Short:    Imagine Mailing List FAQ #09  -  October 31, 1995
Uploader: (Gabriele Scibilia)
Author: (Gabriele Scibilia)

        This is the Frequently Asked Questions posting for the Imagine
Mailing list.  This posting is sent every so often to answer general
questions that users of the 3D rendering software, Imagine by Impulse
Inc. may have.  It is aimed toward all users, especially newcomers to
the program.

        - Gabriele S.


Last Update   : October 31, 1995 Tuesday
Issue Number  : 9
What's New    : Section 1, No 1.   Updated HTML home pages list,
                                   updated BBSes list, general
                Section 2, No 19.  Added a more accurated step-by-step
                                   "glowing point light source" example
                Section 2, No 33.  Soft and sharp edges
                Section 2, No 34.  Sparkle off the edge of a wine glass
                Section 6, No 9.   Revolving light
                Section 8, No 22.  Glowing fireball Attribute
                                   (Imagine 2.9 or higher)
                Section 8, No 23.  Nebulae Attribute (Imagine 2.9)
                Section 8, No 24.  "Fire & ice" Attribute (Imagine 2.9)
                Section 8, No 25.  Trees (Imagine 2.9 or higher)
                Section 8, No 26.  Ship textures (Imagine 2.9 or higher)
                Section 9, No 10.  Blobs