Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/term as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     ac-info-comm.hqx   ****

From: (Jason M Pierce) us022488@interramp.com
Subject:     ACInfo Comm V1.0

A simple file transfer/terminal emulation package. Allows one machine to be
set to listen and automatically receive files when they are sent. US$29.00

Jason Pierce
Advanced Concepts

Specializing in inexpensive, quick software development for the Macintosh.

#### BINHEX     alistel-161.hqx   ****

From: jacob.y@euro.apple.com
Subject: Alistel 1.6.1

Product brief description:
Alistel is a shareware Mac communications terminal application useful for 
connecting to Videotext servers, particularily the french Minitel.

Price after test period:
295,00 French Francs with tax (244,61 F without).

Minimal configuration: 
68k or PPC processors, System 7.0 (and upper), Color QuickDraw

Country language: 

Supports the CommToolbox, Speech manager (can speak displayed text with 
english voices), has presets for standard Videotext (V23) modems, 
Macro-commands can be made to automatize connections to Videotext 
Also supports the new PowerBook G3 Series GV 56K internal modem.

AliS Software & Jean-Luc Bazan�gue
2, rue Beethoven � 78640 Villiers Saint Fr�d�ric
T�l�phone : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
E-mail : jlb37@calva.net ou jlbazanegue@ellis.siteparc.fr
RCS : Versailles A 389 070 533
SIRET : 38907053300010 
TVA intracommunautaire : FR38389070533
APE : 722Z

#### BINHEX     argus-rip-18-demo.hqx   ****

From: Stalker27@aol.com
Subject: ARGUS RIP Terminal Demo 1.8


This file is a major update to the Terminal Program A.R.G.U.S. (Advanced
Remote Graphical User System) that fixes many bugs and adds many new
features, too many to be listed here.  See the documentation for further
details.  The Demo is a fully functional copy that will allow use for 10
minute sessions.  

What is ARGUS, you ask? Well, it is the only macintosh terminal program that
supports RIP graphical sequences.  RIP graphics are supported by many popular
PC and Mac based BBS (bulletin board) systems, and allow for a more Graphical
interface for ease of use when compared with plain text or ANSI commands.

Features Supported: ANSI, RIP, and VT102 terminals; Zmodem, Xmodem, Ymodem
and Ymodem-G; Doorway mode; Online viewing of JPG and other graphics files
via a plug-in system; and much, much more!

For further information, feel free to email me (stalker27@aol.com), or
directly contact Hologlpyh Communications (makers of ARGUS) at:


Again, please refer to the documentation for further details.



#### BINHEX     black-night-107.hqx   ****

From: raine@storm.co.nz
Subject: black-night-107.hqx

English version of Black Night 1.0.7

Black Night is a communication and terminal emulation application for the 
Macintosh. It fully supports the Communications Toolbox, Drag and Drop 
and AppleGuide and is fully Apple scriptable and recordable.

This application is shareware, and the $US30 fee also includes the Black 
Night Connection Set (serial, modem and telnet tools) and the Black Night 
File Transfer Set (XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, ASCII, QuickB and Kermit 

Cheers, Chris

Raine Storm Softworks

#### BINHEX     black-night-conn-tools-104.hqx   ****

From: raine@storm.co.nz
Subject: black-night-conn-tools-104.sit

This package includes a Modem Tool, Serial Tool and a Telnet Tool for use 
with Communication Toolbox aware applications including Black Night, 
ClarisWorks, Claris Emailer and the CompuServe Information Manager.

The Modem and Serial Tools support DTE rates of 115200 and 230400 bps and 
the Modem Tool is smart in that it auto detects most modem types. The 
Telnet Tool is probably the most robust available and works under both 
MacTCP and OpenTransport.

This software is shareware and is free to registered users of the "Black 
Night" terminal application, although the Modem and Telent Tools can be 
registered individually if required.

This software can be used with any computer capable of supporting MacOS 
7.0 or later, requires MacOS 7.0 or later, and may be included on the 
info-mac CDROM.

For more information, contact:

Christopher Swan <raine@storm.co.nz>

or vist the website at <http://www.kagi.com/raine>

#### BINHEX     black-night-de-107.hqx   ****

From: raine@storm.co.nz
Subject: black-night-D107

German version of Black Night 1.0.7

Black Night is a communication and terminal emulation application for the 
Macintosh. It fully supports the Communications Toolbox, Drag and Drop 
and AppleGuide and is fully Apple scriptable and recordable.

This application is shareware, and the $US30 fee also includes the Black 
Night Connection Set (serial, modem and telnet tools) and the Black Night 
File Transfer Set (XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, ASCII, QuickB and Kermit 

This application may be included on the info-mac cdrom.

Cheers, Chris

Raine Storm Softworks

#### BINHEX     black-night-fr-107.hqx   ****

From: raine@storm.co.nz
Subject: black-night-F107

French version of Black Night 1.0.7

Black Night is a communication and terminal emulation application for the 
Macintosh. It fully supports the Communications Toolbox, Drag and Drop 
and AppleGuide and is fully Apple scriptable and recordable.

This application is shareware, and the $US30 fee also includes the Black 
Night Connection Set (serial, modem and telnet tools) and the Black Night 
File Transfer Set (XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, ASCII, QuickB and Kermit 

Cheers, Chris

Raine Storm Softworks

#### BINHEX     cindys-hc-terminal-emulator.hqx   ****

From: (Cindy M. Carney) cindy@halcyon.com
Subject: Cindy's HyperCard Terminal Emulator

Cindy's HyperCard Terminal Emulator is a simple terminal emulation 
program, created to show HyperCard programmers how to incorporate modem 
communications into their own products.  It uses the free "HyperCard 
Serial Port Toolkit" produced by Apple, which at last check was 
available at: 


Download that toolkit in addition to this terminal emulator, to get the 
full documentation for the serial port XCMDs and XFCNs.

Feel free to modify and lift code as desired from this stack.  Most of 
the code is in the Stack script. This is the simplest example I could 
come up with to illustrate how to use the HyperCard Serial Port Toolkit 
tools.  It is my sincere hope that this stack will come in handy to 
struggling HyperCard novices out there, and perhaps inspire one to make 
a graphical user interface BBS out of HyperCard!


#### BINHEX     com-it-18.hqx   ****

From "ML Weasner <ML_Weasner@qmail4.nba.TRW.COM>" Sat Sep 18 22:44:55 1993
Date: 17 Sep 1993 08:25:25 U
From: "ML Weasner" <ML_Weasner@qmail4.nba.TRW.COM>
Subject: Upload for Mac Archives

QuickMail-SMTP Link  Upload for Mac Archives     9/17/93   8:27      TRW
Submission for the Mac Archives.  StuffIt format.  --Mike
Here is ComIT 1.8, a Communication Integration Tool for Apple(R) Macintosh(R)
computers. With ComIT you can monitor communication costs for on-line connect
time and voice phone calls. You can use ComIT to dial your voice calls and
monitor the duration and cost of the call.

ComIT supports Macintosh Plus and newer computers with at least 1MB of memory.
ComIT is compatible with multiple monitors and large screen monitors.

ComIT requires System 6.0 or later. ComIT 1.8 is System 7.0 friendly, including
Balloon Help, and it is 32-bit clean.

ComIT is a shareware program. If you like and use ComIT, please send your name
and mailing address to the author along with the $20.00 (U.S.) shareware fee.
Registered users of ComIT will receive a printed manual, support via online
services, and future updates free or at reduced cost. There are many
capabilities in ComIT that are documented in the manual. In fairness to those
who register, unregistered users will not receive any support.

<<<<<< Attached TEXT file follows >>>>>>

#### BINHEX     comms-service-301-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Susan Farrier-Kalich) kalich@got.net
Subject: CommsService 4.0

CommsService is an easy to use application that provides a "rolodex" like
facility for recording the details of commonly used connections/sessions.
The ease of use of the interface and the power of the scripting language
make this an ideal communications application for the classroom, library
and/or computer lab. HyperCard

Any and all programs that I upload may be freely distributed.

Susan Farrier Kalich
Laser Point Software

#### BINHEX     communicator-20.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1992 16:09:30 -0500 
From: David Kabal <davidk@citr.ee.mcgill.ca>
Subject: Communicator 2.0 

Please replace the copy I originally sent you with this one. The partition
on the self-extracting archive's application was not big enough to
self-extract on my machine (and presumably other people's as well). This
isn't very serious but it could be inconvenient. Please do not change the
blurb or information that comes with it. 

Thanks (sorry)

David Kabal

Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research
Institut Canadien de Recherche en Telecommunications

You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded
front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

#### BINHEX     cterm-22.hqx   ****

From "Michael Niehaus <mniehau@andy.bgsu.edu>" Tue Mar  8 17:08:57 1994
Date:  Tue, 8 Mar 94 20:08:22 -0500
From: Michael Niehaus <mniehau@andy.bgsu.edu>
Subject: CTerm 2.2
Organization: Bowling Green State University

Do you have the need to connect to an IBM mainframe from home?  CTerm may be
the product you need.  It enables dial-up connections to IBM mainframes
through IBM (or compatible) protocol converters such as the 7171 or 3174
with the appropriate dial-up support.

All that is needed is a modem, the Communication Toolbox (or System 7, since
the CommToolbox is built-in), and a connection tool (such as Apple's 
modem tool).

CTerm implements the same terminal emulation as IBM's FTTerm software, often
referred to as Async 3270 or IBM 3101 emulation (it is actually an "extended
subset" of the 3101 emulation).

Two other software packages exist for the Mac to perform this function; both
are commercial products which are fairly expensive.  CTerm is shareware.  If
you find it useful, a modest $20 registration fee is requested.

Here's an overview of CTerm's features:

*  Completely Mac-like (not some quick port)
*  Four-color support, including alternate background colors
*  Support for any fixed-width font in any point size
*  Pass-through printing from a host through an appropriately-
   configured protocol converter
*  Uses the extended keyboard to its maximum capabilities, while offering
   addition PF key options for those with a standard keyboard
*  MINIMAL IND$FILE file download support (this is not a published
   protocol; IBM won't disclose it, and I don't have the time to 
   reverse-engineer it)

Of course, technical support is provided.  (But don't expect me to return
phone calls to unregistered users -- I'll talk to you, but not at my

-Michael Niehaus
 CTerm author

Michael Niehaus                    Internet: mniehau@andy.bgsu.edu
CICS Systems Programmer            CIS:      73760,171
Marathon Oil Company               IBM Mail: usvkn8cn@ibmmail.com

#### BINHEX     data-comet-46.hqx   ****

From: bonze saunders <bonze@databeast.com>
Subject: FTP dataComet Telnet SOCKS VT100 PC-ANSI TN3270

dataComet 4.6 is an AppleScriptable Macintosh Telnet application offering
full-featured color emulation of IBM 3279, DEC VT220, and PC-ANSI/SCO-ANSI
terminals.  Features include flexible and easy-to-use key remapping, macro
script recording, integrated edit windows, modeless dialogs, and ZMODEM and
TFTP file transfer; modem and other serial connections can be used with the
ASCII terminal emulators to access BBS.  dataComet runs under all Macintosh
system software from System 6.0.7 through MacOS 8.6, supporting modern MacOS
features while maintaining backward compatibility.

dataComet includes thorough on-line documentation; descriptions of menu
functions and configuration dialog options can be easily accessed with a
simple Control-click on the item, using the standard Macintosh Contextual
Menus on recent releases of MacOS.

dataComet's terminal windows offer fast, high quality emulations with
searchable scrollback buffers.  A full set of fonts is included; dataComet's
emulators also automatically display variable-width fonts as mono-spaced
fonts.  Sessions can be logged automatically.

Session configurations are saved as documents which can be launched directly
from the Finder, through the Open dialog, or from the dataComet Sessions menu.
Modeless dialogs simplify configuration of session options and macro mappings.
The AppleScript interface allows AppleScripts and other applications to open
dataComet sessions, execute dataComet macros, and monitor session status.

"Command-click" opens URLs in dataComet windows using Internet Config. Files
downloaded using ZMODEM can be launched automatically using Internet Config's
File Mappings.  dataComet sessions can be opened automatically through Telnet
URL  links in Netscape and Explorer browser pages.

dataComet's edit windows send text or commands to a host when the Enter key is
pressed (Command-Return breaks a line and sends it to a host, easing use of
host-based Chat programs).  Keyed commands can be used to search, move the
cursor, and reformat text in edit windows by adding or removing line breaks
and leading blanks or tabs.

Macro commands can be invoked through mouse clicks, configurable on-screen
buttons, menu items, and key-remapping, and also on host open and close to
perform scripted logins and logoffs automatically.  Macros can be recorded as
you interact with the host to ease creation of reliable macros.

dataComet also supports secure configurations for computers used as
public-access terminals; the launch macro can disable commands which are
inappropriate for your particular application.

#### BINHEX     daves-macros-cwks.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 11:06 EST
From: DAVE@unirel.a1.clemson.edu
Subject: ClarisWorks macros

From:	NAME: David J. Crockett             
	FUNC: News Services                   
	TEL: 656-3859                         <DAVE AT A1 AT UNIREL>
To:	in%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@mrgate

Attached is a binhexed CompactPro archive of some helpful keyboard 
macros I created for use with ClarisWorks 2.0's VT102 communications 
emulation.  Here's a little background from the READ ME file I've 

>They were especially designed for use in conjunction with Digital's 
>All-in-One Office Automation package, but should work anywhere the 
>VT100 emulation is used.
>Specifically, these macros allow users of Macintosh keyboards 
>(both standard and extended) to employ all of the edit functions 
>available on the VT  series keyboards.  They are especially useful
>for standard keyboard users because Macintosh (for reasons 
>unknown) maps the "+" and "-" calculator keys differently on the
>two keyboards.  The keys are supposed to serve the "paste" and 
>"cut" functions, but only operate properly on the extended keyboard.
>In addition, users of both keyboards do not have the "find," "insert,"
>"remove," "select," "previous screen" and "next screen" user functions
>available to them in Claris' VT102 emulation.  
>Claris is aware of the impact of these shortcomings on their 
>emulation package, but hasn't seen fit to fix it yet.  A real pain! 

Hope these are helpful to anyone using ClarisWorks for communications.



Author:	David J. Crockett             
Date:	17-Nov-1993
Posted-date: 17-Nov-1993
Subject: test hqx                                                                

#### BINHEX     dial-script-171.hqx   ****

From: newton@cs.utk.edu
Subject: DialScript 1.7.1 Submission
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 01:12:51 -0500 (EST)

DialScript is a freeware serial communications program that provides
an easy to use scripting language that permits users to write scripts
to automate a login process.  It is intended to be used in conjunction
with a terminal emulation program that lacks or has poor scripting
facilities of its own.  For example, it is often used with MacLayers.

DialScript runs, executes your script, and when login is complete
optionally automatically quits and launches your terminal emulator.

The language is powerful enough to allow you to dial a list of numbers
sequentially until one is not busy, define timeouts to deal with
unexpected problems, etc.

Version 1.7.1 is a very minor update.  It contains a single language
change that simplifies scripts that must dial a list of numbers in
sequence.  It should replace version 1.7 in the archives.  This package
includes 680x0 code only.

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-ctb-timeout.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-ps-patch.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-script-datapac-11.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-script-dialup-12.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-script-telenet-10.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-script-udial-11.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     eudora-sfu-script-unix-21.hqx   ****

#### TEXT       eudora-sfu-scripting-doc-rtf.txt   ****

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f1\fswiss Helvetica;\f2\fmodern Courier;}
\pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b\i0\qc\fs24\li2160 \
The C- programming Language\
by Ray Davison\
May 1992\
Revised October 1992\

\f1\b0 \

\f0\li0 Computing Services\
Simon Fraser University\
Burnaby, B.C. Canada  V5A 1S6\

\f1 \

#### TEXT       eudora-sfu-scripting-doc.txt   ****

The C- programming Language�
by Ray Davison�
May 1992�
Revised October 1992�
Computing Services�
Simon Fraser University�
Burnaby, B.C. Canada  V5A 1S6�
The C- programming language was developed as a vehicle for writing scripts for 

#### TEXT       eudora-sfu-scripts-notes.txt   ****

This directory contains script files used by Eudora to make serial
connections (dialup e.g.) to SFU. To use these scripts you must move
the one(s) you need to your Preferences folder in your System Folder.
If you are still using system 6, then move them to your System Folder.
The Special menu in Eudora will contain a popup menu listing all the
scripts you have installed. You must select the appropriate one for
the type of connection you are making.

The scripts currently available are:


Standard SFU Dialup Script - This script is used when you dialup to
the SFU modems or when making a direct connection in your office
through a Gandalf Blue Box or direct connection to the Annex. Once the
settings for the Serial Tool or Modem Tool are set correctly,
connections will be made with no action needed on your part except to
turn on your Blue Box if that is the type of connection you are using.


#### BINHEX     evergreen-4010.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 8 Aug 93 17:10:36 -0600 
From: zmoleka@zapotec.math.byu.edu (zmolek andrew c)
Subject: evergreen-4010.sit.hqx (Tek 4010 emulator) 

This is a Tektronix 4010/VT100 emulator I found on AOL. It's a 
little old and clunky, but apparently free. It was written by 
Kenneth Chin-Purcell at the University of Minnesota in 1986.  

For those who use Mathematica remotely (and may not have 
been aware), tek graphics can be initialized by entering 
<<Tek.m at the In[n]:= prompt.  This emulator will allow you 
to view any Mathematica graphs, although you wil definitely
have to play around w/ settings on both ends.  

I'm looking for a good VT340 or VT240 emulator (or a better
Tek 4010, for that matter), so if anyone is aware of such an 
animal, please let me know. (Mathematica will send graphics 
output to either kind).

--Andy Zmolek
Brigham Young University

#### BINHEX     freeterm-20.hqx   ****

Date  Fri, 9 Oct 87 12 58 18 PDT
From  dplatt@teknowledge-vaxc.arpa (Dave Platt)
Subject  FreeTerm 2.0 now available

This posting contains FreeTerm 2.0, a "dumb" glass-TTY emulator
that supports XMODEM and MacBinary II.  Full documentation is included
in this Packit III package.

Basic features and improvements over FreeTerm 1.8 

-  FreeTerm 1.8 was limited to operation at speeds <= 2400 baud, which
   limited its usefulness to dial-up connections.  FreeTerm 2.0
   supports connections at 4800, 9600, 19200, and 57600 as well;  it
   uses XOFF/XON flow control to prevent buffer overruns at high line
   speeds [this feature can be disabled].

-  FreeTerm 2.0 supports the new extensions to the MacBinary file-
   encoding standard, as described in a document posted several
   weeks ago.

-  FreeTerm 2.0 is capable of unpacking any file that was packed by
   PackIt I, II, or III, or any other utility that produces a
   packed/compressed file in PackIt format.

-  FreeTerm 2.0's window can be resized (24*80 down to 4*15).

-  FreeTerm 2.0 remembers the most recent 20 full 24*80 screens;
   you can scroll back through the saved lines in the usual fashion.

-  You can send all 128 ASCII characters (and "break").

-  "Fast-track" XMODEM is supported, for those of you who use
   Compu$erve and have clean, error-free transmission lines.

FreeTerm 2.0 is still free, as its name implies... noncommercial
distribution is encouraged;  commercial distribution is prohibited
without written permission of Dreams of the Phoenix, Inc.  FreeTerm
2.0 is copyright 1987 by William Bond;  portions are copyright
1986 by THINK Technologies, Inc. (which gives you a pretty good
idea of the development system that was used ;-)

#### BINHEX     graf-term.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 92 00:36:33 EST 
From: elharo@m.njit.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Message-Id: <9206300536.AA07337@m.njit.edu> 
To: macgifts@ccs.itd.umich.edu
Subject: Grafterm tektronix emulator 
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1992 22:45:42 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>

This is a basic Tektronix and vt100 terminal emulator with support
for Tektronix 4010/4014 style line graphics.  It's fairly old
and may or may not be compatible with later hardware and systems
(It does work on an SE/30 running system 6.05.)
but since a recent search of the archives turned up NO shareware
or freeware Tektronix emulators and since it will be referenced
in the forthcomin FAQ for comp.sys.mac.comm I thought, I'd upload
it.  $50 shareware.

#### BINHEX     hp-kermit-15.hqx   ****

From: Knowledge Software Consulting <knowsoft@styx.ios.com>
Subject: hpKermit15

This app is a runtime executable built with hc 2.3 of an old stack which
allows the user to edit hp48 s/sx/g/gx objects on the mac. I allows 
transfers and provides the fonts to edit these objects.  All you need 
is a serial cable to make the connection.

I originally built this for my own use and thought others might get some 
use from it.  I posted an earlier version in a couple places but didn't get 
any takers.  When I saw a notice in the hp usenet that people were having 
trouble with the traditional kermit I decided to re-offer it.

I like this app.  It works for me.  Its simple and fairly robust.  I hope 
you like it too.

Paul Beeken

#### BINHEX     kermit-199-190.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 12:01:25 -0500
From: palopez@joline.umsl.edu (Pedro Lopez-Valencia)
Subject: MacKermit 199(190)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This is a little thnaks for all the great things I have found in your
archives during the years. Please find attached a copy of the latest
version of Mac C-Kermit. I have included also the kermit fonts and some
documentation to get started. Stuffit Deluxe archive. Everything comes from


Pedro. A. Lopez-Valencia                              palopez@ecology.umsl.edu
Tropical Ecologist, Conservation Biologist

             The meaning of life resides in unexpected places.


Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="mackermit199(190).sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mackermit199(190).sit"

#### BINHEX     kermit-templates.hqx   ****

From: Louis_Bergeron@UQAT.UQuebec.CA
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 20:38:54 -0400
Subject: MacKermit Templates

Four templates to use with MacKermit the free communication program are      
included. On a MacPlus you can use them and the COMMAND key will replace the
CONTROL KEY. Even if now I have a keyboard with arrows and a control key, I
still use these templates. 
These could be archived like you want.
louis bergeron@uqat.uquebec.ca


Item Subject: /.../00jbc2m

#### UUENCODE   mac-layers-13-unix.uu   ****

Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 16:02:52 CDT 
From: Peter Newton <newton@cs.utexas.edu>
Subject: MacLayers 1.30 UNIX Server files for archives 

Here are the UNIX server programs needed to use the MacLayers 1.30
multiple window terminal emulator.  The file is in shar format,
compressed and uuencoded. 

This file should replace unix/maclayers-unix-side.shar


begin 644 layers_1.30_unix_files.shar.Z
M'YV0(T* >"$FC9L7<] H& &""IHT<T! !!$&1,(R;-A0E#/FH9TR+D" D%*F
MS9N/%-WDH?/0S1D08LJ8>2.G# B6$]D8+,/B)IHR;D#4<0,GS)@U"R72@9G'

#### BINHEX     mac-layers-13.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 15:59:14 CDT 
From: Peter Newton <newton@cs.utexas.edu>
Subject: MacLayers 1.30 for the archives 

Here is MacLayers 1.30 for the archives.  It should replace
comm/maclayers-120.hqx.  I will send the necessary UNIX server
files separately.

MacLayers version 1.30 is a freeware vt100 terminal emulator that
allows multiple terminal windows to be opened to a host simultaneously
over a single serial connection.  The remote host computer must be a
UNIX(TM) system which has sockets support. Each terminal window may be
associated with a shell, login to a different host, or an individual
command.  New features since 1.20 include... 

  The UNIX side has been ported to run on many new platforms including
  IRIX, AIX 3.2, SVR4, etc. (Not Solaris yet.)
  Support for a UNIX side .layersrc file to automatically startup and
  place windows when layers mode is started.

  Separate user settings and logfiles; each can be saved independently
  from the other; settings act as startup documents.

  Improved/reorganized keyboard support.

  Longer dial strings, mouse support under emacs, new Finder icons, etc.

To use MacLayers, you need to get both the Macintosh MacLayers client
application and the UNIX server programs.  They are packaged separately.
You will have to compile the latter.


#### BINHEX     mac-news-11.hqx   ****

From: Matthew Hall <mhall@cs.oberlin.edu>
Subject: Version replacement?
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 14:41:22 -0500

[Moderators - I had submitted this to macgifts, but it didn't show up at
sumex.  I'm getting a lot of bug reports for things that were fixed in this
version. It'd be great if you could replace it]

MacNews 1.1 )1993 by Matthew A. Hall
[Moderators: MacNews 1.1 should replace MacNews1.0 in the archives]
MacNews 1.1 is a bug fix of version 1.0.  the bug fixes include:
	--Fixed bug which caused crashes on 68000 machines whenever
		typing into a dialog box
	--Added support for hadware handshake for high-speed modems.
	--Fixed a bug which would occasionally cause a crash when
		removing a site
	--Fixed a bug which would, when a newsserver would disconnect,
		leave the menu bars dim
	--Some minor cosmetic enhancements (Click anywhere on a 
		window to bring it to front, cursor doesn't get 
		stuck in "stopwatch" mode, auto-centering of alerts in
		system 7)
Just in case you don't know, here is the announcement of MacNews:


I have just completed version [1.1] of MacNews, a shareware NNTP
newsreader for non-TCP Mac's.  If you use rn or GNUS from a dial-in
host, you may want to consider MacNews instead.  Features:
	Reads, Posts, and Follows-up, of course.
	Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Maintain newsgroups
	Save or append articles to a file on your drive
	Insert files, cut, copy, paste, when composing articles
	Maintains a list of several sites, each with it's own list of
	  subscribed newsgroups - helpful if you read news from
	  more than one site.
	Much faster, at 2400 baud, than EMACS Gnus.
	Works on any modem equipped Mac.
	On-line help.

Besides all this, it's a growing product, and I am open to suggestions
for the next version.  So try it out and see if it suits your needs.


#### BINHEX     macnetic-term-16-de.hqx   ****

From: a.wagner@macnetic.de
Subject: macnetic_term-16-de

macnetic term is a FREEWARE communication and terminal emulation
software based on Apple's Communication Toolbox (CTB).

- Easy to use, "mac-like" interface
- addressbook supports dial-repeat with multiple numbers
- Chargecounter
- Toolbar
- Macros
- Balloon Help
- German language (only)

System requirements:
- System 7.0
- Any Macintosh (with the exception of the 128K, 512K and MacPlus).
- At least 1 MB free ram space

For more information read the enclosed detailed documentation.

Andreas Wagner
macnetic software

#### BINHEX     micro-telnet-10.hqx   ****

From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
Subject: MicroTelnet 1.0

MicroTelnet allows MicroPhone's users to easily access text-based services
via the standard telnet protocol. Such services include shell accounts,
MOOs, MUDs and many more...

MicroTelnet requires Software Ventures' MicroPhone Pro (version 2.x or
higher, with the MP Telnet Tool installed), or the Internet Valet.

Some of the features of MicroTelnet include:

   * Multiple simultaneous telnet sessions.
   * Fully automated UNIX logon procedures.
   * Customizable terminal emulation.
   * Customizable terminal window size controls.
   * Customizable telnet connection ports.
   * Support for NSCA Telnet documents.
   * Support for Peter Lewis' Internet Config (via the MicroTelnet Helper).
   * And a lot more...

The MicroTelnet Helper requires AppleScript version 1.0 or higher.


Raven Systems Ltd.
July 21, 1995

#### BINHEX     mp-2-demon-dial-12.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 15 May 92 16:24:27 EST 
From: elharo@m.njit.edu (Elliotte Harold)
Message-Id: <9205152124.AA02724@m.njit.edu> 
To: macgifts@ccs.itd.umich.edu
Subject: Demon Dial 1.2 submission 
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Fri, 15 May 1992 16:43:24 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>

The latest version of this Microphone II 4.0 settings document to 
automatically dial a series of phone numbers and record the response of 
the other end of the line features substantially improved handling of 
long distance phone numbers and the ability to handle mnemonic numbers 
like 555-MACS.

#### BINHEX     mt-news-watcher-30.hqx   ****

From: Simon Fraser <smfr@best.com>
Subject: MT-NewsWatcher 3.0

MT-NewsWatcher 3.0 is an online Usenet news client for the Macintosh,
and is based on the original NewsWatcher by John Norstad. MT-NewsWatcher
has a suite of features that make reading the articles you want to read
quick and easy. You can set up filters to hilight articles, connect to
multiple servers at the same time, have different sets of personal
details for posting, view images inline, post binaries, read articles in
different languages, and much more!

MT-NewsWatcher 3.0 is freeware. For more information, see the
MT-NewsWatcher home page: <http://www.best.com/~smfr/mtnw/>

#### BINHEX     multisession-104.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 20:56:25 -0500
From: tomlaw@yar.cs.wisc.edu (Thomas R. Lawrence)
Subject: MultiSession 1.04

[Should I even try, I wonder...]

Here it is, MultiSession 1.04.  Various subtle enhancements to
the interface.

It now works on a whole THREE architectures:
SunOS, Ultrix, and HPUX.

The schpiel:  MultiSession is a multiwindowing terminal program
with error correction.  You compile the UNIX part and run it,
and then you can open several windows.

PLEASE send all mail regarding this program to tomlaw@world.std.com!!!

#### BINHEX     net-feed-101.hqx   ****

Date:         Tue, 09 Apr 91 20:25:20 EST
From: Shadow <WDBURNS%MTUS5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Organization: Excellent!.Software.
Subject:      NetFeed v101 - updated version of NNTP server

Here is the latest update to NetFeed, the UseNet interface
program for the Macintosh.  This program only works with NNTP
servers that are able to be called via dial-in lines.

Questions/comments may be directed to the authors at:
Brad Boyer (brboyer@mtus5.edu)  Bill Burns (wdburns@mtus5.edu)
P.O. Box 1662                   P.O. Box 648
Gaylord, MI 49735               "     "

#### BINHEX     news-watcher-20d17-sfu.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     news-watcher-216-plus-jp1.hqx   ****

From: mizutori@ai.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Tetsuya Mizutori)
Subject: NewsWatcher 2.16+jp1 patch

This is a patch program to make a Japanese-enabling version
of NewsWatcher 2.16, which was originally written by John 
Norstad of Northwestern University. This patchwork is free.

Requires the original NewsWatcher, which is available at;

See also my WWW page:

Mizutori Tetsuya, RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan

#### BINHEX     news-watcher-sfu-dialup-script.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     news-watcher-sfu-unix-navs.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     news-watcher-sfu-unix-script.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     off-hook-14.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 09:18:48 -0500
From: ehfm@midway.uchicago.edu (Eric Hoffmann)
Subject: Off Hook 1.4.sit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

OffHook is a tiny application which will 'busy out' your modem (or send any
other specified modem string) and then wait a predetermined amount of time
before launching another application. OffHook is intended to be used as
part of a Tabby/Aeolus/FidoNet event when you might not want callers to
logon while your BBS is busy processing mail messages.

OffHook is unique in that it can address the regular Printer and Modem
ports *and* any QuadraLink or Hurdler/Hustler serial port via a simple
pop-up menu.

If, for example, you run Formula One off of a CSI serial card, OffHook
ought to come in very handy.

OffHook 1.4 =A9 1992-1994 written by Malcolm Davidson
Email: mrd@mpe67.dmpe.csiro.au

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="OffHook_1.4.sit"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="OffHook_1.4.sit"

#### BINHEX     power-term.hqx   ****

From: "David San Filippo" <David.SanFilippo@ericom.com>
Subject: PowerTerm InterConnect (MAC OS X Edition)

PowerTerm InterConnect is a fast and effective MAC OS X native emulator
for running legacy, host-based applications from within MAC OS X.
PowerTerm InterConnect supports the broadest and widest range of hosts
on the market today, including support for IBM, Compaq, Digital, Unix,
Tandem, Televideo, HP, SCO, Data General and more. PowerTerm
Interconnect has more state-of-the-art features and faster response
capabilities than any available competing solution. Features include
customizable function keys, multiple concurrent sessions, menu bar,
scalable and selectable fonts, intelligent copy and paste, FTP client,
scripting, printing and more. 

This is a 30-day trial version that costs $149.00 to purchase.

#### BINHEX     pretzel-30b4.hqx   ****

From: P.T.Russell@sussex.ac.uk (Paul Russell)
Subject: Pretzel 3.0b4 - a Prestel terminal emulator

Here is the latest version of Pretzel, a terminal emulator which supports
the arcane Prestel (viewdata) format which is still widely used in the UK
and a number of other countries. This version is a 'fat binary'.


#### BINHEX     quick-dial-13.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 22 Jan 94 02:10:52 CST
From: meb3@cec.wustl.edu (Matthew Eli Blain)
Subject: QuickDial 1.4 submission

QuickDial 1.3
 This 4k program fills a very simple but important need: it dials  voice 
numbers with your modem. It has no interface whatsoever, but rather reads 
the number from the clipboard. On launch the program first tries to read 
STR id 129 for a phone number. If that is blank, it wil try to read the 
clipboard text. It will send ATD <text>, ; H0 to the modem (a generic 
dial and hangup when done). Control will return immediatly to the 
computer, even during dialing, unless you have set otherwise. 
 I suggest putting the program in your Apple Menu for instant access! 
 I'm sure that programs like this exist elsewhere, but I couldn't find 
one so I threw this together myself. It works perfectly on my Mac SE/30, 
and I can see no reason why it would not work on all Macintosh models.
 This program is public domain. If you do or even don't like it, please 
drop me a note!

 Version 1.0.2 really closes the serial port (Well, it always did. But I 
had to open the input side to close it!). It now also runs at 1200 bps. 
and sends an initial AT<cr> to wake up the modem.
 Version 1.1 adds proper hangup-when-done (no silly wait 15 seconds bit) 
and read a default prefix and phone number from the resource fork of the 
file. It also includes an about balloon, bringing the size up from 2k to 
4k. Bloat? You decide!
 Version 1.2 (8/31/93) didn't work, but if it did it would have the 
option to wait for the modem to finish before quitting.
 Version 1.3 (1/21/94) does work. It changes a few features in ways worth 
noting: (This also describes how the program works!)
  1) It sends AT<return>, then the string contained in STR id 128, then 
STR id 129 or the clipboard if STR id 129 is blank, then ";H0"<return>.  
This is slightly different than the old versions which sent ATD before 
the STR id 128, etc.
  2) It now reads STR id 130 to check how long of a delay you want 
between the time the command is sent to the modem and the program quits. 
Putting in 0 will give the same behavior as before, where the program 
quits as the phone is dialed. If you have fax software, or possibly a 
powerbook, putting in a delay of 15 seconds or so will allow your modem 
to dial before it is cut off. Your computer will appear to freeze for 
however long you have specified; it really hasn't. I would still like to 
have the option of waiting for the modem, but I haven't figured it out 
(or had time to), so if someone can, please let me know!

Version 1.3 of 1/21/94.
Matthew Blain

#### BINHEX     quickeys-auto-ftp.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1993 17:19:05 -0500
From: macmod@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Message-Id: <9310070131.AA04288@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu>
Return-Receipt-To: <klaus@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_9971188==_"
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 21:29:44 -0500
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: klaus@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu (Klaus P. Fechner)
Subject: [*] Auto-ftp QuicKeys.hqx


After I saw the recent request regarding auto-ftp scripting I decided to
submit my currently used solution as a small contribution to the net.

Enclosed is a set of QuicKeys (now called "Shortcuts") that I use for
(mostly) automated ftp downloads from both info-mac and mac.archive.
Consider it a working prototype; modify as needed. See the enclosed text
file for details.


- QuicKeys 3.0 (need the conditional branch features)
- BBEdit (I use version 2.2.2)
          the shortcuts could be easily modified for another grep-able editor; 
         (I guess Nisus would be ok, Adam :-)
- Fetch  (I use version 2.1.1)
- Mac hooked up to the Internet one way or another; I use MacPPP via modem
         (otherwise ftp won't work quite as well :-)
- Patience connecting to info-mac or mac.archive via ftp ;-)

I would enjoy getting e-mail from people who use this little hack. Please
let me know if you come up with useful improvements!



Klaus P. Fechner <klaus@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu>, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Auto-ftp_QuicKeys.sit"

#### BINHEX     qvt.hqx   ****

From: leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Prof. L.G. Leduc)
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 92 15:02:05 EDT

QVT is a DEC VT220 Terminal Emulator for the Mac. It works well under both
System 6.0x and System 7.0. QVT supports international diacritical
characters and most file transfer protocols such Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem,
and MacBinary.

#### TEXT       skim-11-unix.txt   ****

From: macman@bernina.ethz.ch (Danny Schwendener)
Subject: Browsing digests for recent uploads (version 1.1) 
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1993 13:57:18 GMT 

This is a slightly improved version of the skim Unix program recently
posted by Craig Nevill-Manning <cgn@kauri.cs.waikato.ac.nz>. This version
also inserts the necessary 'cd' and 'get' commands so that you can feed
the resulting script directly into FTP.

I have sumex-aim in my .netrc file, so that all I need to do after the
skim is to type the following command to get the tagged files:
	ftp sumex-aim.stanford.edu < download

Craig Nevill-Manning <cgn@kauri.cs.waikato.ac.nz>'s program description:
>I wrote this quick Unix program for browsing info-mac digests. I try to keep
>up with the new uploads to sumex, but it's a tedious, repetitive process to
>actually download the stuff I want. This C program scans a digest (or several)
>in a file or files given on the command line for the [*] denoting an upload
>notice, and prints out the description. Type y if you want to download it, and

#### TEXT       skim-unix.txt   ****

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 18:06:58 +1300
From: Craig Nevill-Manning <cgn@kauri.cs.waikato.ac.nz>
Subject: Update on info-mac uploads browser

This is a new version of skim.c, a C program to ease the process of  
downloading programs listed in the info-mac digest.

The latest modifications allow the site to be changed to a mirror site, and  
the directory accordingly. Thanks to Robert Watkins (bob@nutmeg.cs.ntu.edu.au)  
for these additions!

-------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------------------

/* To compile this program, first modify the #defines. You have to choose the
   local directory to be used and to set your e-mail address.
   You'll also have to add the directory to look into at the mirror site

   Then compile with cc -o skim skim.c -lcurses -ltermcap 

#### BINHEX     terminal-22.hqx   ****

Subject: Terminal 2.2 
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 92 23:55:11 -0700 
From: bob@localhost.uci.edu

Attached below please find version 2.2 of Terminal, 
written by Erny Tontlinger. 

I have tested that the program compiles correctly and runs. I can be
reached as bob@beamlab.ps.uci.edu.  I'm sending this in via dialup slip,
so any "from" address in the header won't work.

Here is the author's description:

Terminal 2.2 compact powerful serial communication program. Scrollable
capture buffer. Continous capture to and send from TEXT file. Software or
hardware handshake. XModem, YModem, ZModem, QuickB file transfer. Automatic
MacBinary format recognition, offline extraction, creation. Builtin C
interpreter executes scripts from TEXT files (modem-setup auto-logon BBS).
Text string macros. Program is free. C source available.

Source is included, and I might add that Terminal 2.2 supports the
CommToolBox under Think C 5.0.2.

#### BINHEX     termulator.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 8 May 91 16:31:53 EDT
From: stricher@masig3.ocean.fsu.edu (James Stricherz)
Subject: Termulator - a mac terminal emulator

Termulator is a terminal emulator that supports:

-vt100 emulation [I use it with emacs on unix boxes successfully]
-xmodem, zmodem transfer protocols [but not kermit!]

It's shareware, and I got it from Genie. It's in a CompactorPro
SelfExtracting Archive.

James Stricherz

#### BINHEX     termy-23.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     text-term-plus-graphics-11.hqx   ****

From: (Jim George) guru@Rt66.com
Subject: TextTerm+Graphics

TextTerm+Graphics is a VT100 and Tektronix terminal emulator and
supports Apple's Communication Toolbox tools for modem, serial, and
internet connections.  Full documentation is included along with
pointers to compativle toolbox tools.

#### BINHEX     tn-5250.hqx   ****

From: frydendal@mochasoft.dk
Subject: Mocha Mac TN5250

Mocha Mac TN5250 - is a Power Macintosh Application. It makes it possible to connect to an AS-400 host via TCP/IP with the TN5250 protocol and emulate a 5250 Information Display Station. Mocha Mac TN5250 is a Power Macintosh System 7/8-only application. Supports all standard 5250 emulation features. Alternate screen size (24x80 or 27x132). Small and fast. The package is only 100 K. User defined functions keys. Hardcopy of screen. Many trim parameters. Low cost : 25 USD or 250 USD for a Company License.

#### BINHEX     wendy-comm-20.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 4 Jul 1994 15:02:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Peter Hull <pwhull@crl.com>
Subject: Submission: WendyComm 2.0 (CTB communications program)

WendyComm is a communications program which requires System 7 and
uses the Communications Toolbox.  This distribution does not include
any CTB tools.  A $15 WeddingWare payment is requested if the program
is used more than once a week.

This program may be placed on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.
Author:  Peter Hull <pwhull@crl.com>

#### BINHEX     white-knight-12-06-ppc-updt.hqx   ****

From: Matt Boxberger, mdb@cvsd.cv.com
Subject: White Knight 12.06/PPC update

This bin-hexed Self-Extracting-Archive patches White Knight
12.06/PPC to 12.07/PPC.  Be sure you have the correct patch
for your version (PPC vs 68K).  Questions: +1 (412) 846-2700 or

Patchers for older versions of White Knight are available
from the MacAlot BBS -- +1 (412) 846-5312

Matt Boxberger

#### BINHEX     white-knight-12-06-updt.hqx   ****

From: Matt Boxberger, mdb@cvsd.cv.com
Subject: White Knight 12.06 update

This bin-hexed Self-Extracting-Archive patches non-PPC White Knight
12.06 to 12.07.  Be sure you have the correct patch
for your version (PPC vs 68K).  Questions: +1 (412) 846-2700 or 

Patchers for older versions of White Knight are available
from the MacAlot BBS -- +1 (412) 846-5312

Matt Boxberger

#### BINHEX     white-knight-3270-keys.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 3 Dec 92 06:37 EST 
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: White Knight IBM3270 macros 

This keyboard macro file defines 3270/3278 terminal keys for use while
interacting with IBM mainframes with White Knight. Simply choose
customize-macro keys-load (command M-L) and you're all set. You may use the
macro edit dialog to redefine keys as required. The file is setup for
extended keyboards so you will need to redefine the function keys if they
don't appear on your keyboard. This file is freeware, uploaded by
"M.Crouch2" on GEnie to the Freesoft forum. I presume he/she is the author.

Jeff Needleman  <needje@msen.com>

#### BINHEX     white-knight-cs-scripts.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 11:48:51 CST 
From: C526142@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu
Subject: WhiteKnight script for CI$ v.06/01/92 (5th version) 

What follows is extracted from the ReadMe file.

> WKAUTO.SEA is a set of White Knight scripts for automating access to the
> CompuServe Information Service.
> The set is shareware and a fee of $10 is payable to:
>   Alex Narvey
>   Thunder Enlightening Press
>   P.O. Box 332, 905 Corydon Ave.
>   Winnipeg, MB, Canada  R3M 3V3
>   Telephone & FAX (204) 488-8306
>   CompuServe ID #71041,132
>   WKAUTO.SEA - The complete set
>   WKCOST.SIT - PROCs for creating and maintaining cost/session logs
>   WKDOC.SIT  - The manual for the WKAUTO PROC set
>   WKDOWN.SIT - PROCs for automatic downloading
>   WKFAX.SIT  - PROCs for automating sending Faxes
>   WKMAIL.SIT - PROCs for automatic E-mail sending and retrieval
>   WKMENU.SIT - PROCs to generate custom menus to run the set
>   WKSUMM.SIT - PROCs to automatically download forum summaries
>   WKUP.SIT   - PROCs to automate uploading files
>   WKZMAC.SIT - PROCs to auto-download ZiffNet/MAC files and MacWEEK news.
> The individual files in the series are provided for convenience and for those
> who have already previously downloaded the set and only wish to upgrade part
> of it - although I don't guarantee that partial upgrades will work. I
> reccommend downloading WKAUTO.SEA which includes the manual and all
> procedures - including some that don't make it into the individual series.
> You may download and use any part of the set without the others. However the
> custom menus in WKMENU.SIT make things easier. And of course, even if you
> don't have or use all the PROCs it would help to have the manual (WKDOC.SIT).
> All PROCs are supplied in MacWrite format so that you can modify them if need
> be and therefore need to be compiled into Procedures by your own copy of
> White Knight.
> There are special criteria that have to be  incorporated into your LogOn
> procedure if you want the Cost and Session Logs to work properly.
> Furthermore, the LogOn PROC relies on the GetMail subroutine in WKMAIL.SIT
> for the E-Mail Log to function properly. In short, youUll particularly need
> the manual if you are working with the Cost, Session and E-mail Logs supplied
> with WKCOST.SIT.
> Warning
> -------
> The PROCs have been designed to run on and have been tested under System 6.0x
> and 7.0x with 1200 and 2400 baud modems. However, NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
> If you experience problems I am available to offer script editing advice.
> Just send me an E-mail to the 71041,132. Again, I offer no warrantee that my
> advice will fix a problem.

This submission only includes the complete set. I am not the author and just
found these in the CI$ Communication Forum a few days ago. I even have no
time to fully test drive it yet. If you have any question, please contact the

  Alex Narvey
  Thunder Enlightening Press
  P.O. Box 332, 905 Corydon Ave.
  Winnipeg, MB, Canada  R3M 3V3
  Telephone & FAX (204) 488-8306
  CompuServe ID #71041,132


P.S. If there is interest from the net fo get individual file, I can try to
get them. However, there is no guarantee that I can finish it immediately.

#### BINHEX     white-knight-psycho-10b1.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Wright <wright@acpub.duke.edu>
Subject: Psycho! v1.0b1
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 15:09:58 -0500

Dear Moderators:

Attached is my submission, a procedure for the White Knight
communications program called Psycho! v1.0b1. Please archive this file
as psycho10b1.zip.hqx in the communications directory of your archive.
An excerpt from the submission's READ ME file follows, to explain what
Psycho! does (quite a bit), costs (a postcard), and requires to use.

This yet another attempt to submit the file. Due to problems attaching
the file to a mail message, I've decided to simply dump the program
into a mail message directly. More error prone than z-modem, but
hopefully it will work. Please send comments to

Thank you,


INTRODUCTION ============

I think of Psycho! as a user configureable "front end" for White
Knight 11. Psycho! is designed to allow a user to configure the
Psycho! buttons to trigger up to six other White Knight procedures.
This way, a user can create a sort of psuedo-graphical user interface
for their favorite online services.

A user can assign one procedure each to the LOG ON! and Mail buttons
on the Psycho! main menu. (The Mail button is the telephone icon on
the main Psycho! screen.) The Special button gives the user access to
four additional procedures, of which one is selected as the default
Special procedure.

But wait! There's more! Psycho! is designed to improve upon White
Knight's phone book by storing "user information," including
passwords, login names and dialing information, for each of the six
procedures. This information is automatically passed on to the
executed procedure. As a result, you can easily change the information
(i.e., passwords) without rewriting and recompiling your procedures!

So give it a try. Psycho! is postcardware. You have nothing to lose,
and everything to gain.

INSTALLATION: =============

To decompress Psycho! properly, you need a BinHex decoding program,
such as DeHQX or Stuffit Expander, and either:

1/ ZipIt, or

2/ Any other .zip decompression program, such as UnZip, and a
MacBinary to Mac translation program, such as MacBinary II+,
MacBinary, Unfolder or the like.

Because Psycho! was compressed using ZipIt, option one is marginally
easier. ZipIt translates Mac files into MacBinary format for safe
compression using the .zip compression format, which is a PC-type
format. Why use ZipIt instead of Stuffit or Compact Pro? Simply, put,
I already own ZipIt, and I was astonished to discover that ZipIt
actually generated a smaller archive than Stuffit Lite! I find the
idea of a compression program that can be used on both Macs and PCs
quite appealing, so I decided to support the ZipIt format by using it.
Besides, freeware programs are readily available to decode Psycho!.
All of the programs mentioned above (except ZipIt) are free.

As I mentioned, installation will vary slightly depending on the
software you have.

_____________[SNIP HERE]_____________

#### BINHEX     white-knight-quick-b.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 13 Mar 93 02:55:33 CST 
From: C526141@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu
Subject: NewQuickB.PROC for WhiteKnight (not really new) submission 

This is not a really new QuickB.PROC RCMD module but this module is
really called NewQuickB.PROC. What happens is that White Knight didn't
support QuickB in its internal engine. Instead, QuickB is support
through White Knight's RCMD module, which is supposed to extend WK's
ability. Before WK 11.13 coming out, there were two such modules, the
original QuickB.PROC and this NewQuickB.PROC. released by WK's author
Scott Watson. The master disk for version after 11.13 comes with
another QuickB.PROC which runs miserably slow compared to this
NewQuickB.PROC. Is there any White Knight veteran willing to explain
this to a novice like me. (How about you, Al?) Anyway, if you use White
Knight and CI$, check this out when you fill impatient about the
download speed.

[To Eric: White Knight do support QuickB protocol in an quite indirect
 way but such module is included in each package of White Knight. Is
 it necessary to change table 3.1.1 in C.S.M.C. Faq? Another question is
 about table 3.1.2 in C.S.M.C Faq. White Knight supports terminal
 emulations TTY, VT52, VT100, VT102. I haven't finish the whole manual
 yet. However, it seems to me that WK doesn't support VT320 unless
 some RCMD module for VT320 does exist.]


P.S. I almost forget. This file is compressed and binhexed by Compact Pro
1.33. Yes, I have both CompactPro and StuffIt Lite and I do register
them already.

#### BINHEX     zmodem-103-demo-jp.hqx   ****

From: brian_hall@markspace.com (Brian Hall)
Subject: ZMODEM Tool J1-1.0.3

The Mark/Space ZMODEM Tool adds ZMODEM file transfer capabilities to any
application that supports CTB file transfer tools (such as ClarisWorks,
Communicate, VersaTerm, CoMIX, ATSON, ASA Term)

ZMODEM Tool J1-1.0.3 is a Japanese language version of this tool.

More information (including link to demo version) may be found at our web site:

#### SHELL_ARC  zmodem-part1-unix.shar   ****

#### SHELL_ARC  zmodem-part2-unix.shar   ****

#### SHELL_ARC  zmodem-part3-unix.shar   ****

#### SHELL_ARC  zmodem-part4-unix.shar   ****

#### BINHEX     zterm-101.hqx   ****

From: Dave Alverson <davea@xetron.com>
Subject: ZTerm 1.0.1 Terminal emulator

ZTerm is a shareware terminal emulator for serial connections.  
New features include Kermit, 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, 
dynamic scroll bar, user selected fonts (including 2 byte fonts like 
Japanese) and an AutoOpen feature to allow postprocessing of 
downloaded files depending on file type.  It is a fat binary 
(PowerMac and 68k code).

Changes from 1.0b3: Better background downloading, cleaner cancel of ZModem
download.  Handles incoming Japanese text encoded with JIS.  Bug fixes and
other small changes.

Shareware: $30US registration only, $40 US registration with disk. 
No upgrade fee for registered users of older versions.

#### BINHEX     zterm-font-patcher.hqx   ****

From: trygve@netcom.com (Trygve Isaacson)
Subject: ZTerm font patcher
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 20:57:28 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all, enclosed is ZTermPatcher.hqx (10K).

ZTerm Patcher
Copyright c1994 by Trygve Isaacson

Freeware--distribute freely along with this readme.
Fat binary--contains both 68K and PowerPC native code.

This little application is a patcher for ZTerm 0.9 (this version ships 
with Global Village modems). The patcher lets you specify a font for 
ZTerm to use for the terminal session instead of the ZTerm built-in font 
(which only has 9- and 12-point bitmaps). Of course, it'll have to be a 
monospaced font (like Monaco, Courier, Noiro, ... I'm sure there are 
other favorites) in order for ZTerm to draw the terminal session 
properly. The patcher also lets you remove the patch or switch fonts in a 
patched copy of ZTerm.

-- Trygve

#### BINHEX     zterm-phone-dir-listing.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:33:09 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: ZTerm Phone Directory Listing 

Note: I am merely uploading this file. Denise McElroy
is the author. She can be reached at the email address
listed in the About... box.

ZTerm Phone Directory Listing searches ZTerm's
ZPhoneList, ferrets out the names and 
numbers of all services, and saves the listing
to a text file. The resulting file can be
printed, distributed, and archived. 

In some cases, this program may be able to salvage
phone numbers from a corrupted ZPhoneList.

Compressed with Stuffit Deluxe. Checked for
viruses with Disinfectant 3.2.

#### BINHEX     zterm-replacement-menus.hqx   ****

From: Carsten Klapp <carsten@io.org>
Subject: ZTerm Replacement Menus
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 1994 14:11:44 -0500 (EST)

          Tuesday, January 18, 1994 9:38:18 pm
   From:          Carsten A. Klapp
   Subject:       ZTerm Menu Replacement
   To:            Useful Software
                      ZT0.95ReplMenusCK.sit 3K

* Do you like the menus in ZTerm 0.9 but think there needs to be more
  command-key equivalents? 

* Do you hate the menus in the hacked version of ZTerm called 0.92XK but
  like some of the new command-key equivalents? 

* Do you hate the menus in the hacked version of ZTerm called 0.95XK EVEN
  MORE than the 0.92 "version"? 

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, you should try my menus!
Use ResEdit to paste these new menu resources into a COPY of your ZTerm
0.9, 0.92XK, or 0.95XK replacing all existing resources. 

Let me know what you think, and if you do like these please let the author
of ZTerm know so he can include the changes in a future version of his

Carsten Klapp - Oakville Ontario, CANADA
carsten@io.org (Internex Online)
carsten@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com (Macintosh Awareness Group In Canada BBS)

#### BINHEX     zterm-sounds.hqx   ****

From: pinky@free.org (Snausageman!)
Subject: submission: Zterm sounds
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 17:35:11 -0600 (CST)

These are three sounds I recorded one night because I was bored with the sounds
I had before. They're not especially fantastic, but they're simple.

connect is me saying "connection established"
filedone is me saying "file transfer complete"
termbell is me popping my cheek. 8^)


Bruce W. Anderson, spock@bsu-cs.bsu.edu, pinky@free.org
| Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,   |
| or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom    |
| of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to    |
| assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. |

#### BINHEX     zterm-speed-patch.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1993 15:30:43 -0400 (EDT) 
Subject: ZTerm Speed Patch 

This ResEdit color palette may speed up ZTerm's performance
at high speeds (>=9600 bps.) If you don't need color, simply
set your monitor to black and white. The following is from the 
ReadMe file:

Begin Quote

How it works:
   Changing the code resource makes ZTerm call _GetNewCWindow, instead of
_GetNewWindow.  When a program calls _GetNewCWindow, GetNewCWindow looks for a
resource of type pltt with the same id as the window.  It finds the palette
copied into ZTerm, and loads it.  When ZTerm tries to change the colors, the
palette manager uses the closest available colors, which should be the ones in
its palette (since there are only 16 colors).   When ZTerm is normally used in
16 color mode, the colors are very hard to read, because it has to use the
available colors.  It takes half as long to draw a character on the screen in
4-bit mode (16 colors) then it does to draw one in 8-bit (256 colors) mode.
Running in 16 colors should make ZTerm display the screen twice as fast (if
your modem is fast enough).

Send any comments to me at one of the following e-mail addresses:
America Online:  JonSnell
Internet:  JonSnell@aol.com
Prodigy:  FTCB36D

End Quote

This version replaces my previous upload, which contained the
instructions, but not the color palette. A Stuffed, BinHexed
file. Please place in the comm directory with ZTerm.

Leslie Jones

#### BINHEX     zterm-star-trek-sounds.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 18:41:31 -0500 (EST)
From: "Kieran O'Connor" <koconnor@mailbox.syr.edu>
Subject: FIle submission

These sounds work with Zterm and substitute for some of its canned=20
sounds. When you dial your modem and connect, Worf, from Star Trek TNG,=20
will say =D2Link established, receiving=D3.

You termbell noise will be the comm panel noise from the Enterprise.

When you complete a download Worf will say =D2Transfer of information is=20

To install simply drag to a closed system folder and say yes if it asks=20
=D2do you want to replace these items.....=D3

These sounds were at some point on Info-mac. I don=D5t know what happened=
to them. I did not create them. I lost mine a while ago and asked out on=20
the net, and someone gave me a new copy, so I hereby return a copy to=20

I=D5d be interested in seeing how far this is distributed, so send me=20
e-mail if you have chance=D1koconnor@mailbox.syr.edu.

Kieran O'Connor

E-Mail Address: koconnor@mailbox.syr.edu
Syracuse, N.Y. USA

                 In vino veritas; in cervesio felicitas.