Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #110
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 08 Jul 00       Volume 17 : Issue 110

Today's Topics:

      [*] CyberStretch by Jazzercise: An interactive Screensaver
      [*] e: WebButtons 1.0b3 update
      [*] Revised Submission
      [*] Screensaver
      [*] video-toolbox-00-06-22-c.sit
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-English)
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-French) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-German) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-Italian) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-English)
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-French) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-German) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-Italian) -- Cellar management software for
      free ISPs
      Virtual PC

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Date: 8 Jul 2000
Subject: [*] CyberStretch by Jazzercise: An interactive Screensaver

Product: Cyberstretch by Jazzercise
Version: 1.0
Demo: 30 day

CyberStretch is an innovative new software program that offers energizing 
stretch breaks to reduce tension and repetitive stress injuries in an 
easy-to-use interactive screensaver format. It consists of 26 
body-specific, timed stretches (in full color illustrations) and 26 
action tips (vision and relaxation breaks, posture checks and fitness 

CyberStretch is designed to:

         * Allow the user to work at a computer in greater comfort. 
         * Provide the user with needed posture, relaxation, vision and 
fitness breaks. 
         * Offer body-specific, timed stretches; all stretches are 
         * Help reduce muscle tension and the risk of a repetitive stress 
         * Improve "environ-mentality" by increasing ergonomic awareness. 
         * Enhance the mind and body by reducing physical and mental 
         * Address workplace issues mandated by governmental agencies. 
         * Enhance productivity. 
         * Run on Macintosh and Windows. 

 System requirements:
* System 7.1 or better including System 8.1
* Power Macintosh or 68040 recommended
* 10 MB of hard drive space
* Works best with the PowerPC

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our
Web page:


Richard Wylie
CyberStretch LLC

********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/cs-demo.hqx; 5888 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
Subject: [*] e: WebButtons 1.0b3 update

3AM Coffee Software ( is proud to announce the
release of WebButtons 1.0 Beta 3.  WebButtons is an easy to use beveled
button and banner creator for web graphics and multimedia presentations.
Version 1.0b3 provides full compatibility with MacOS 9 Multiple Users and
provides several bug fixes.

Note: WebButtons 1.0 requires MacOS 8.5 or better.

WebButtons is shareware.  It will function for 30 days, after which a $15
shareware fee must be paid.  Use of WebButtons buttons in a public forum
(such as a web site) also requires payment of the shareware fee.

Features include:
o Intuitive graphical interface for button & banner creation
o Three-dimensional button effects; all colors user selectable
o Text, pictures, and background textures
o Powerful batch language for easy creation of entire web sites' worth of
o Dithering to web-safe color palette, if desired
o JPEG and PICT file formats

Derrick Bass & Ian Sammis
3AM Coffee Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-buttons-10b3.hqx; 1190 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Chris Gehlker <>
Subject: [*] Revised Submission

This is version 0.3 of TempCleaner. It now sports Balloon Help in the 
finder and a better Icon. Following is a suggested blurb:

Before MacOS 9, the Temporary Items Folder was a visible folder in 
the System Folder and users could just throw accumulated cruft in the 
Trash. With OS 9, Apple hid the Temporary Items folder so well that 
not even Sherlock can find it. This is further explained in Article 
#25134 from Apple's Technical Information Library.

The solution - Apple says they will fix the problem and I'm sure they 
will. Until then, they recommend an AppleScript that doesn't actually 
work. TempCleaner does work by searching the Temporary Items Folder 
at startup and, if there is anything there, moving it to a 'From 
Temporary Items' folder in the Trash. Actually, it won't move more 
than 20 at a time but I wanted it to be fast enough that you wouldn't 
notice it.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/tempcleaner.hqx; 74 K]


Date: 8 Jul 2000
Subject: [*] Screensaver

This award winning screensaver counts the time to a user specified target
date. The Cosmos Clock defaults to counting down to the year 2000. In
addition to counting to a date in the future, the Cosmos Clock can also
tell you the time since an event occured. Besides being a very functional
screensaver, the clock is filled with 3d animated graphics of all the
planets of the solar system.


Neal Desai  -
Sybil Media
422 Lovett St, Houston, TX 77006


[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/cosmos-clock-ppc.hqx; 4148 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Denis Pelli <>
Subject: [*] video-toolbox-00-06-22-c.sit

The VideoToolbox <> is a collection of 
two hundred C subroutines and several demo and utility programs that I 
and others have written to do visual psychophysics with Macintosh 
computers. It's fully compatible with 68K and PowerPC Macs and with 
Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Symantec C compilers. It's free and may not be 
sold without permission. It should be useful to anyone who wants to 
present accurately specified visual stimuli or use the Mac for 
psychometric experiments. The Video�synch page discusses all the ways of 
synchronizing programs to video displays and the many pitfalls to avoid. 
The TimeVideo application checks out the timing of all video devices in 
anticipation of their use in critical real-time applications, e.g. movies 
or lookup table animation. Video�synch reports all known bugs uncovered 
by TimeVideo's testing of 56 video cards and drivers. Low-level routines 
control video timing and lookup tables, display real-time movies, and 
implement the luminance-control algorithms suggested by Pelli and Zhang 
(1991). In particular, CopyWindows (or CopyBitsQuickly) faithfully copies 
between on-screen and off-screen windows (or bit/pixmaps), WindowToEPS 
saves an image to disk as encapsulated PostScript, for later printing or 
incorporation into a document, and SetEntriesQuickly and GDSetEntries 
load the screen's color lookup table, all without any of QuickDraw's 
color translations. NoisePdfFill.c quickly generates visual noise images 
whose pixels are samples from a specified probability density function. 
High-level routines help analyze psychophysical experiments (e.g. 
maximum-likelihood fitting and graphing of psychometric data). Assign.c 
is a runtime C interpreter for C assignment statements, which is useful 
for controlling experiments and sharing calibration data. This collection 
has been continually updated since 1991. Nearly two hundred colleagues 
subscribe to the email distribution (see below), and have indicated that 
they are using the software in their labs. Documentation is in the source 
files themselves. Many of the routines are Mac-specific, but some very 
useful routines, e.g. the luminance-control, statistics, 
maximum-likelihood fitting algorithms, and the runtime interpreter are 
written in Standard C and will work on any computer. Those wishing to 
acknowledge use of the VideoToolbox software might cite:
Pelli, D.G. (1997) The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: 
Transforming numbers into movies. Spatial Vision 10:437-442

Denis Pelli, Professor of Psycholoyg and Neural Science at NYU

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/video-toolbox.hqx; 2741 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-English)

WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-68k.hqx; 1665 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-French) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-68k-fr.hqx; 1661 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-German) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\wine-book-104-68k-de.sit"

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-68k-de.hqx; 1677 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-Italian) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-68k-it.hqx; 1672 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-English)

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian, German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-ppc.hqx; 1711 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-French) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\wine-book-104-ppc-fr.sit"

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-ppc-fr.hqx; 1703 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-German) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\wine-book-104-ppc-de.sit"

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-ppc-de.hqx; 1724 K]


Date: 7 Jul 2000
From: Edwin Buehler <>
Subject: [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-Italian) -- Cellar management software for

I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.

You can manage your wines and your own wine-tasting notes. You can note
sight, smell, taste and the quality of a wine with WineBook. WineBook manage
the wine cellar, winery and supplier addresses.
(Available in English, Italian, German and French)

System requirements:
* System 8.5
* Power Macintosh with at least 3 MB of free RAM
* 3 MB on harddisk
* 15" Color Monitor

WineBook is Shareware and costs US$35

Edwin Buehler

Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\wine-book-104-ppc-it.sit"

[Archived as /info-mac/data/wine-book-104-ppc-it.hqx; 1716 K]


Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 07:51:04 -0004
From: "Dan Panachyda" <>
Subject: free ISPs

My Syracuse University access to the web is being restricted to 
sites (yet another way to screw grad students trying to do research).  Can 
anyone recommend a free ISP that works with system 7.5.5 or 7.6?  
Alternately, anybody know of a place to get OS 8 cheaply?  Thanks!

- Dan Panachyda
Dan Panachyda, systems engineer
Sensis Corporation
Syracuse, New York
(315) 445-5714


Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 19:23:40 -0700
From: Doug Hardie <>
Subject: Virtual PC

I have a friend who is considering switching some of his equipment from PCs
to Macs.  However, he currently has a NETBUI network in place and his
printer is one that is directly attached to one of the PCs.  With Virtual
PC would he be able to access the printer on that PC?  The Virtual PC tech
support didn't know.

-- Doug



End of Info-Mac Digest