Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #163 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Sun, 15 Oct 00 Volume 17 : Issue 163 Today's Topics: [*] Mankato Halfwit Font Duo suddenly died while in docking mode Eudora & Config PPP File Changing file type changes G3 b/w & 100base ethernet :-( G4 Cube won't stay off/asleep Info-Mac Digest V17 #162 Launcher Window on OS 9.04 Odd behavior when multiple apps are running Odd behavior when multiple apps are running SetSIZE XCMD Sound and Java in IE5 There is insufficient memory, close windows upgrading applications for OS 9 The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V17 #163" ------------------------------ Date: 14 Oct 2000 From: Dan Bailey <> To: Subject: [*] Mankato Halfwit Font This font from Fontosaurus Text (, is a minor update to the older version previously found on the HyperArchive. The archive file includes both TrueType and Postscript Type 1 fonts and updated notices. The font is "giftware" -- I'm giving the gift of freely downloadable, kick-butt fonts. All I ask is that in return, you visit my webpage and donate $2 to my PayPal account. There's usually an ongoing contest on the page, which you can enter by making a donation. [Archived as /info-mac/font/mankato-halfwit.hqx; 101 K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 21:38:16 +0200 From: (Detlev Bartsch) To: Subject: Duo suddenly died while in docking mode Hello, I had to transfer some files between my Duo 270c and my PMac. I used the docking adapter, turned the Duo on, the docking symbol appeared on the screen, but before I could start the Duo suddenly died. I could not get it back to work. The LED is still blinking, but not bright. Pressing the power (or any other) key lets it shine bright as long as the key is hold down. I read the "2300c Duo seems dead" thread and tried resetting the Battery Manager and so on, but no success. Any hints? Dead Battery (Main/PRAM)? Killed logicboard? Thanks db ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 21:35:59 +0200 From: Dominic Hawkins <> To: Subject: Eudora & Config PPP I have a Powerbook 190cs with OS 7.5.2 and Config PPP v.2,01 and MacTCP v. 2.06 installed. Over the past years I have been accessing Eudora & the WWW through a CompuServe connection to the Internet very successfully. I have now broken away from C/serve and have a connection to an ISP, Wanadoo, here in Paris. After reconfiguring the software, I can get onto the Internet, and the Web through Netscape with no problem, but I cannot get Eudora Light 3.1 going, whether I get on the Net directly first or get on through "checking mail" in Eudora. I have changed all the various settings to suit, but as I attempt to check mail I get the window "Preparing to transfer, Checking mail" reporting that I am contacting (, which not surprisingly gets me nowhere! The Eudora settings have been changed to show the Wanadoo account <> but this address always blocks me. What have I done wrong? I'm sure I am being stupid, but please help! Dominic ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 11:26:24 -0400 From: "Chas." <> To: Subject: File Changing Thanks for everyone's help regarding the file changing issue. -- Chas. <> ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 15:54:13 -0400 From: Saint John <> To: Subject: file type changes At 12:32 -0400 10/12/00, The Info-Mac Network wrote: >From: "Chas." <> >Subject: file type changes > >For some reason all my stand alone text files have been converted to >Teach Text from Simple Text. As a result , I can't open them. Does >anyone have any ideas about this and how I might be able to change >them back? The file types for TeachText are the same as SimpleText (creator ttxt, type TEXT), so I suspect that you have a copy of SimpleText somewhere on your system-- and that it was installed recently. The Mac OS uses the most recently installed version of a program when it comes to opening a document with its registered creator. Sometimes a shareware (or commercial) program will install lots of things like SimpleText or TeachText, and thus you have lots of old programs floating around your HD. Try doing a search for name="SimpleText", kind="Application" sometime and see how many copies you have! For the moment, though, search for "TeachText" and delete the applications that come up. (You can drag them straight from Sherlock's window into the Trash.) That should be enough, but you could also take your favorite copy of SimpleText, drag it to another disk, then drag it back to where it was (answering "yes" to replacing the existing version). This makes it the "most recently installed" application that handles that file type, and that will fix things up nicely. In fact, you can try doing this first, if you really want taht copy of TeachText around. +- Saint John <> <> -+ +- "Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly." --------+ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 17:48:00 -0500 From: Chaz Larson <> To: Johannes Weitzel <>, Subject: G3 b/w & 100base ethernet :-( At 4:00 PM +0200 10/12/00, Johannes Weitzel wrote: >The situation is very bad, for I'm running several other Mac servers >(e.g. FileMaker), and if they reboot, they will stuck with this dialog. I have no idea how to fix the underlying problem, but you can avoid this situation by installing Okey Dokey Pro, which will automatically click the default button in any model dialogs fter a configurable timeout. It saves screenshots of the dismissed dialogs in a log file for review purposes. chazl -- I'm gonna tell my son to grow up as pretty as the grass is green and as smart as the English Channel is wide... - Liz Phair, Whip Smart Chaz Larson - chaz at spamcop dot net - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 01:57:28 -0400 From: "Byron C. Mayes" <> To: <> Subject: G4 Cube won't stay off/asleep Greetings, I just purchased a G4 cube (a week before the darned rebate!) which works wonderfully except for one really annoying thing: it won't shut off. It won't go to sleep (despite an Energy Saver setting of 40 minutes), it won't stay asleep when I put it to sleep manually via Special menu or Energy Saver control strip module (it wakes up on its own after about five minutes), and it won't stay shut down when I do so via Special/Shut Down menu option (it boots up on its own after about five minutes). That's now. I zapped PRAM with command-option-P-R once and it behaved, "sleeping" all night until I awoke and resumed use, and then remaining shut down the next day until I rebooted on purpose. Prior to zapping PRAM, it would only stay asleep for about 40 seconds if I put it to sleep manually, and would reboot after a manual and proper shut down after 2-3 minutes. I guess five minutes each is an improvement. I just zapped PRAM again and it seems to be staying shut down for now (I'm typing on a UMAX Pulsar clone), but for how long? Has anyone else experienced similar issues with the Cube? Thanks, Byron ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:10:50 +0200 From: Bob Terwilliger <> To: <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #162 Have you installed Teach Text application *after* Simple Text (some installer do that without advise...) ? >>For some reason all my stand alone text files have been converted to >>Teach Text from Simple Text. > >TeachText and SimpleText have the same creator, and their documents >have the same type. Both have creator 'ttxt', and text files created >by them have type 'TEXT'. Read-only documents, in both cases, have >type 'ttro'. > >SimpleText does know about a bunch of other types of documents, but >SimpleText can read everything TeachText could read. > >>As a result , I can't open them. Does >>anyone have any ideas about this and how I might be able to change >>them back? > >Specifically what's happening? I just opened a document under 9.0.4 >using the copy of TeachText that came with System 7.0. Worked fine. > >I suspect you just need to rebuild your desktop, but that's just a blind >guess. --------------------------------------- Bob Terwilliger ICQ: 94274270 --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 10:19:15 +0200 From: Dominic Hawkins <> To: Subject: Launcher Window on OS 9.04 Without warning, the lower border of my "Launcher" window has dropped off the bottom of my iMac screen. Repeated dragging shows no bottom edge! How do I shrink it? Dominic ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 02:03:38 +0200 From: "V.Dooijes" <> To: Patty and Art Werschulz <>, Subject: Odd behavior when multiple apps are running > (2) If I move from one application to another, the windows associated > with the application that I have just moved from do not remain visible. > Did you try checking �show dekstop when in background� in the �General� control panel? Wouter Meulensteen ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 15:56:51 -0400 From: Saint John <> To: Subject: Odd behavior when multiple apps are running At 12:32 -0400 10/12/00, The Info-Mac Network wrote: >From: Patty and Art Werschulz <> >Subject: Odd behavior when multiple apps are running > >(1) All applications, with the exception of the currently-running >application, are grayed out in the application menu. > >(2) If I move from one application to another, the windows associated >with the application that I have just moved from do not remain visible. > >Hence, only the windows of one application (the currently running >application) are visible at any particular time. Needless to say, this >is rather inconvenient. You have the "Simple Finder" selected. Go to the "General Controls" control panel and check "Show desktop when in background". +- Saint John <> <> -+ +- "Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly." --------+ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 20:52:43 -0700 From: Jeff Iverson <> To: Subject: SetSIZE XCMD I've created an XCMD to set the SIZE resource of an application, which some have found difficult to do under Mac OS X. Let me know if you want more information. kind regards, Jeff Iverson -- Iverson Software Co. -- 6281 NE 6th St. -- Fridley MN 55432 -- 763.571.5013 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:28:27 -0500 From: jatkins <> To: <> Subject: Sound and Java in IE5 For your consideration: Can anyone tell me how to get IE5 set up to use java. I installed MRJ 2.2 apparently without any problems and IE5 works well enough. It just seems that at certain sites (maybe java intensive ??? ) I get the message from OS saying that I need to have MRJ 2.1 minimum installed and to make sure that it is installed correctly and that IE5 is set up to use it. But I am sure that I have accessed sites that are using java without any problems. I have tried changing the java preferences section in IE5 by adding class paths but I am not sure which paths I should be adding and the changes I have tried making have resulted in no change to the situation. I appreciate any help anyone can give me with this problem. I also cannot seem to get either netscape 4 or IE5 to play the audio that is built into pages or run audio links. Well there is the odd exception but in general if I go to a site that normally plays audio upon entry I am left out of the loop. I realise that in many cases this is an unwelcome nuisance anyway but there are occassions when it is something that I am actually looking for. It seems I have much to learn about setting up browsers and their various plugins and any and all assistance would be most appreciated. I seem now to be able to get to many of the java difficult sites I mentioned earlier by using netscape instead of IE5 but I like many of the features of IE and I would prefer not to have 2 browsers taking up space on my system, having to constantly import bookmarks from one to the other and having to use different browsers to access different sites. I have a PPC Workgroup Server 7250/120, OS 8.6, 128 megs and, so far as I can tell, all of the audio programs and plugins for both browsers properly installed. I think my problem stems from not having my preferences properly set up. I am not sure at all though. I also read somewhere that OpenDoc had to be installed prior to the installation of MRJ 2.2 in order for Jva applet runner to work properly but I am fairly certain it was. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 11:56:05 +0200 From: Jacob Palme <> To: Info-Mac@SMI.Stanford.EDU Subject: There is insufficient memory, close windows Sometimes, when I have many applications running at the same time, I get various error messages saying "There is insufficient memory, close windows" or "Finder has no more memory". Often, these messages are soon followed by a system crash and the need for a restart. This happens even if I have lots of free memory, so it must be some special kind of memory for Finder, which is too small. Question: Is there anyway to increase the memory for Finder to avoid these crashes? The normal way of increasing the memory for an application with the "Get Info" command does not work for Finder. Or is there some other way of avoiding these unnecessary problems. I am using Mac OS 8.6, in case this problem is OS-dependent. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 21:33:55 -0400 From: ngpappas <> To: "" <> Subject: upgrading applications for OS 9 I am probably going to upgrade from 8.6 to OS 9. I think most of my applications have been upgraded recently enough that they will work OK, but I can't afford to be down a long time if I have problems. I would like to find a list of application versions required to work with OS 9. I looked on the Apple site and couldn't find anything useful. Is there a list somewhere? Does anyone know if Pagemaker 6.5.2 works on OS 9? Nick Pappas -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************