintosh as simple as pressing a couple of keys.

A Mac OS X version is under development.

Key features include:

    - The ability to switch, launch, quit, or hide any application with a
simple keystroke
    - The ability to switch, hide, or close windows with a simple keystroke
    - Full support for the latest MacOS technologies, such as Appearance,
Navigation Services, and Multiple Users.
    - Elegant, unobtrusive interface that makes the seemingly simple task of
switching applications truly simple and easy to do.
    - A powerful suite of user configurable hot keys, including such actions
as "Open File" and "Quit All Applications".

Version 5.5.1r1J fixes a problem with the display of Japanese fonts.

Version 5.5.1J fixes two bugs with the hot keys feature:
    - Bug which allowed more than one hot key have the same keystroke
    - Bug were certain hot key preferences were lost

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/program-switcher-551r1-jp.hqx; 819 K]


Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 21:04:59 +0800
From: Khairol Azmi <>
To: <>
Subject: A mute Mac

Hi Macers,

I have a Mac that suddenly became mute. The sound control panel does not
show any sound input or output capabilities. I have tried to remove and set
again the sound card -- the card that has the mic and the speaker terminals
but to no avail. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with the Mac. Is it
possible that the Mac's sound card is no longer working?

Machine: PowerPC G3 233 MHz, 96 Mb RAM, 2 Mb SGRAM and 4.0 G hard disk.
OS: Mac OS 9.0.4


-Khairol Azmi


Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 00:12:57 +0200
From: Eduard Hoenkamp <>
Subject: cannot get LPR to work, error -5750 [Q]

I set up an LPR printer via the 'Desktop Printer Utility'. When the 
desktop printer actually tries to spool the file to the remote host, 
I get the error -5750. Can anyone explain the error? Or could someone 
enlighten me on the server side? (A linux on ppc running lpd; I can 
successfully print from there). Eduard.
NB I have been searching the web for hours on this, to no avail.


Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 17:06:18 EDT
Subject: Font Smoothing

I'm about to purchase a new iBook 466. However, I'm a bit turned off by the 
appearance of the fonts. Some of the letters are smudged, fuzzy and a bit 
smeared. I'm used to the crisp, clean fonts of my earlier Macs. I've read 
that if you want legible, clear type you have to turn font smoothing off. Can 
this be done with an iBook? If so, how do I do this? Thanks David


Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 05:03:40 -0400
From: "Chas." <>
Subject: Passwords

Is there any way to reenter a password into say, File Sharing, if the 
original PW has been forgotten? I tried deleting the FS pref file but 
it still comes up with a "owner name and password dialog". 
Essentially, I can't do FS any longer cause I out smarted myself with 
forgotten passwords--I know, don't say it. I feel bad enough already.

PS: thanks to all those that have helped with my past conundrums.


Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 01:04:09 -0400
From: Normand Beaudoin <>
Subject: TeX \ LaTeX  ????


I am used to use Nisus and FrameMaker on a MacIntosh platform
to write scientific documents with tons of equations, tables,
pictures, cross-references... etc... etc... Everything was fine, but
sometime, someone offer you a �better� situation!!!!

Now I will have to use TeX and/or LaTex to do the same kind of
documents, still on a MacIntosh platform.

I have dug the archives and found a lot of informations that
appear to me rather disparate, so I am still slightly in the dark!!!  I
read about OzTeX, TeXture, Scientific Workplace, Publicon... and
even about Lyx and KlyX (on Linux).  If someone could answer my
questions, I would greatly greatly  appreciate!

General question:

What is the best �system� or software or set of softwares to do
TeX and/or LateX on a Mac (G4dp)? (Space in RAM and on hard
disk is not really a limitation; 640 Meg/60 Gig) ?
(The price could be a problem if the system I choose make me
counterproductive but if I can work with it as much easily as I did
with Nisus and FrameMaker then that price could suddenly become
Well I know, it would have been easier if I�ve asked you: �What is
the meaning of life?�

Specific questions.

In Tex and/or LaTeX, the fonts and equations appear very very
nice but the cross-reference system does not seems (at least to
me) evident. It seems (for example) that we have to give a
specific and fixed name to each equations to be able to reference
to it. With few equations it could be easy but for dozens or even
hundreds equations it could become difficult to find specific
names for each. Then we could use fixed numbers for these
specific names but at this time these numbers will confuse with
the automatic numbering of the system. Maybe I missed
something!!! Did I ???

In all the examples I found in TeX and/or LaTeX I never saw a nice
table. They always appear rather �cheap�. Well I would�nt want to
offend those of you that love TeX but is it possible, with TeX or
LaTeX to have complete control on every elements of tables as
easily as it is in FrameMaker (ruling, shading, removing or adding
cells... etc...)?

Oh! Sorry, I have been  somewhat long!

Thank you very much and more!!

Normand Beaudoin Ph.D.



End of Info-Mac Digest